Trump Protesters Hit By Car
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Fuck Trump and white people
thats what happens when you play frogger on hard mode
Oh, NOW they want the cops to help?
This didn't even make the news is this fake news. How can in 2016 can a person bit by a car not make the news. Maybe of more liberals got hit by cars it would be different. Make it happen protest organizers. Organizers for organ donations.
poor driver, i don't know what i'd do in his position.
driving away is probably a felony or something, but parking down the road from an angry mob of niggers and spics after you've just splattered one sounds incredibly dangerous
I like how it took someone getting hit to care about getting off the freeway. Like, they didn't respect cars a second ago.
Boo hoo go fuck yourself you whiny faggot. Go be a little self-worshiping libtard, you Satan-worshiping piece of worthless shit. You think you're a good guy? You're not. You're a bad person. Everyone is bad except for Jesus. I'm sorry for you, your parents must be complete retards. And you think you can spit on this peaceful and prosperous land built by my people who worshiped Jesus/God since arriving here in the 1600s, and you think you can worship Satan on this land? You should be hanged, faggot. Now that Trump is President, you better be a good little boy. We're a lot less lenient than that faggot nigger Obama. We want a comfy society for people who worship God. If you are unwilling to submit to Jesus, the one true God, we will destroy you. If we were like Jesus, we would let you overcome us, but we are flawed sinners, who want to live in a comfy society. If you want to worship your own power instead of thanking God and repenting, if you want to worship your own strength, I'm sorry for the pain you will feel. We don't give a fuck about the 'sins of our past', nigger. God forgives those who repent. If you think that was bad, our damage output is going to be off the charts after all these years of being held down by the satanic establishment. Try us, little bitch
Poor girl, poor stupid people
A good enough lawyer would get you out. Say you feared that it was a violent mob or some shit and unable to stop.
>dat audible bump noise
you'd call the police immediately, tell them exactly what happened and about the crowd and ask them where a safe place is that you can meet them.
The felony comes from the attempt to flee. if you are on the phone with the police asking them for a safe place to meet right after the incident, the chances you will be charged with "fleeing the scene" drop dramatically
You stop and call the police. Then you wait for them to arrive. You lock your doors and if an angry mob comes to attack your car you drive away to a safe distance. Then call the police again.
You don't have to stay at the scene of an accident if doing so endangers your own life.
>not posting the superior version
Soro's Instructions for useful idiots...
>1 Walk onto highway
>2 Blind drivers with your cellphone flashlights
>3 Get hit by car
>4 Blame Trump and whitey
Well dont walk on the roads. There is a reason sidewalks exist. Just goes to show how lefties consider themselfs above the law.
>Entire mob moves onto highway
Like they suddenly realized the world doesn't revolve around their wants and cars moving at 70mph are fucking dangerous.
New favorite video. I wonder if Candice was driving
Talk shit get hit
Hit them again
We should all take queues and rent cars to run over these protesters and maybe then they'll knock it off and go home.
Good they deserved it. Hope they were severally hurt.
I think it's more a case of the driver not being able to see a tiny light since it is very weak in comparison to his headlights.
haha fugg u niggter xd
dumbasses walk on highways and freeways late at night or when people are driving back from work.
People are tired and don't want to wait for the protestors to be done.
Drug dealers are gonna start shooting them because they're bringing cops to their turfs.
I heard a noise but I really didn't see anything happen. Looks fake.
>let's protest on the highway
>at night
your girl got waxed bruh
It likely was, my guess is that they started breaking widows and trying to flip the car before the driver popped it into all-wheel and ran 'em down.
That would be justifiable in any court.
I like how these dumbasses yell "get the hell out of the highway" after one of them gets hit.
And these same people bitch about "uneducated white males".
I just realized the tragedy in this.
This is why you don't protest unless you have a job and money to fall back on - medical expensive
> libtard protesters
> employed people
Pick one.
>that cars name?
Probably shouldn't walk out onto a highway at night, huh
>How can in 2016 can a person bit by a car not make the news
You don't understand how many people get hit by cars on a daily basis do you?
There has to be some recourse we can take to prevent this without endangering lives and the integrity of our vehicles
what can be done legally?
Protestor hit by Weaponized Autism
thankfully the protesters didnt listen to them "mansplaining" and "whitesplaining" how traffic is dangerous
> Protrester's name?
> Bump.
technically, they are unlawfully detaining you and you have a right to resist unlawful arrest with force
I hope this becomes a trend. Fuck these people.
it's like pottery
Dumb Bitch shouldn't have been on the highway.
Probably a woman driving...
Wait a minute, your are in a american higway that cars are running at 80 mph (128 km per hour) and don't want to get hit by a car?
