In 4 years Texas will go solid blue *cough*demographics*cough* will you losers still talk about how the EC is a good thing? After Trump there will be enough solid blue states to create a long lasting stalemate in the favor of democraps. What will republitards do then?
Blue Texas - a bad future for the GOP
Not if they enact federal Voter ID laws
be gone unchecked false prophet
illegals will be deported and Trumpu will shift the spectrum to the right because of his successful policies
This year Texas was pretty close like 49 to 44, the demographics are realy dangerous for the GOP there
If just ONE state legislature flips to GOP controlled during the 2018 midterms, the GOP will have a state-level supermajority and will be able to call a constitutional convention to propose and ratify whatever amendments they want.
End to birthright citizenship? Check
Strict nationwide voter ID laws? Check
electronic voting machine fraud was reported, it probably resulted in Trump losing the popular vote
Some food for thought.
The first image is if nothing changes between 2012 and 2020 except for Texas (considering that Trump did worse than Romney or McCain in Texas, this is not unlikely).
The second is assuming that the Democrats, realizing their mistake in the Rust Belt and Maine, campaign hard and manage to win it back, as well as Maine. Remember that Trump won Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania by 1% or less.
The third image is a total reversal of Democrat fortunes, with them reclaiming every Obama state from 2008 plus Texas.
And the final one is an evil alternate universe and you can feel free to ignore it.
The point being that merely holding onto what we Democrats already have and flipping Texas would be enough to get to 270.
Demographics favor Democrats.
that is what I'm talking about
Texfag here, i hope so.
I'm worried though. If he fucks anything up, then dems will retaliate and we'll go blue anyway.
>Thinking the democratic party survives for another 4 years
No one in 2012 thought the GOP would make a comeback like that, so theres that.
well the GOP didn't, and they're kinda more dead than ever
The repubs survived bar none the worst (vice)president to ever run this country and old white men in funny hats. Anyone who thinks the left is in peril or done for is delusional. They just need a candidate that isn't over their head in scandals.
>They just need a candidate that isn't over their head in scandals.
So no candidate then
> more dead than ever
> funny hats reps still in office
> neocons coming back into the cabinet
> full govt control
It might not be the exact same as 2000, but its damn close.
The only ID a person should have to have with them to vote is their voter registration
No, you should have to prove you're a citizen with gov't issued ID.
ah the texas is blue meme
written by faggots that havent spent a day in the great state
do you blue meme faggots not realize how much of texas is NOT blue minority controlled cities?
But you can't register to vote without using a government issued ID to do it.
The fact that you have a valid voter registration card is proof that you also have a valid government issued ID. There's no need to demand to see both the voter registration card and the ID card
Then don't let them win back the Rust Belt. Import 30 million Slavs or whatever. Also, keep in mind that Minnesota is probably more red than it's ever been in the last 40 years.
Wrong. You shouldn't need an ID to even vote, it is a right.
All it would take is another Ross Perot and you guys would be instant blue
>demographics favor democrats
Not for much longer they won't
Its true though, unless Trump imports huge amounts of White immigrants it is only a matter of time before it becomes demographically impossible for the republicans to win again.
Just change the laws in Texas that allow the citizens to hunt illegal mexicans as they like. At least then they will use their guns for something useful. And the best part? The tax payer doesn't have to pay for anything.
Immigrants going home, they're going home, they're going!!!
Also, with the renewed economy focused on white states and returning industry, the white birth rates will start booming again.
It's pretty much a fact that only minorities keep breeding in poverty, because they were dragged up in poverty.
Research it, understand it, breath relief!
Then you already have ID and it should be no issue
Where did you get your data from? Hillary lost Texas by 10 points, it was 53 to 43...
You have to go back
but the next election TX is blue, there is too much legal beaners there for the reds to hold there.
there is enough legals
Texan here. It will go blue with current trends but we're talking 15 years not 4.
Pennsylvania is frequently described as "Pittsburg and Philadelphia with Alabama" in between, but PA still went blue every election until this year.
Having a lot of land that is red doesn't mean shit if you're outnumbered in population.
>there is enough legals
Yeah they will fuck off on their own the moment their "brothers and sisters" get mowed down as a national sport.
Then why even have the registration?
Or alternatively, what if the ID isn't all their state asks them for to vote?
For instance, what if they used their birth certificate (a form of government identification), then show up to vote and they turn them away because they don't have a picture ID?
It was good enough to get them registered to vote, it should be good enough to allow them to vote.
>implyinngthings will be the same
Yes, a right for US citizens.
