[SERIOUS] Can Sup Forums redpill me on the Jews? Inb4 do your own research, I just want some direct

[SERIOUS] Can Sup Forums redpill me on the Jews? Inb4 do your own research, I just want some direct
evidence that they're quote on quote "behind everything."

I am not naive, I was raised by a father who has worked in government my whole life, and I worked alongside him myself for 5 years on several high level campaigns- governorships, 3 US house races, a state referendum and more. I'm no slouch- I'm only 27 but I know more about politics and government than the vast majority of Americans.

I'm a staunch anti-establishment conservative and proudly voted Trump. I fought alongside you all in the great meme war of 2016. But I've never heard much more from you guys concerning Judaism then the holocaust was faked and whatever that Jewish guy meme is that's constantly posted and calling people goyim.

I've been aware of the shadowy figures and organizations that drive influence and shape governments for many years, but to me it seems like a loose collaboration of many different forces all vying for power with plenty of infighting. So please, what is it with you guys and the Jews? I come to you with an open heart and mind.

I'm already redpilled on everything else. Teach me something new. If I see real evidence I'll know it.

Other urls found in this thread:


>redpill me on x
Another filthy desert rat post. Fuck off schlomo and read the rules next time.

Tikkun olam.

The Jews think that they will be responsible for the coming of the messiah through their actions here on earth, or will usher in a messianic age through their actions.


I'm only on mobile. What rule did i break? I honestly don't know

The jews have been "behind it" since 300 BC.

Go back to 2012-2014 Era Sup Forums and you can find some good threads on it in the archives.

Are you familiar with Darwin, Nash, and the interrelatedness of the the two?

"Tikkun Olam. A jewish concept defined by acts of kindness performed to perfect or repair the world. The phrase is found in the Mishnah, a body of classical rabbinic teachings. It is often used when discussing issues of social policy, insuring a safeguard to those who may be at a disadvantage."

Doesn't sound that evil to me... What am i missing? I know they're still waiting for the messiah. Im not retarded...


No idiot. They will just get the military to protect their homes/communities/stores/temples like they do in France and 90% muslim Palestine.


I'm not going to tell you the Jews are behind everything.

I'm going to tell you the Jews have way too much power.

When 1.4% of the population do this kind of shit, they drive the US towards pro-Israel positions that aren't in your best national interest.

Go do your own research.

Im not. Brief synopsis pls

The main issue is Jewish nepotism, and secondly their overwhelming hatred and jealously of the European races.





>Im not retarded





Learn how the federal reserve works, learn about the frankfurt school
And read the Culture of critique

Im at work right now i cant watch a documentary. Im on mobile. Was just hoping for someone might point me in the right direction




You're not fooling anyone ratboy.

You hit the nail on its head with your assesment of what the actual powers are, but people need boogeymen to blame for their failures, and the easiest way to do that is to blame people completely incomparable with them.
Otherwise people would just point out "you're not being held back by a conspiracy, you're just a living embodiment of failure.".


I'm a based conservative, but I'm also a Jew (from birth, non practicing) and I've always been into conspiracies, aliens, etc. And I've even have family members who were CEOs and owned their own businesses from hard work, but never once was there any kind of agenda out to control or whatever else you think. When people refer about the "Jews" controlling shit, it's just another term used for the elite that isn't using correct terminology

Anyone have that picture of the different kind of jews holding flags while some look like subhumans?

Yeah just the Germans needed a boogyman to blame their loss in WWI and how the 'stab in the back' myth is just that. Oh wait.

Can I redpill you on the Jews?


The reason Hitler hated them is because #1 Jew was synonymous with Communism (and still should be since the Jews are still the ones proliferating the ideals of Marxism)
and #2 because they were the Ethnic Minority which controlled 70% of the wealth, 3/4 banks, 4/5 media outlets. The majority of News Papers. etc etc.

And because of the Communist revolution during the Wiemar republic, they used these resources to essentially bring Germany to the ground for their own benefit.


Ill have to check this out after work thank you for trying to be helpful

You are going to get a lot of disinformation on this board. I've looked into this and I'm not really invested in one side or another.

The truth is, Jews are influential in all walks of life, and very often people "see what they want to see". There's no real Jewish conspiracy. There is no evil conspiracy to destroy white people.

What there is is fairly open Jewish power pushing the US towards pro-Zionist/pro-Israel positions. But it can't be discussed like that. Jews wouldn't allow it.

You should take a look at this long-ish piece on how Israel was instrumental in getting the US into Iraq. Don't trust documentaries on Youtube, most of them are by loonies.


Hitler hated Jews because they refused to fight in WWI and then when Germany was weak from five years of trench warfare the evil rats tried to take over the entire country. The German people had a legal right to intern them all right then and there, let alone after they watched Jew NKVD head Gengrik Yagoda kill nearly 10,000,000 Christians in the holodomor.


