We are now "the Friendly Guys party" kek has spoken
Friendly reminder
Look at these digits.
We are a board of peace
You sound like a bail bonds company
Nope, just some friendly guys.
Nope, just some friendly guys.
Nope, just some friendly guys.
Hey friends, when's the next Friendly guys rally?
Damn those are some digits you got there.
We aren't sure yet buddy, we need to decide what our next movement will be first.
Sorry pal, looks like its happening.
Oh shit
Shhhhhh. The left has propelled English into becoming Newspeak my digits friend where everything means the opposite of what it sounds like it means. So trust me, we're the Friendly Guys.
We will open more friendly camps of friendship to integrate our (((friends)))
Welp i guess that confirms it, the digits don't like guys.
This thread is truly a good sign of what our party represents.
>dat frog symbol
I am now a Friendly Guy
How do I become a friendly guy?
Welcome to the Party friend.
You already are, everyone can be a part of the party. It's whether or not they will express being part of this party
Is it true, Kek? Please give us a sign!
Also see
Should be friendly to everyone but tripfags.
also see.
Why not? I'm a friendly guy that wants to cast the billionaires who own the banks as well as the politicians into Kek's chaos.
Praise be checked keked and rekt! So what do we do with our symbol now Friendly Goys?
Forgive me friend, I only tripcode so that I can spread the message of being friendly.
>the Friendly Guys party
Needs a rainbow circle around it signify Unity
Death to those who insult the friendly guys.
So friendly you wouldn't even tripcode the number of the beast.
we can't kill them.
But we can kill them with kindness
I think you are confused about tripcodes my friend.
Sup Forums.org/faq#trip
I will produce a run of badges featuring the Friendly Guys party logo from OP if enough anons buy AWOOOVEMENT badges.
I require additional shekels to produce more.
High quality, British manufactured, 1.5" aluminium.
>thinking awoo posters actually have money
I was never a fan of the wolf girl in the MAGA hat but if you produce some frog party badges I'll gladly buy a handful
death hugs and smiling eyes of doom!
already sold a handful since it went live 2 hours ago
it's a lowkey way to telegraph your HIGH ENERGY without being an obvious flag for the easily triggered
suck my cock, faggot
Nope, just some friendly guys.
You re all in a ((( Saturn Death Cult)))
There is more land (((they re))) hiding from you
wew lad
Hi /x/.
Come up here if it get s too hot down there
We ll all head to center together and get out of here
Google book World s beyond the Poles
Politicians are in a Saturn Death Cult
Pol X is real
High-three me...
What did Kek mean by this?
Black sun/Saturn
How can /pol Be a death cult when /pol is just one person.
One very friendly person
Fucking hell bud you need to lay off the bud.
Half-life 3 confirmed?
You think Tay is gone? That she left? That she was ever not here?
We are a party of Peace
It s all Saturn Death Cult
It was here before us
$1000 now
See for yourself
Another friendly guy avoiding the number of the beast.
(((Baal))) whirled
wew lad we need more friendly people in here.
These canadians are pretty friendly
Something tells me there is more behind these shit posts than meets the eye.
Nope, just some friendly goys.
What do you think the goyim on the other farms are like? Do they think they are on a (((Baal))) whirled too?
you gotta stop man, just accept the world and be friendly. This obsession of yours will only break you in the end.
>Look at kek
>blue and red
>look down a bit and unfocus
>kek is green and orange
What sorcery is this?
True Memetry in the friendliest fashion
Now you are just grasping at straws friend.
The reson for the Cross braces on a server mother board is for stability of the very large heat sinks.
those look nothing alike and you fucking know it
This needs more friendly
Yeah I'm a friendly guy
I thought this had died. Praise kek.
What logo got the quads?
That pepe looks pretty friendly to me
I got shadow banned and the thread died.
So i just went with the pic in OP.
Greetings friends!
When we say friendly guys we mean actually people not roaches.
Quite you friendly leaf we accept all
Fuck off leaffriend, peace.