Thoughts on Mama Merkel ?
Thoughts on Mama Merkel ?
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She had no choice.
What was she supposed to do? Right-wing death squads? A Great Wall around all of Europe in two weeks?
Ask all the EU countries via Phone, scrap together 2-3 billion Euros (easy task), give out news we don't take any/send them back and use this money to continue the refugee camps in syria und north africa... I mean that's what they did BEFORE and then suddenly there was no "money left" for these camps... which cost like 2 billion a year and housed more than 3 million people or so.
And now? We pay 20-30 billion a year for 1.5 million people.... we could support 20 million people down there with that money.
I would genuinely laugh my head off if I turned on the news while eating my cereal and saw that she'd died of a massive fucking stroke.
Could the CDU ever have a coalition with AFD or is it impossible at this point?
You deserve the annihilation of your pathetic country,
It is always a possibility but I highly doubt it. Would be funny to see though if the AfD gets 20-30% in the next elections and the CDU just makes a coalition with them, shows that it works great for 4 years and alle the other parties (socialists, greens and left) simply die off like the cancer they are.
I think spain is in no position to call anyone else in Europe "pathetic", except maybe greece.
We have sun, beaches, good food and
>sun, beaches, good food
Really great achievements kek. Have you anything to show for which wasn't given to you for free?
>9% immigrants
A nation which was ruled by muslims for hundreds of years and half of the population are inbred shitskins doesn't need immigrants... you could just throw away your passport and come here, nobody would notice you aren't from syria/africa.
Again, there is literally no country for you to look down to, you are the bottom.
hey hans, your wife is with jamal?
>A nation
Well, at least they have achieved statehood before the XIXth centruy and were able to hold and empire together for more than 50 years. You failed at both.
>Again, there is literally no country for you to look down to, you are the bottom.
Sorry, who did lose 2 WW?
Sorry, where New Year's Eve rapes occured? Are they goin to happen again in half and one months?
>who did lose 2 WW
The fuck are you trying to say faggot.
And Spain don't get to talk shit to Germany. They would dick your pathetic country down so hard you would all collectively be shitting blood.
But Pedro, they have more money than you and blone hair and blue eyes. Sorry, no point of arguing about it, they are obviously the master race as current and past history shows :^)
A shitskins making weak bait shitskins jokes. Sorry you are not important enough to be insulting. Even spain can look down you.
And this is relevant exactly how today? They don't benefit from that history in any way, it literally gives them no advantage with anything.
At least they have something to be proud of and they are allowed to do it outside of football matches :^)
Police was already on standby to close the borders and simply turn those fuckers away. But this bitch was all like "MUH WHITE NAZI GUILT" and let them all in.
Not only that, but not turning back the people once they got to Germany, and giving them free shit made even more come over. Once word got out that anyone from any poor country would be welcomed, the flood gates opened. Merkel should be brought to trial for treason.
Implying their education level is high enough to even know that they were an empire once. Also you aren't one to talk about losing empires huh?
A better leader than Trump
Such a nasty woman
Filthy communist whore.
I don't like her. But the alternatives are even worse. Her party are supposed to be the conservatives.
Demand more. If you are going to save your country, now is the time to stand up. Any politician who stands up to the system will have the support of Farage, Trump, and Le Pen. We're growing stronger every day.
She is a cuck, but did the wrong choices. AFD 2016
Gas her
This is what pisses me off the most concerning Merkel. I'm quite neutral on the whole immigration issue and don't listen to all these memes on /pol that try to tell me that germany is overrun by millions of immigrants. However, throughout her presidency she forced down our throats that her policy is "alternativlos" time and time again, so people began to believe this. European debt crisis, the meltdown of the financial system in 2008, the refugee crisis, etc. All the time she says her policy is "alternativlos". And this is what really pisses me off. I respect her integrity, but she has to leave the office sooner than later. To bad there's no valid alternative at the moment...
Post hot Merkel pics pls.
Would like to crush her skull.
