You hurt our fee-fees.
sorry we couldn't turn California red :(
¿What makes Colorado so liberal?
Legal weed
They legalized weed a few years back and a bunch of liberal Californians moved there and fucked up their politics.
Hopefully we just legalize that shit nationwide so that shit won't happen anywhere else. I don't give a shit if some stoney baloney wants to toke up DUDE WEED, it's too political of an issue imo.
Is weed legal in Europe, anyone know? Just Amsterdam? Seems like as left as Europe is, that would have been legalized a long time ago.
Its all because of this too
White American women are different. In Western Europe they're still disgusting femcunts.
wtf i love white women now
Not even legal as medicine in Sweden.
No because I only talked shit about northeast and commiefornia gals.
I've never had more respect for white women.
Kudos, ladies.
>uneducated states vote for Trump
Yes we know.
i'm sorry
It isn't legal in europe because we've cucked all their policymakers into submission with our big throbbing NATO defense agreement.
South Park
t. hillary """supporter"""
I had no idea white women were so based. I'm sorry.
Niggers voted for Clinton.
Oh the same NATO agreement that's keeping Trudeau from legalizing it? I see.
>non-indoctrinated states vote for trump
yes we know
>Worthless liberal arts degrees
our greatest ally
except for wisconsin and iowa wtf
Isn't liberalism all about the poor working class and the less educated. What happened?
>Uneducated Country voted for Trudeau
Yes we know
Christian Weston Chandler has a college degree.
Black folks didn't turn out this election... I think it would be fair to say that they didn't vote for anyone this election.
Tell me what it is about universities in Oklahoma that makes them so much better than those in Massachusetts.
>tfw White Men won Wisconson
Holy Fuck how based is that state?
proud of my jerseygirls
for what
whites always vote red
Now if only white women didnt enjoy betraying their race
Should have been more white women.
That's mainly German and Swedish women.
Northern Wall needed.
>tfw no gf
Thanks, ladies.
I seriously never thought it would happen after all the headlines of Trump being le rapist sexist racist pedo misogynist. That was obviously orchestrated by the media and the Hillary campaign to chip away at support among white women, but most of them were smart enough not to fall for it, or at least they finally realized that voting for the alternative wasn't in their best interest as whites.
>Forgetting your own women and Frogs
Too many people from CA moved here. I'm not about to do the retarded COLORADO NATIVE LMAO bumpersticker, but most of the people who've come here since 2010ish have been absolute trash. Also the perfidious influence of Boulder extends far and wide.
Trump kissed a little kid. Ugh.
That's not cute. That's just gross.
IQ isn't education m80. IQ != knowledge.
If he said retarded, you'd be able to whip out the old IQ.
>This is what americans actually believe
Notice anything?
White women threw off the feminist programming being pushed on them by the Jew media and came home to the white man.
On behalf of Sup Forums, I hereby sincerely apologize for assuming white women were all Laci Green knockoffs interested only in pumpkin spice flavored things, ugly boots and foreign dick.
Welcome back white women. You're earning an honored spot at the table, assuming you cook the dinner and wear a dress.
>low IQ states are full of shitskins
Golly gee willikers I wonder what could be going on here
lmao dude weed
Blah...I apologize.
S-sorry white women desu. We really want to breed with you, we were just worried you'd fallen for the electric jew and all shlomos lies.. Can we just start fresh secure an existence for our race and a future for white children?
Until you elect a based leader, kindly shut the fuck up. Burgerstan and Fish'n'chipstopia get passes. Everyone else needs to get their house in order before they start shit-talking.
I won't because I always believed in them
But if only college educated whites voted trump would still win
reminder that educated white voters voted trump
t. nigger
White women voting for Trump honestly was enough to make me stop hating them. Now I want to find a qt conservative wife and make babies with her one day.
For what?
You monkeys elected a fucking democrat.
Our universities mostly churn out science and engineering degrees. We're one of the best places in the world if you want to study geology or petroleum engineering.
>t. Oklahoman man who went to OU for comp sci and math.
This woman's completely detached from ordinary British folk.
Men here are mainly yobbish and loud, while our women are just retarded soap watchers.
Also, anyone who goes on dates is a cuck.
Meet women the normal way. Like you meet friends.
It's not legal over here, but it's decriminalized. You can own enough for your own consumption, but you can't plant it, buy it or sell it.
Don't worry, when the leftists state vilifying them as they've done white men, they'll begin to come around
White women have always been based, and actually the best of all races at quality and loyalty.
Hey now, don't bring me into this
Sorry for thinking you betrayed us.
I'm sorry, I was wrong. My respect for white women shot through the roof.
>tfw no qt Trump supporting gf
So they're incentivizing drug smuggling?
Really fires my neurons...
Oops, wrong pic.
Women always follow strong conquerors. When the Left/anti-White force was strong they follow it. Now the white men fights back and its natural for them to submit to the winning team. Basically women and politics is just a giant shit test.
bunch of ex-california assholes moved in after rent and spics became a big problem
>new goysey
Post feet
Maybe now you fucks stop this woman hate here. Despite media lies know that we will be always your faithful ally.
I love white women still
they finally got sick of bbc and want a new fresh start
wtf i love white women now.
Now that california legalized weed will all the assholes in colorado fuck off back to cali turning the state red again?
Does anyone know how many college educated colored people and non college educated colored people voted?
They always do education for whites but don't see them for blacks.
Would like to see how it looks.
And I want actual numbers, not your fantasies.
All those Trump supporting white women are old, all the millennial are leftist
Nice to meet another Russian girl here.
lol retard you have just as much sluts too.
Please be my Russian male order bride
Just wait till the pendulum swings back and they're the first to stab you on the backYou needs to put them in their place to make them stay 'faithful'.
>Trump openly support LGBT and he obviously like women
>Liberals cry that it doesn't count, he totally wants to gas the fags and rape the women
"Lolol liberals are fucking delusional and retarded!"
>The majority or women support Trump and clearly aren't man-hating liberal feminists
"T-this doesn't mean anything!! All women are man-hating sluts who want to destroy the white man!! Women are the enemy!!"
Is Sup Forums filled with shills or just simple retards? Who knows. You're good goys anyway, you should totally hate white women. Don't listen to facts, women are the enemy.
you're delusional, British women are notoriously trashy
well she only won 51% of college educated white women sooooooooooooooo................
we dont vote for the prime minister hes just the head of the party that got the most seats
on it
I thought portugal was just completely hands-off when it came to all drugs.
How is that working for you guys, by the way? I've always felt that if all drugs were legal/allowed fewer people would be doing them.
>Isn't liberalism all about the poor working class and the less educated. What happened?
They adopted identity politics which views working class white males as the devil incarnate.
According to reports, iirc, state costs went down but drug abuse didn't go up
I'm sorry based white women
I'm sorry for believing what (((the media))) told me about you.
What did new mexico mean by this?
Are their men really that much more cucked than their women?