PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - World Peace For 4 Years Edition

>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS

>Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16
>Trump Meets with obummer 11/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RALLY

>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
>Election 2016
>Donald Trump projected president on CNN
>Donald Trump projected president on Fox News
>Putin congratulates Trump
>Clinton landslide

>Cuck Turks Election Night Meltdown
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>SJW Meltdowns
>Trump Saltmining
>Liberal Tears and Rants
>Tumblr reacts

>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>President Trump (Never Come Down)
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant

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>Soros bands with donors to resist Trump, 'take back power'

Keep Me Bumped


What does she say?

>in this classroom there are no walls
Are they teaching the class outside?

Friendly reminder that Trump lost the popular vote.


This is all Virtue Signaling and the Writer has to go back.

Really obvious edit.

So how do we feel about Rudy SoS? Morning Joe hated it so its probably a good thing right?

Friendly reminder that means our Republic is working as intended.

Now fuck off Direct Democracy Peb

Reposting for the presdient-elect, he truly doesn't get the credit he deserves:

>Monday's conversation was "diplomatically impeccable and has bolstered optimism over bilateral relations in the next four years", China's frequently nationalistic Global Times newspaper said in an editorial.

>Barack Obama, whose foreign policy pivot to Asia alarmed Beijing, was "profoundly affected" by the Cold War-shaped outlook of American elites, the paper said, but Trump's views "have not been kidnapped by Washington's political elites".

>"Trump is probably the very American leader who will make strides in reshaping major-power relations in a pragmatic manner," it added, saying his ideology and experience "match well with the new era".

He really is the God Emperor of humanity.


>Trump already backpedaling

tell me they are lying Sup Forums


> Was planning on heading over to the next town for a job interview later today
> Landslide blocking only road
> Fastest detour is 5 hours

Is Trump going to make personal jetpacks real? I'd take those over Anime right now.

Although I feel better because the person who was going to interview me is also stuck on this side of the slide, so maybe we'll just grab lunch somewhere and do it there

These are getting better.

Better than the other proposed Choices by far.

I'd be happy with either him or some other unexpected choice.



>mfw they feel in charge


Sick of this (((CONCERNED))) shit

>watching Cumia's election episode while I play vidya
>some guy from PA calls in
>guy from PA says something about "Dindus"
>everybody on the set thinks he was talking about poo in loos

Remember when everyone said Trump would cause war?

> And it doesn't matter and never will

They are lying.

Are you really suprised?

>believing the media that has lied about him for 2 years
Can someone please post the "YOU ARE HERE" copypasta for this guy?

Pretty meh. I'd like him in a position about administration better.

He will not choose Ron Paul for treasury, will he...

Giuliani ever worked in Washington? If not, good with me.

Post YFW Hillary lost because she WILLINGLY ignored White Catholics for not being a "primary focus".

She Willingly listened to her dumb idiot advisers and not her Husband who was THE PRESIDENT ONCE. FFS


>our women came out for Trump

So we're keeping the 19th, then?

Much better than that Neo-Con moustached shill

Giuliani has been in Trump's camp for sometime, but he is a bit of a neo-con.

>Implying I'd ever get a gf regardless of this post

where we at right now?

Why did Ben Carson say no to a cabinet post?

>can't buy MAGA hat because foreigners aren't allowed to donate campaigns
>illegal non-US citizens can vote for the US elections
Only in America


Anything he "back-tracked on", is something he always was going to back track on.

Faggots need to read the art of the deal already.

And it is obvious he is not backing down on things like the wall either.

Worst comes to worst, you could just do the thing over video call.

kek, that must have given alot of salt to everyone

I've just got down from a week-long high of liberal salts and Trump victory, and now I have a bunch of work to catch up on and a bunch of my friends hate me now. How do I get out of this funk?

A new, better world

This is my favorite Tiff atm.

What's this I hear about Ben Carson turning down a cabinet position?

shouldnt it be allowed now, when the campaigning is officially over or did they stop selling them?

>Trump isn't even president yet
>already fixing relations with Russia and China

Fucking amazing. .

why dont you ask again when it has actually been confirmed you sheep?

>elect twitter shitposter as a president

Still somewhere between Anger and Depression.

It won't simmer until Next Thursday, but far as I know it's already calming down.

Should Trump even talk to CNN, MSNBC, ABC? They don't deserve to have interviews with him

Yeah, I guess we are.

Lets focus on unfucking our schools and disabling all the shit they are pushing to hypnotizing Women.