>neutral on immigration
Scum like you are the reason there are no alternatives to Merkel. How can you be ok with your government allowing millions of shitskins to flood your country just because they are poor?
It doesn't even make sense. If helping them out of poverty is the problem, it's much cheaper to fund refugee camps in countries closer to their own.
Completely delusional race traitor. She needs to go.
Islamic Republic of Londonistan when, Achmed?
> they have more money than you and blone hair and blue eyes.
There's a saying:
The happiest person is the one who needs the least, not the one who has the most.
I enjoy good weather, a good place for living, Internet and a good family. Why do i need more money to be happy?
Your Kraut guilt complex is showing Hans.
You have no idea what you are talking about. As I said, I just cannot take people serious that try to teach me about the refugee crisis with their /pol meme knowledge and their inforwars/breitbart sources. Sure, there was and still is a problem with immigration in all of Europe but it is so much blown out of proportion by little basement dwellers like you. Come to Germany and live here for a while, then we talk again.
Nothing would have been enough.
If she had done nothing at all we would be in a better position now.
Not invite millions of people into Germany saying they were "welcome".
Not taking selfies with Muslim men that were spread millions of times through Arab social media.
Not bussing the invaders straight from Hungary into Germany.
Not lying to the people that "we can do it" when we obviously cannot (and don't want to).
Not agreeing to a deal with Erdogan in order to save her own ass that does nothing but make us susceptible to Turkish blackmail.
Not tell Eastern European countries that actually do something and close their borders that they are evil for doing so.
If she had done nothing at all we would still have to deal with the refugee crisis but we would have a lot less problems.
A fucking dog or hamster would have been a better chancellor in the last 2 years.
Getting beaten by the Allies was a cakewalk compared to her.
Should be drawn and quartered. She's a traitor to every white person alive. Please murder her, Germany.
I go to Wuerzburg a few times a year to visit family and check on my mother's rental properties.
I've seen the long term damage that the disastrous Turkish immigration plan caused. This immigration "crisis" will be much larger and much more damaging.
>Thoughts on Mama Merkel ?
You mean Mutti (((Kasner))) aka Erika?
ultimate redpill
>'ve seen the long term damage that the disastrous Turkish immigration plan caused.
Explain. How?
>9% immigrants
so? That just means you're at least 91% shitskin
It's been 30 years and the Turks are still poor, take in tons of welfare, and refuse to integrate into Germany. I'm not sure where you live, maybe you're lucky enough to live in a small city that hasn't seen any "refugees" yet.
All of my family there hates Turks and these new refugees, though my cousin loves hiring Russians, apparently they are the Mexicans of Germany.
That would be awful. AfD would get cucked by Merkel
Are you for fucking real?
I live in Berlin. Yes, there are problems with parts of the turkish community, wouldn't deny that, but the large part of them are decent and hard-working people.
Talking about these problems, you can go back in history. Many turks were hired as ''gastarbeiter'' during our economic boom years and expected to go back after the work is done. They were often treated like shit, had to do the shittiest and most dangerobs jobs and there weren't really any efforts to integrate them into society.
Poles and Russians are based as fuck. Conservative to the core and best of all, they hate each others guts. So you will not have the usual minority fuckery where they form their own groups and shit. As of now I still have hope for Turks but we need to keep them away from Arabs and North Africans. These guys are poison for societies and especially dangerous for the turkish diaspora
muss weg
muss auch weg
>problem with immigration is so much blown out of proportion
Jew detected
he's just a useful idiot, he believes his own bullshit.
Refugees will follow an identical trajectory. 30 years from now Germany will be dealing with these "refugees."
The whole mess is absurd. There's not even a crisis. A majority of these refugees are coming from countries that are simply poor. I guess Merkel plans to keep allowing them until either the government goes broke or there is not any more poor people in the world. Either way, you are talking about an ethnic and financial disaster for Germany.
