Who was the most influential person of this year?
Who was the most influential person of this year?
Are Nige. Not even up for debate.
like its even a fucking question
If they pick Hillary I quit
>the hacker known as Sup Forums
Fuck off Britfag literally no one outside the political insiders know who Nigel is in the US
Who is this Sup Forums?
Def trump
Maybe of all time
2016 would the best year if they did they
It's pepe. Honestly it may genuinely be pepe the fucking frog.
that'd be awesome for memetics though
Trump. Do you really need to fucking question it?
Kek even gave you the digits
Sup Forums obviously.
We memed Trump into presidency after all!
a russian hacher, it's illegal to say his name but cnn can
>single-handledly made brexit happen
>Now is influencing the president of the united states before our government
how can it be anyone else? FUNNY ISN'T IT?
It's fucking Merkel. Sage.
It's Trump, obviously.
But times will never do that. They'll probably pick some bullshit "The Electorate Who Stayed Home"
The hacker known as Sup Forums
We Illuminati now.
The common voter
What's his name again?
Lord Kek
Apparently PEPE... he decided who became president.
Praise Kek!
Onwards to the Endsieg!
He got us out of the eu, setting it on the path to destruction.
He also helped with getting his good friend Donal Trump elected and is now the first point of contact for the Trump government in the UK, preceding even the pm.
Whether or not it happens, Pepe is probably the best choice. Pepe would both acknowledge Trump and Brexit along with the whole undercurrent cultural war that was involved in both happening.
That said they'll probably pick Trump, Putin if they can't get over being hostile to Trump, or Hillary if they're still pathetically sobbing and just can't even right now.
We need camera friendly Pepes for his big moment
I swear to fucking god if hillary gets it I'll lose it.
As always
Gate(2015) boring anime
They won't pick Hillary, they'll do something even more lame like "The Undocumented Immigrant" or "The Racist", kind of like how "you" was the person of the year a while back
Trump hands down
This would be a good choice as well
if they go with pepe the party here will never end, please kek make this happen
Kek or his prophet Pepe
dub trips c o n f i r m
I want them to give Man of the Year to Hillary, then watch her dumb cunt be given the chair for high treason, which is broadcasted on national tv and the internet
Damn yes. PEPE
Kek engulfs you with glory
He is slimey and a limey
He lost the elections, and after Brexit he quit, and went begging to Geneva
Sup Forums obviously
Assange RIP
Check'd and kek'd
>That one obsessed hungarian is still spamming up Sup Forums and Sup Forums
George soros, he threw hillary out the window to let trump win. So he could stage more anti gubberment protests.