These memes are pretty funny. I think you guys have met your match.
These memes are pretty funny. I think you guys have met your match
your deaththrottle is gud
yf right now
.04 has been deposited to your account
Forced meme is forced
Christ. If you just replaced all the dialogue with the word "lel" it sends the same message. Liberals just don't get memes.
Then wiki leaks drops the bomb...... He's a pedo rofl
I actually don't find these all that funny. Maybe the first one gave me a chuckle but that's about it. It actually feels forced.
>inb4 butthurt drumpfag
Is it just me or is this 0% funny?
Normies need to die
>granny humour
who did these? hillary and warren themselves? lel
About as funny as NPR.
If you have a dry sense of humor, its hilarious.
K first one made me chuckle the rest were awful
Some of them have made me smile, but I'm also a retard.
literally a goybook filename
I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers