>Lena Dunham breaks her election promise
Hey - what could we expect from someone who would do what she did to her sister?
A truly horrid creature.
>Lena Dunham breaks her election promise
Hey - what could we expect from someone who would do what she did to her sister?
A truly horrid creature.
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Amy Schumer is staying also.
she did more than that
But, plot twist: It appears likely that little miss Dunham did not vote for Hillary during the primary, or, if she did, she may have committed voter fraud.
Let me explain. Dunham lives in New York, which is a state with a so-called "closed primary." This means that only registered Democrats are allowed to vote in the Democratic primary and registered Republicans in the Republican primary. For instance, I live in New York and am a registered Conservative; I was barred from casting a ballot during the Republican primary. Dunham is apparently not registered with any political party, according to a report from Vice journalist Michael Tracey, and therefore would be barred from voting in the New York State Democratic primary.
Sup Forums is the only place I ever see this person
stop being a faggot and giving her attention
>and therefore would be barred from voting in the New York State Democratic primary.
I hate that I know I would find her cute if she lost weight
Anyone know if granny tits Madonna kept her promise of free blowjobs to all the guys voting for Killary?
Eric and Ivanka needed to have changed their registration to Republican by October 9, 2015 in order to vote in the state's closed primary. Yahoo News reported last week that the two Trump children were not registered with any party.
The two called New York's registration process "one of the most onerous" in a statement and argued the deadline for changing their party registration was October 2015. The New York State Board of Elections states anyone must register before March 25, but in order to switch partiesvoters had to file before October 9, 2015.
So, while Ivanka Trump couldn't charm her way into "clearing up" her registration issue, somehow Lena Dunham supposedly did?
Kinda glad though. This discredits them and will ruin their careers. They'll suffer a slow death.
Celebrities should keep their political beliefs to themselves.
We might be better off without it, user.
She raped her own sister, what did you expect ?
Yea, fuck that, Im reporting this shit to the New York Board Of Elections. They can pull the roster and see if she did in fact vote in the primary
Bitch looks like a big piece of sourdough bread.
Why are most ALL of the Democrats in power so fucking degenerate, anons?
If you run into this creature on the street, fart at her loudly and exclaim "GASSED."
Tell you what, they can stay in America, but they should be forced to move to Alaska and incur the cost and inconvenience of traveling south for their crappy media shoots.
Bonus, despite the blubber maybe all that cold air will force them to take care of their skin and use make up.
She would look average with small tits.
If her tits are that size when fat, they wont exist when she is skinny, although now that I think about it she may have the hips to compensate.
>They can pull the roster and see if she did in fact vote in the primary
Wait, do you really record what everyone votes for?
She really looks like a potato.
more like a peanut, not a perfect peanut obviously but one of the misshapen ones.
You know what I mean.
God and that's why I voted for Trump in the first place.
One week in and I'm already disappointed.
She is like the female Truman Capote (without his wit and charisma).
Can't you exile all those celebrity fucks who said they'd move to Canada?
Things are different in the US, Pole-friend.
we dont record who they voted for but it is a matter of public record if you did vote.
Now, for a closed primary like NY, if she is on the roster as having voted, that means she violated the law and also the poll worker who allowed her to vote broke the law. Since she did not have a party affiliation prior to October 2015, she should not have voted. The Trump kids were in this same situation since they were registered as independents and did not switch in time. The Trump kids were actually prevented from voting for their father in the primaries for this exact reason.
>Still has tiny tits
top kek
LOL, typical liberal copout. "I have to stay here where I can do the most to help."
All about that ribcage, I guess.
That's like asking why does the NAACP have so many niggers, or why does the Vatican have a lot of Catholics
her hips aren't the problem, neither her lack of tits, look at her fucking arms for god's sake
>look at her fucking arms for god's sake
They could probably catch the wind, like the flying nun. Only evil.
Yeah. Rush is talking about the breakdown of the Democrat party today.
Their degeneracy is one reason they suck.