Well, Italians, Portugese, Greeks etc. all came as "Gastarbeiter" as well and they were treated pretty much the same as the Turks at first.
Yet there never really was a problem with their integration.
The Germans knew from the start it wouldn't work out with the Turks because they are far too different from Europeans and just shit people in general. German politicians didn't even want to take them but were basically forced by the Americans who wanted to help Turkey so they could station soldiers and missles right next to the Soviet union.
YES, She had the chance to avoid it
Europe was warned
She didnt stop it
Even in August 2015 there were a lot of possibilities to do so
Was her biggest mistake
Don't think so. A lot of the mistakes that were made in the past won't be repeated. Things for immigrants are different now. We'll see.
>A majority of these refugees are coming from countries that are simply poor.
90% of these people come from either Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq. Countries that you disastrous foreign policy turned into shitholes. Thanks for that, by the way.
True, but you have to consider that turkish Gastarbeiter were by far the largest group.
>The Germans knew from the start it wouldn't work out with the Turks because they are far too different from Europeans and just shit people in general.
You have no source for this, right?
You dont know there was a
Holy roman empire of the german nation
>defending roaches this hard
You must a Mehmet yourself, there is simply no other explanation. This or you have never seen a turk in your life.
It's your fault for letting them in.
There is no ongoing "crisis" in Iraq or Afghanistan. There are long term problems that will take some time to solve in those countries. Letting millions of their citizens flood Europe won't help Europe or those countries.
>things for immigrants are different now. We'll see.
Jesus, you cucks are stupid. You really think anything has changed? These people have the same mindset as Turks. They're not going to integrate. Hell, you can even integrate East and West Germany yet.
Where do you live? I grew up near Stuttgart in the 90's in a small town with about 11k people. We had refugee home and a lot of Turkish immigrants because factories like Daimler Benz (Mercedes) were close. Though I had quite a few (integrated) Turkish friends which were quite the bros actually muslim kids would always be the ones acting violent, casuing trouble. Starting up from kindergarten, I still remember the Nicolaus going all Knecht Ruprecht on bully Achmed's ass at christmas when I was maybe 5. At Grundschule I remember stuff like the Pokemon hype at our school and how you had to watch out while trading during recess because little gangs of immigrant kids and Turks would waltz around snatching whole Folders of Cards. Many came from the nearby Hochschule and Sonderschule, the low and lowest section of our Bildungsystem, not all these kid's were idiots many were there because they never learnt German some weren't even allowed to learn it at home. Oh and there was this African refugee who probably would have molsted me if he wouldn't have been deported when I was like 10 or so. I have lots of vivid teenage memories about confrontations with refugee, immigrants, and kids "with migration background" many violent and every single time caused by drunk teenage Turks/Arabs looking for conflict and violence favorably against Germans. I remember the fear in my female friends eyes when we couldn't stop a gang of them beating up her boyfriend (a half spaniard actually who gets often mistaken for a Turk ironically, they don't even care he has German friends and no accent, fuck the guy). People in the 2000's would start avoiding certain places in different towns and cities at night where they were established as migrant hangouts Drug traffic was surging. My peaceful little hometown become number one distribution place for heroin, starting in the 90's, same time that refugee home was built hhhmmmmmm.
Any German or Frenchman you talk to has a 60% chance of being a Muslim Arab. Real French and German people are dead and cucked. The guy you're replying to is either Turkish or North African.
"Zunächst reagierte die Bundesregierung jedoch zurückhaltend auf das Angebot. Arbeitsminister Theodor Blank lehnte ein Abkommen ab, da er aufgrund der religiös-kulturellen Distanz zwischen türkischen Gastarbeiten und Einheimischen Konflikte befürchtete."
>nearby Hochschule
Kek. I know you mean Hauptschule, but it made laugh imagining grown ass turks snatching pokemon cards from little kids. Wouldn't even be shocked.
Should be tortured to death
Dude, I'm 25th generation pure germanic ancestry and live in Berlin, so just shut the fuck up. I just don't fall for this /pol meme knowledge. If an american person wants to tell me something about how dangerous Europe and especially european inner cities are, this is just laughable.