I think even a guinea pig is smater than this folks
>> libtard protesters
>> employed people
>Pick one.
Libtard protesters
source? That is fucking glorious.
>all screaming get off the highway
OH.. NOW they want off the highway
>break lights before impact
>finally comes to a stop hundreds of feet later
GEE so thats what momentum does
play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The driver should get his car fucking paid for by the protester that jumped in front of him
>education not deportation
there are schools in mexico ya know
Oh... I removed the wrong post number...
Why are those idiots always blocking roads?
A different outcome would be impossible here in Germany, here people step on the gas even harder when you trespass the road where you should not, because they would be in the right if they kill you.
>A good enough lawyer would get you out. Say you feared that it was a violent mob or some shit and unable to stop.
I'd park my car and have my gun ready. You know they'd run up to my car and start smashing windows, trying to flip it, etc. At that point I'd just start blasting them point blank.
I figure that legally I'd probably be in the clear.
>You would wipe out your cell phone and record them pushing your windows and hitting your car with stuff.
>Run them over
>Call lawyer and police to report yourself
>Get off on self defense.
why are these people still news worthy
Love love lovette
the noise is like when you go over a pile of shit.
>Flock onto a free way at night like a pack of lost flamingos
>Surprised and outraged when you get hit by a car
Fake. A car driving at highway speeds would have left a red smear on the road.
More leftist lies. Thank God they are so inept at lying and covering up.
shhh... they really just want to shout words that rhyme.
They talking bout educating the ignorant racists cabron.
I need to buy stocks in cattle guards. I want to make my own and hook it up to a loud speaker which plays the kill streek sounds from Halo.
Those feels senpai 10/10
Does it really matter if the guy deporting you has a college degree or not?
>Cops came
>You already dead, but nobody know how killed you
>Cops find some weed, cocain, LSD and meth among protesters
>Protesters start attack cops
>Cops trying to defend themselfs
>Nigger is get shot
Trump is the criminal
>That noise
I don't think any state extends castle doctrine to a (functioning, not blocked in) vehicle, so no: if you can simply drive away, you probably should.
You would think but "because they had lights they were clearly visible" and "have the right to assemble" so the driver with his assault car is totally in the wrong. Hes going to loose his license, pay her hospital bills + emotional damage, and then go to jail for rape.
Just like if he were to swerve into the median or roll his car, it would be his fault because he should have watched where he was going.
I love it when these dumb fucks protest in the middle of a highway. It's natural selection in action.
Nope. Media would say you hit the crowd on purpose then pulled over and started shooting with your assault glock.
The actual youtube clip is better because you can hear the Chris-chan lookalike shouting "Reeeeee!!" like a total fucking autist before he slams into the guy.
The force of the impact knocked her into the next lane.
Good riddance.
problem is I didn't see anyone actually get hit, we heard a thump, I feel like someone just hit the side of the car with a sign or something
if she got hit head on she would get sent flying
That satisfying thunk.
Top kek
Source video:
Made me chuckle in the real life.
she dead?
Fuck that idiot, and any moron walking on a highway.
That's not how you protest.
No one has the "right to assemble" on a highway.
>walk on the highway at night
>high speed cars coming
>it tries to avoid a whole pack of people
>only hit one despite night and a fucking crowd on the highway
The driver is a hero in my opinion, it could have been way more dramatic and he probably did what he could to avoid the pack of people, who are a fucking bunch of idiots.
Copfag here. If you ever find yourself in this situation, just keep driving, call 911 immediately and go to the nearest police station. Your life is in MORE danger if you stop. These people will beat you. And often times when they are just arriving on the highway, there's at most 2-8 officers present. We CAN NOT stop 100+ people from smashing your shit in.
Once the protest is established, we have the entire department there, and riot control. But when its just starting up like this, keep fucking driving. Do not even slow down, half of these people have illegal firearms. They WILL shoot at you.
Seems she couldn't handle the HIGH ENERGY
>Get off the freeway!
>Get the fuck off the highway!
>Get the fuck off!
Dumb baboons shut your fucking mouths. That's the worst way to respond to the incident which tends to sometimes happen with echoing shitheads present. They did need to get off the road though.
It doesn't look like he was hit desu senpai
She was still raped by that assault car. This should disqualify Donald Trump and make the 1st transgendered dog the real potus
I can't wait until we get videos of semi trucks plowing through people
Natural election.
In fact, the driver did a good thing. Liberals love blockading roads and bringing traffic to a complete deadlock. But because one driver had the balls to send a message, those niggers were screaming at each other to get off the road. It's beautiful.
That driver took one for the team.