1 week later

>1 week later
>no full results yet
>still 30% to check in CA
>MI still grey

what's wrong with America ?

they know trump won the popular vote and are trying to ballot stuff till the last second.

This. It is fueling the stupid riots.

Jesus fucking pathetic.

You won, can't you accept for once in your life if something bad happens it's not some diabolical scheme by ((them)). Hillary got more votes and still lost. Why did ((they)) let that happen?

Mail in ballots take a while to count.

because they underestimated how much white americans hated them and aren't falling for their bullshit anymore. and running up the score with illegalls in california doesnt count pablo

They already know who won so nobody gives a shit anymore, it's just formalities at this stage.

Government workers

The popular vote for president is. But it was national election day. other votes were on the ballot. State amendments, state offices, local amendments, local offices. Could be a few recounts dragging it out, could be some legal suit by one side or the other on the local or state level. Or could just be government workers going slow because they can.

Liberal media doesn't know how to explain the 200% turnout in certain precincts. They don't even want that conversation to get started. Better just hold off until everybody forgets they care.

why the fuck is California taking so long?

Too many niggers and kikes in the election commission

Theyre gonna rig in the last moment and say "hurr durr we counted wrong" and then give the win to hillary

Really user?

literally not going to happen
Hillary conceded and the groundwork is already laid
if they did that it would be way too fucking obvious
the two states that matterd (WI and PA) are 100% counted and they cannot be flipped magically

The illegals are allowed to vote you nigger. It's literally the law. You burger elect the self proclaimed "Law and Order" candidate and you don't even know them.

the spics really taking that long?

It's a state law that is unconstitutional you faggot

Do you know if clinton make 240? I had money on her to lose and get between 240 and 269

They can't admit how much of a landslide it was and they're still probably writing fake ballots in California to push their muh popular vote meme.

>what's wrong with America ?
our ethics were destroyed by globalism and every other bad ism..

Basically we nolonger give 120%. When the "job is done" we go home.. we dont wait until "the job is complete".

No just because President Obama tells illegals to go out and illegally vote doesn't mean they can Hans and if you want my high energy in your election in a couple weeks you better stop believing the ignorant American meme. All your media does in Europe is shit on us.

It's ill-fucking-egal to vote in a US election if you aren't a citizen of the United States


Because niggers can't count past 10.

>$0.03 have been deposited to your PayPal Account. Thanks for Correcting the Record

beans OUT of US servers

Nope, final results will be 306-232.

Sorry breh.

is (((she))) dare I say..
g o i n g t o w i n



>what's wrong with America?

Democrats, desu

Fun Fact.

CA is 100% reported. Scroll over the counties.

He won MI by 13,000. Both Detroit papers said so.

why did i only put £50 on trump at 7/2
why didnt i dare my overdraft....i could have wagered £2500....i would have been laughing my ass off, instead its just an extra 175....so sad....cant we have a do over?

When it was 12 to 1 I wanted to bet $1,000. Remember this in the future next time people don't know shit and you know the inside odds DO IT!

australia took 600 years to count last election result. we actually look at the US in shock. how the hell can those guys count so fast?

Once we know the winner nobody cares and it's hard to find people willing to keep counting votes.

Extreme liberal butt hurt foot dragging plus feet vote rigging takes a while

Trump won the popular vote so they are holding it off to try and sway electros

its happend 5 times before why is it so impossible now?

beacuse its fueling a chimpout and they know it

>all according to plan

>you better stop believing the ignorant American meme

Because it's true, and it's proven every single day.

>All your media does in Europe is shit on us.

Cuck media does, because to them 50% white isn't far enough.