>There is no ongoing "crisis" in Iraq or Afghanistan.
I highly doubt that.
Maybe I should make my position more clear. Just like you I am absolutely against uncontrolled mass immigration but I also hate all these /pol keyboard warriors that tend to blow everything completely out of proportion with their stupid superficial knowledge. A year like 2015 will never happen again to Germany, you can bet on that.
Mass importing muslims is not a default state or something that just happens on it's own, idiot.
My life isn't "meme knowledge", dumbfuck. You can be glad you didn't have to grow up in some piece of shit town in NRW with 25% turks. Good for you. You wouldn't have lasted 1 minute, cuck.
Sorry, but I have to let off steam here.
Everyone seems to be bashing European politicians for letting in refugees and not doing enough to stop terroristic attacks.
I've been living in Germany for all of my life. Yes, there is inequality and crime and terrible things happening here and in the rest of Europe. Like everywhere else.
But if you are a bit familiar with Merkel, you should know she is one of the best, if not the best policy makers in the world. Since her election, German economy, aid for those in need and pretty much everything else has improved a lot.
As to the refugees, of course they are an incredible burden for Germany and other European countries. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of the EU). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***. We have the capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society. And if other EU countries, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Germany took in, no country would have been in much trouble to give them a new home.
And what about the terrorists? First off, the majority of terrorists aren't refugees. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like. Most of them are radicalised at home or in the internet. And those who came as refugees would have found another way, no doubt. It's easy to get to Europe. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot give 100% security. As many of you might know, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.".
So for god's sake let these people live here, let us deal with islamistic hotspots and the real culprits, but don't blame an entire group that is 99.9% peaceful.
>pure German
>live in Berlin
Come on, Ahmed. You live in Berlin and you're openly for the ethnic, fiscal, and cultural collapse of Germany. Do you think anyone believes you when you say you're German?
Holy bait batman
she even failed at that, useless at best and destructive at worst
one more proof that women do not belong on the political stage
Rigaer Straße?
>we have the capability to take them in
>the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members
>you can't just send them back
>mfw Germans are so cucked that you aren't even sure if this is bait
Merkel is for dak
What the fuck do you want from me? Should I post a picture of my ancestor chart for you stupid Burger?
>openly for the ethnic, fiscal, and cultural collapse of Germany.
This is what I mean with /pol meme knowledge that blows everything completely out of proportion.
I grew up in Berlin and despite all the problems with immigrants there's far too many decent and hardworking good people among them. So what now?
>shoves a shitton of refugees in germany
>refugees are assholes
>not enough space in germany
>wants to force it on the rest of the EU
>fuck off merkel
>somehow still gets votes
pic unrelated
Tötet Sie Europa, sogar die ganze Welt...
Tasche von Scheiße.
>there's far too many decent and hardworking good people among them
Nothing ever happened of dak Hans, stop posting this shit and actually do nazi shit again.
What now? I'm going to rub one out and never come back.
>massive fucking stroke.
"Stroke of Luck" you mean...
>You deserve the annihilation of your pathetic country,
Always the jealous Spaniard
>and live in Berlin
same as me. When was the last time you have seen places like Neukölln and die Hermannstrasse? Let me guess you live somewhere outside the city where the immigrants don't dare to go because it's neo nazi territory
>blows everything out of proportion
There's no way to exaggerate the effect these shitskins are having on your country.
Dude, I grew up and live in Moabit. Enough said?
>majority of German youth is non-German
>who cares?
Just like you had no choice with killing six million Jews Hans?
>muss auch weg
Heute! Sofort!
Germany IS overrun by immigrants you fucking cuck.
I cant even recognize my city anymore.
Russian puppet to destroy germany.
DDR supporter and Stasi supporter, pretty much a role model socialist.
Turned CDU from a conservative party into a copy of SPD/LINKE.