It is a right, a right for American citizens
Texas has a high fertility rate due to being conservative and immigration will decrease and reserve do to the Donald.
> 4 billion people vote in the 2020 election.
You are about to wander back into McGovern land. It's going to be a long time in the wilderness. Get comfy.
Then all that should be required to vote is proof of citizenship. A birth or naturalization certificate and proof of residence.
No picture, no registration.
Still winning, baby.
>tfw Texan in Texas while liberals run around like chickens squaking about Texas going blue in some fairy tale fantasy
Comfy as fuck, partner.
It was no where near that close, what are you smoking?
Texas was a 10 point lead. It would have been more if Gary Johnson wasn't running.
2020 texas will be more red than now.
If Democrats ever get strong enough to have uncontested power, they will be ripped apart by infighting between the far left and the pro-establishment faction. I can envision some future Bernie Sanders going full Bull Moose on them.
Besides, all of this assumes that the youth will keep voting left. For all we know, the generation that comes after Millennials may actually be much more right-wing than any other we've seen for the few decades. It's actually quite possible, given how right-wing memes are objectively superior in terms of quality and edge.
>faking a birth certificate
>faking a drivers license
Texas draws Republican refugees from the coasts.
Texas liberals all want to move to California.
Texas is gonna take white flighters.
California is gonna take Hispanics and hipsters.
There should be a right wing non-profit that helps minorities, refugees, and lefties move to blue states.
>no picture
I have faked pictured documents before, and you think I can't fake ones without pictures?
No, the democratic support will crash by next election. They don't even have a frontrunner now since Hillary is a no-go zone now.
I am 35 years old. I've been hearing about how Texas is "going to flip blue" for my entire life. It's not going to happen.
I know I want to move there for that reason. But consider this: Some of those commies and mexishits are bring their retarded ideas with them, Texans need to be warry of this. Which is why when you look at places like Austin, and other major Texan cities, you saw they were mostly blue. You fuckers need to be ready to silents these libshit motherfuckers.
Give it 5 more years.
You can fake both. There's no protection against it (short of verifying all information with a government database before allowing them to vote), so requiring a picture ID for a process which doesn't give you one doesn't stop voter fraud.
All it does is dissuade the voters without picture IDs (non-drivers and people who don't travel internationally, for example) who wouldn't fake an ID from being able to vote.
>Texas is gonna take white flighters.
I'm a white Texan and I'm getting out if this state within the next year tbqh lad
for what reason?
I would like to live somewhere else besides Texas to experience something different. Not because of any political reasons. Ideally I'd like to move to a good uncucked part of Washington for a few years.
Let's wait and see what kind of deportations take place. As a Texan, I can tell you even people who you'd guess to be liberal prefer freedom here. As long as repubs don't skew back to neocon, big government fucktards, they're still gonna have an edge.
The only proper way to give the right to vote is to grant it only to people who have been a net tax contributer in the time period since the previous election.
Want to vote yourself a bunch of free shit? You don't get to vote next election, asshole.
Sure it fucking does, if your photo doesn't match your voter registration, you don't get to vote and possibly get arrested. That's literally how it works in every other country for a reason. You want to continue preventing the two ways to check if someone has illegally tried to vote because you think they don't individually prevent fraud.
That makes you a retard. Not as an insult, mind you, but as a practical label.
America wasn't founded on the idea that only the people who make money get a voice. It was founded on the idea that the citizenry as a whole has a right to representation. That is taken away if you don't allow them the citizenry as a whole vote.
For what reason? Are you really a Texan? Have you been outside?
The weather. The roads and traffic. The school system (would never raise a kid in this state, the school system is garbage).
I grew up being the only white kid in many of my classes. At the moment I live in an area, where drivebys are common. My kids aren't dealing with that.
The Democrats are a dying party. This is how many states they have complete control over now.
I'm not against photo IDs. I'm against the fact that they're not automatically provided to people who register to vote.
Requiring a driver's license would prevent non-drivers from voting.
Requiring a passport would prevent non-travellers from voting.
Et cetera.
You don't let the whole citizenship vote as is for t same reason people who take more than they give to the government shouldn't: they are too easily bought for X or Y reason due to their circumstances. The right to vote of felons, the mentally retarded, and the rest are in such a position their vote is compromised by the government itself. It's not a matter of making money, it's a matter of not taking more than you put in.
>It's not a matter of making money, it's a matter of not taking more than you put in.
You're arguing semantics, there. Point is, that's not a requirement to vote. Whether or not it SHOULD be is an opinion, and the founders of America were of the opinion that it should not be.