ITT: Shit that makes you really think.
Fuck racism
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Note "men", not "baboons".
itt: shitpost like OP
but is right
Niggers weren't even considered men.
Still shouldn't be
except that white people went to war against other white people to make that statement true, so maybe you should try thinking about it in a different way.
Our schools have completely failed. Our found fathers hated slavery. People dont get it. During that time if you let the slaves go from your land they would have been hung/killed etc. Please take the time to learn history.
Give us back Gibraltar.
ok, black lives do not matter
are you happy now?
hate speech
>all grades matter
>gets scholarship for 1.4 gpa
But Europeans didn't consider African Negros to be human. They were just furless apes. Go read the literature and the diaries of them. Any European that thought an African Negro was equal to a real human was thought very strange or unusual. Most thought they were just animals, and didn't have souls.
That's would actually be a really good analogy if black people were actually oppressed
No, I want Gibraltar to be Spain again.
why? why should you get Gibraltar back?
>tfw blacks repeatedly accusing me of being racist has made me racist
Because it's mine! I want my fucking rock!
Brotha B is right, white people are like the founding fathers.
not him, but my feelings are torn
on one hand, I don't give a shit about gibraltar, its just a rock
on the other it provides a great supply for banter, so I will shitpost about wanting it back while secretly not wanting it back so that I can still keep it as weaponized banter/meme
if you want it you have to take it.
Argentina tried to take back the Falklands... tried.
Fucking Anglos...
Come and take it
White people literally cant be slaves
>Goyim actually believe this
If want the best assblasted responses, say:
"But they all treated their slaves well, and they were nice to them."
Guaranteed angry replies.
yeuh mofukka if wish we wuz in anshent ygypt so we can be KANGZ and liv in a progresiv one hundryd per cent BLACK society wif no slavory cuz ther aint no whitey
are you, as a nation, embarrassed by the defeat of the Spanish armada
no, not really
it happened long ago and there are other battles where we pulverized the British instead. Are you embarrassed about the defeat in the battle of new cartagena? Of course not
The blacks are very determined to show you they were never supposed to be in your country in the first place.
Niggers are subhuman.
>the founding fathers should have just let all the slaves go and then let them starve/freeze to death because they had no homes of their own, no land, no money, and no job training outside of picking cotton
I refuse to believe I'm gifted
Didn't you get your ass wrecked when you tried to counter after that battle?
Yes. Biggest mistake in US history.
The US could have been a white country. Now it's always going to be full of niggers and sand niggers. It's impossible to deport the niggers because of historical reasons. Very sad.
I am sick of niggers knowing nothing about history and viewing everything though their nigger lens.
its a made up word, IQ is functionally meaningless
didn't you get your ass wrecked by fucking rice farmers
Black Lives Matter = let blacks steal from you, rape you, and fuck you up any way they want without you fighting back.
Black Lives Matter = how dare you defend yourself against aggression from blacks?
Black Lives Matter = Black trying to cuck you
Black Lives Matter = a scam
Did the founding fathers actually have slaves, or did that come later?
Considering the CD ratio was around 20:1, id say no.
but we didnt spend all our gold and years building the largest armada the world had ever seen just to see it turn and run. its an embarrassing defeat
Irony is they want to be treated like the slaves were.
>where muh free food?
>where muh free clothes?
>where muh free shelter?
No, it was our own leftists at home. Nva lost every battle.
BLM is a virus and propagates a mentality in blacks that will only earn them more hate.
BLM = black Al Qaeda
Telling a black kid that he should be able to get away with any crime without thinking of the consequences or that his behavior doesn't matter is dangerous for the black.
It's like telling a kid that he can punk a pitbull and that it's his right to taunt, punch, kick the pitbull without it biting.
Except that the pitbull is gonna get pissed and eventually say "fuck it" and maul the kid.
It's like BLM is daring the world to ethnically cleanse the world of blacks.
some did
not everyone had slaves, IIRC the cost for one was $1000
Totally, that is why Africa is on par with Europe or Asia
CD ratio is all well and good but you lost and then the killers came home addicted to smack
neither we did, but eh, doesn't matter at this point
what matters is where we stand today: together
Do these people even know that the black slaves were people who broke laws in Africa then sold to the Americans?
They're free to go onto a boat and fuck off back to Apefrica
That's not getting wrecked. Id rather be an american in vietnam than a rice farmer getting napalm rained down on my.
The correct response to All Lives Matter would be "Black Lives Matter too" but BLM agent provocateurs don't respond like that.
Militant blacks will have violent reaction to All Lives Matter. "Oh hell, All Lives Matter... no. It's Black Lives Matter."
The movement isn't BLMT.
It's like blacks are literally being led to a precipice and being tricked into jumping off.
and still the napalm couldn't stop those brave rice farmer warriors
not an argument
this is not a fight that logic can help with sadly
Every country has defeats. You're the one that started this laughing at spain like if the UK has never been humiliated.
at least the rice farmers had guns.
another example of a BLM protest out of control and out of sight of any moral agenda
Ignore the bodies.
Black Lives Matter is not a hate group.
Ignore the bodies.
Black Lives Matter is not a hate group.
atleast we gave the argies a free submarine
It's RACIST to catch thieves