During WW1
The Zion Powers and representatives of international Jewry signed in semi-secret (at the time) the Balfour declaration with England which prolonged the resolution of conflict for the purposes of involving the US in the war in exchange for the Palestinian territory.

Essentially traded the blood of the English, Germans and Americans for their own disgusting benefit.

The holocaust never happened and because of the lies some 15 nations send billions of dollars annually to Israel to fund their war.

Join the fun

Yeah wtf is this about? Why would they want to help muslims? Same goes for the left wing in this country. Those at the top know they're violent savages wtf is their end game? Let then infiltrate and rape this country because it wont matter once they nuke the world anyways?

>quote on quote
Wow, go back to school.

Arguing whether not 6,000,000 little yids were gassed is futile in my opinion and most people here wish it did happen. You can go on all day about how it was impossible but I rather take the approach that the Germans had a right to put them all into camps after what the Jews did near the end of WWI.

Alright explain to me why im retarded then. Just trying to fucking learn

Jews flood us with muslims so they can pit us against each other. Take a look at what they are doing in Palestine and some French areas that are protected by the military 24/7, that's our future if we don't solve the Jewish question.

The 2nd most tragedy known to mankind the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and the first being Jesus.. Really makes you think...

If anything bad ever happens you can be 100% sure that it will end in some for of "t.Goldberg Sheckelstein"


good goy

The greatest tragedies were,
a) How romans dealt with Judea.
c) Letting in kikes with open arms when we knew they would turn on us within a generation or two.

Failures are of all times, and the Germans were the biggest losers of their time, coming from a recent golden age yet having lost everything.
I mean it didn't stay limited to just one failure either.

You don't realize that backs up what I'm saying.

Jews are influential in many walks of life, and they're a wealthy minority. But there's no conspiracy beyond making money.

The one exception is Israel where Jews really do tend to lobby the government hard.

The rat comes out of the shadows, your uncontrollable hatred and jealousy of the European peoples will be your downfall. It's already begun.

desu senpai im a jew and my life is boring enough that i shit post on Sup Forums.

the real redpill is that no one is born special.

Nobody is buying your shtick schlomo. We now notice the inbred faces on our televisions, in our government, on our education boards.

Not that related but:

Why did Hitler set up concentration camps for jews, homos, retads etc. if he wasn't going to kill them all? What was the purpose?

Jews are like the final boss. It will take a while but someday we'll beat the game. We can't give up.

Yeah i try to stay away from youtube "documentaries" made by people in their basements connecting dots like John Nash. Sort of what i figured. I guess i was looking for some bombshell. I figured id ask here since i thought with all that i do kniw id come across something damning by now. Ill read the article thanks mate

So i should prepare for yet another collapse of Europe? Wonderful.
Or will it be just the US this time?

All the same the jews seem to be present in more rises than falls in Europe, one could easily argue that European history is as much their history anyway.

But go ahead, throw everything away over chasing a ghost; we're dutch, we've avoided world war once and can do it again.

He had to intern them after they refused to fight in WWI and then tried to subjugate the country. He watched Judeo-Bolshevism kill neatly 10,000,000 European Christians in the 1930's under Jewish NKVD head Gengrik Yagoda.

you'd be naïve to think that there is no conspiracy beyond making money, with money comes power.

A brief synopsis of natural selection and game theory? Good lord. Well, you are going to want to go more in depth than this, but

Natural selection is the process by which genes (blocks of DNA of various sizes), through manufactured organism (such as yourself) attempt to ensure reproduction. As it turns out, much of this involves competition to ensure that others cannot stop you from reproducing, and attempting to stop others from reproducing. It should occur to you that, being life, this is the reason that you exists, and Darwin's rules apply to all humans.

Game theory is the study of strategic decisions. It involves maximizing "utility" by anticipating every possible move. It uses simplified mathematic models and tools to describe real life situations and determine the theoretical best path of decisions for a model. These create "perfect" strategies.

>the connection
As it turns out, all Darwinian evolution naturally drifts to the "perfect strategies" predicted by Nashes game theory, where utility is represented by the amount of reproduction (and the sureness of that reproduction). This study is called "evolutionary game theory", and it can allow a person to make "perfect" decisions considering an in group and out group of human speciation (memetic or genetic). Application of this principle to politics results in a group strategy surprisingly similar to Nazi Germany's policies, strongly in support of enforced cooperation and ethnocentric behavior.

Now, knowing all of this (and I hope to god you do more research on the topic, it really is fascinating and crucial to the understanding of human history and decision making) you can study the research of Kevin B. MacDonald, an evolutionary theorist who has studied the evolutionary reasons behind the culture and strategies of Judaism, as well as Nazi Germany. My personal favorite is "Separation and Its Discontents", though many here recommend "Culture of Critique".

You should be prepare to move to Israel. That's where you all belong without exception.

Please, my family has lived here since before the roman empire and never once have we been exiled to the barren north like your ilk.

We'll just have another storm to weather as we've weathered so many, except this time rather than water we have stupidity to be wary of.

