Nice """""""""""democracy""""""""""" we've got here
What kind of coalition candidate from hell could make that map plausible
>What did he mean by this
No but what is this suppose to be? I don't understand
I learned in 2nd grade to label charts, graphs, and maps so people know what they represent.
You can win the election with just 25% of the popular vote.
>California, Illinois and Jew York red
It would literally take an ethnic cleansing of all the liberals to make this possible
Anti flyover-state politician.
Texas red
So Hillary Clinton? She bashed the working man, bashed the miners, bashed everything the flyover states hold dear.
it's a republic
She would never get Texas, though
Not a democracy, a Republic
>Deport 4 million illegals from CA
>boost the economy so much that Wall Street will vote for you without even handing you blood money
That's NY and CA red in 2020 already
Show me where it says "democracy" in the constitution.
what the fuck am i looking at
Guys guys listen, this chart is a mindfuck to show that they are states that go blue/red every election and that to suppose the opposite fucks with your mind. The remark about democracy referrers to the fact that only the so called swinger states decide the entire election results and that most peoples votes dont count because the outcome is pretty much predetermined.
It's a constitutional democracy. A democratic-republic.
Every state labelled Republican has more than 14 electoral votes but that's it
That's why it's a federal republic.
What would you do without the electoral college?
This would be fine. As long as we still win
>California is super OP via the electoral system
>libshits want to get rid of the electoral system
Any person able to turn NY and CA red deserves to be president
daily reminder that the house was a mistake
all states should be equal
I know it's bait and maybe I am a fucking idiot but when people say they want to do away with the Electoral College, don't they realize on a smaller scale we already do?
10 Districts in my County. District 1 with 1 million people vote Dem, Districts 2-10 with 100K people totaled vote Repub. 1 mill>900K, and so my County goes blue.
10 Counties in my State. County 1 with... etc etc
>all states should be equal
That is absolutely retarded. The electoral system is alright as it stands, but the only way it could be further improved would be via granting states with yuuge population + high GDP more weight.
Actaully I'm pretty sure the States can send whatever electors they want so it's a Republican-Republic lead by a Republican House, Senate, soon President, soon SCOTUS. Democrat is going to be a bad word soon lad. Clinton killed the party and the word.
Gas up our bikes for race day like Tay told us.
We meem the California independence movement into victory, Dems loose 55 votes, which guaranties the republican government every election. Also nothing of value will be lost, and Jewliwood and the Jewlicoon value will anyway move to the proper US for tax and trade reasons.Then Trump will put tariffs on almonds and the hippies will be completely and irreversibly BTFO.
-the thread
As easy as it is, on the surface, to blame Hillary for killing the Democratic party—it's really, overall, the fault of the establishment (DNC, media, donors , et al) who killed the party, with their ridiculously over inflated hubris.
If all states are not equal then why even bother having them at all?
We need to go back to people seeing their state as their country
They won't have water for almonds it mostly comes from surrounding states and they treasure their fish more then people when it comes to water. They will virtue signal themselves into Mad Max levels of fail.
if we get rid of electoral colleges, we'll end up balkanizing into at least 4 countries