Ford CEO is on next on FBN

Wonder how assblasted he will be

Not in 2020 they won't.

Finally realised DRUMPF is a racist

Based sleepy ben

His work is done. He's like Cincinnatus.

what did he mean by this

Alot of Liberals are at Denial and Anger.

I'm not the biggest Rudy fan. Maybe it's the speech impediment. I don't know. It's not the greatest choice ever but Trump seems to know people. He can recognize talent. It's likely he sees something I don't.

Post those dank memes

Put down the MAGA hat and only salt mine in the privacy of your home.

Now we can start working on Making America Great Again for EVERYBODY and returning to being a constitutional republic. We will be so proud of our president again.

Friendly reminder that germany won't be white within a decade or two

Now post that "Polish women on vacation" Image again, THAT Will really show me


Guliani prosecuted mike rich.
Clinton pardoned him on the last day in office without following protocol.
Rudy has been the public voice for fbi and doj insiders who wanna leak information ever since.
He knew everything about the clinton foundation before Theil proved it.
If he doesnt get a position, its because Trump wants an advisor he can trust with the plausible deniability to leak corruption into the public sphere.
I hope Rudy stays out of tbe administration for exactly this purpose.

He's guaranteeing another week of libshits being assblasted.

Trump knows the electoral college is a double-edged sword and in this case it worked as intended.


>implying we won't get Frauke into office
Help is on the way, yuros.

>tfw Trump wins a Nobel Peace Prize

I know Obama got one too, but the salt would endlessly flow if Trump got one.

It is amazing how inept politicians are at contracts. I can somewhat understand somewhat how lowest bidder wins, although the complete picture and feasibility of the bid should count way more. I just can't understand how bidders can add stipulation that amounts to unlimited increase in cost due to any reason what so ever. Or at least it looks that way when it comes to cost of projects.

That it will. And they never tell the truth when it matters.
We have plenty of project going as wrong as they can do here. Roads that lasts for a couple of years before they have to be renovated (thou they never renovate them they just let them deteriorate further).

really makes you go hmmm....

Purposely pouring salt into lib wounds

one tweet is from 2012

the other is from 2016

what did you mean by this?

How has the Trump general changed your life?

I'm a 27 year old kissless virgin that accepted he was going to die alone and a virgin. Sure I always looked up to Trump, and thought he was amazing, but now that he won it gave me the confidence to accept me for me. I feel like a new man. I'm been approaching random women that a month ago I would have blushed and looked at the ground if I had to pass them on the street.

Now that Trump is president, I feel anything is possible, and that what's the worst that can happen? If I die tomorrow, I've already gave my body to the great meme war and left the white race in good hands.

State of Jefferson!

Pre-loss salt. And he was wrong.

unrelated Polish question - been dating a Polish girl for 2 years, shes hilariously angry all the time. is that normal?

Rudy has been pretty loyal, and in many of his speechs he has seemed to become more redpilled than his past, which is a good sign.

Are they still rioting?

Huge. This is huge news. Couple this with Putin voicing a desire to build relations with the US... Is peace finally on the horizon?

Too little too late, I pressume

The damage is done

How are abortion laws in Germany doing?

Trump could start actual world piece and they would never admit it.

yeah ur family have to clean toilets for immgrants not for us germans anymore.

You must be polish OP judging from the types of pictures you save.
Or is this the new fetish in poland?

The Pole fears the Mol

I'm not sure what (((they))) have to say about people self identifying as jewish.

Why have they be acting so retarded this year?

>that (((logo)))

link famlan, gonna crank some dota to it

Is that fucking real?

It's true, though. Getting rid of the EC would actually give republicans in California a reason to show up to the polls.

I think that's the plan now. He's stuck in traffic at the slide so we're both equally fucked over.

I cannot wait for Trump to unveil his infrastructure plan. Our roads are going to shit.

Also lol they just said the road isn't reopening this week, our economy is fucked. 10,000 cubic yards of rock coming down every hour now...

No. Every word he says will be twisted and distorted by those hacks. Freeze them out

Don't lose hope! Remember, if you let Germany fall, those mongrels will be RIGHT NEXT DOOR to you.

oh fuck

Are you a cuck or a beta?

We banter with each other on daily bases, it's just normal to us. Kind of like slav australians, in a way

Just get used to it if you like her, she's most likely not angry, you have just never met a real, non westernized woman before

Why did you leave this one out?

Did it not fit your narrative?

Sorry man, but this is shit a comeback as "I may go down as the worst President, but at least I'll go down as a President!"