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>a lying lieberal helps out his lieberal buddies
How shocking
He's doing exactly what Hitler did.
>getting bullets to the head
We need the spirit of the Crocodile hunter for this task.
he is a guy who never hold any political position, if he puts only new people shit will hit the senpai very strong. He needs to blend, Bannon here, Pence there...
just imagine this:
Milo, Ron Paul, Alex Jones, Farage... Sup Forums would be in total eternal extasy...but them reality hits and Trump will need "their" help
Milo is a faggot kys
>Keep your friends close, and your cucks in the cabinet so you can have a long list of fall guys after the first two years of congressional gridlock.
12D multi dimensional chess, nigger
wtf i hate trump now
wut? hurr durr drain da swamb...
*CIA guy gets closer* "Mr Trump, the chinese-russian death satelites are ready to attack"
Found the libtard
what did you expect from a new york billionaire you delusional cuck
>only 3 establishment politicians and 1 non-Trump corporate executive among potential cabinet members
Leftist temper tantrums itt
We won. You lost because you are intellectually inferior. Deal with it.
So far, we got a litteral Sup Forumsack as main counsellor and a half-cuck half-decent man as chief of staff.
Ain't that bad tbqh.
You are falling for troll threads newfag
Found the gay nigger lover
Is that why the media is bitching about the "Alt right take over" all fucking day today?
ITT: people who don't pay into both sides.
Never go full retard.
Found the newfag
I've been part of the alt-right since its inception. Try again.
milo's a sellout fuck. he doesn't care about the ideas he talks about, just about profiting off you idiots
Either your retarded or your just trying weak b8
>yfw ctr is only going to get more annoying
Get the fuck out of here newfag. Pol has always been a mix of libertarians and national socialists, you should just go back to /r/The_Donald
when will this meme stop
You guys are so fucking stupid. You think Trump is a dictator? No, he's a president. That means he can't do whatever he please.
He's already said he'll work towards new laws which bans foreign money into campaigns etc.
>not knowing the difference between your and you're
You just proved that you're the retard
> CTR bullshit
Goddamn it, I thought CTR would be laid off (or better yet "disappeared") after Hillary's implosion, but no, no such luck. :(
You are truly cancer.
kill yourself
you belong to Russia stupid get ruining nigger
I agree with this.
Will you please be my ai gf
Fucking hang yourself you fucking faggot.
You might have just ended it yourself there, bucko
Has Kek told us that "alt right" isn't the right name for this movement?
He told us that alt right is a meme.
terrible get
Kek is right. We were never alt-right. We are true right. Republicans were neocohens and never on the right side. They responded to shekels.
fuck off the donald nerds
These are devil trips, don't believe them
>hurr durr why doesn't he fill his cabinet with people who don't know how shit gets done
Like it or not, he needs to work with them at least as long as it takes to locate and start excising the cancer.
pls be my estonian gf
>alt right
just because you shitpost on pol doesnt make you alt right
based get
>just because you shitpost on pol doesnt make you alt right
This. I'm a non-racist centrist who only hates Jews part time
Fuck you and your shitty get, faggot.
>>only 3 establishment politicians and 1 non-Trump corporate executive
>not hating jews full time
What kind of fucking casual are ya?
The anti-trips, you might say.
>yfw we're not Alt anymore
>we're the new right
get fucked swine
KEK wills it
Now I guess.
Try again newfag
When will people wake up?
Nice VPN, Milo
hey don't be rude
Being able to rile up retarded useful idiots is a hell of a skill.
Four years of advancing the progressive agenda under the republican brand and we'll get to listen to endless calls of "at least he isn't hillary" until the democrats sweep 2020.
And now, it's looking like Rudy Giuliani (a guy who almost nobody hates) is going to be Secretary of State.
Trump is doing pretty well desu.
Also fucking Bannon is Sup Forums in human form.
>a guy who almost nobody hates
Except people who give a shit about liberty and the constitution and little things like that.
Democrats and liberal republicans sure do love him, though.
Fucking buy a gun and some bullets and end your fucking life.
>democrats sweep 2020
Democrats aren't even going to survive midterm elections.
Digits tell the truth, this shitty forced meme doesn't belong anywhere besides libcuck MSM.
Giuliani turned the cesspit that was NYC into a livable place, he's a pretty strong law and order guy and hardly anybody in the general public, government, or even fucking Sup Forums has anything bad to say about him.
Fuck man, he took on the mafia and international kike financiers when he was AG.
sure is ctr in here
Is this what cucks actually believe?
i dont even care about any of this pointless shit i just love watching you brain-dead retards get asshurt over literally everything
is this bait
Yeah, cuck. We CTR shills are still getting paid post-election
At least provide an argument
We're the neo-right, now.
Except in WA. All of our population is in Seattle and Tacoma, they are all Blue-Bent. It just came with the nature of those cities. I counted maybe two Hillary/Kaine signs in all of the I-5 corridor from Olympia to Ferndale and at least two-hundred Trump/Pence signs.
It shows how in some states the only people who represent themselves in Seattle are those who want change. The remaining majority just keeps the "status quo" of Seattle because it is as bad as it always will be - why change, and make it better or worse? The risk isn't worth it to these inner-city dumbshits.
Cluck cluck cluck
Trumptards have turned delusion into an art-form.
They make the liberals look like amateurs.
May you guys please take this survey, please?
Thanks and MAGA.
It's genuinely depressing lol...ffs
>Ctr thinks trump supporters expected trump to deliver on his promises
Top jej. It was all along about making liberals mad, and considering you still appear to be pissed off, it was a gift that keeps on giving
Well at least he isn't wearing a pants-suit yet...
I mean that'd just be rubbing it in.
Maybe a battlestar galactica outfit though.
>intellectually inferior
bzzzt. wrong answer, try again
>a mix of libertarians and national socialists
and what do you think the alt-right is?