It's not really a conspiracy though. Jews love Israel and try to get the US to do what they think is good for Israel. This is all out in the open.

Why are you ugly rats even here? Everytime you make these threads you end up redpilling a few dozen more people. It's always the same lines too. You know damn well that assbooting #110 will be a one way ticket to Israel. Thanks to your globalization no other nation will give you quarter once you've pushed your luck too far in our lands.


Appreciate the info goys I've got to get back to work now though I've got some sanding to do. Ill read up later


Notice how not one inbred rat in this thread has disavowed these comments. I've posted these at least a dozen times and not once have the rats came out to distance themselves from these quotes. We should all know why this is.

Its actually the bagel industry that Jews are conspiring to control, and not media


John Nash was a genius who revolutionized our understanding of the world, you ignorant nigger.

Because we're capable of beating the elements back like no one else; god creates world, dutchman creates the netherlands.
Additionally between managing to keep a cool head and play out our neighbors against eachother in their hysterical fits and being easily underestimated fighters we have stood the test of time very well.
And i don't usually make threads, i usually just point out the factual inaccuracies and the truths everybody knows; people are cowardly, weak, foolish. They can't handle reality and as such need an endless supply of scapegoats, if not jews then another will be found as people around the world illustrate time and time again, all the while fucking themselves over in their little autistic episodes.
And globalization started with our grand enemy, the catholics, i mean none other has quite as much world dominating will as them.
We were simply one of the first to mount a proper response. (okay maybe the Eastern Orthodox guys were first, but they weren't that different in intent)

It's everything they can get their grubby little hands on. Jews are insanely nepotistic and they get on our HR boards to promote fellow desert rats. Once you begin to notice the sunken eyes, curly hair, inbred face, and Jewish lastnames your life will never be the same. Here's another kike caught for pedophilia and six months prior to being charged he was bringing in a new curriculum to teach anal masturbation to ten year olds.

Next time you see societal rot ask yourself if a Jew is behind it, and do some digging.


Racism: the belief that one race is inherently superior to another
Jews: the race that is superior to all others because God said so
But Jews can't be racist, they're the only people to have been massacred in history!


Lil bitch op


There is no vast conspiracy of Jews who want to control the world. The stereotype of the money grubbing Jew who hungers for power and control is a myth. Behind every stereotype, though, there is some truth, and there are a few things about Jews that give people this impression.

First off, they're smart. REALLY smart. As a whole, their population is a standard deviation above the mean. That is a HUGE deal.

They were unintentionally bred to be that way by our christian ancestors who refused to deal with lending money. Lending money is extremely useful in society though, so there was a demand these outsiders without the same philosophy could fill. Being a lender takes smarts, and only the smartest Jews made it. Being rich back then also meant you had more kids.

Secondly, they're extremely selfish. I don't know if this is an extension of the first cause, but I guess it's true that a selfish unscrupulous money lender who knows how to get away with things would be more successful. This selfishness even extends to their own tribe-- they will happily stab each other in the back, even their own family members, to get what they want.

Thirdly, they have a very strong sense of identity. I don't know if this is from being the originators of the religion most of the west follows, or if it's just an innate own-group-preference. There are times I think they only have this sense of identity because it reflects well on them as individuals-- if their history wasn't as praiseworthy, they wouldn't resonate so strongly with it.

They are uniquely equipped to thrive in our high-trust society and you can't really blame them for doing so.




Great read, very familiar with Darwin, but not so much with Nash. Sadly, there are very few places to learn about these things without obvious agendas getting in the way. I perfer learning about these things from a strictly academic pov, and then draw my own conclusions from there.


>I'm a based conservative, but I'm also a Jew

So you and your buddies support legislation that will secure a gentile, white majority in the US and Europe?

> But but nation of immigrants...
Fuck this Emma Lazarus kike!

Destroying national majorities is a jewish survival strategy!!!

The intelligence thing is entirely explained by wealth and education.


They are deliberately causing chaos for the Messiah's arrival. They are causing trouble to accelerate the Messiah's arrival.

>quote on quote

>fuck of plebbit
do your own research

This poster has a decent understanding. The "Jewish Conspiracy" is actually just a naturally vacuum in our society that was filled by a group with different genetic interests than our own.

This posters claims can be found further discussed (and supported by empirical data) in the book "The 10,000 Year Explosion".

>Hitler hated Jews because they refused to fight in WWI

More important was that Germany had nearly defeated England, when the Kikes made a deal to get the US involved, in exchange for some dirt in Palestine (british colony)

The inbred kikes always make a couple of these threads every single day. One of these days they'll learn the logic behind antisemitism can't be challenged. These rats actually believe they're always the victim and it's one of their greatest weaknesses.

No, it isn't. Jews have a unique set of nuerological disorders, notably Tay-Sachs, that are proven to be associated with intelligence. That is what explains Ashkenazi intelligence, hard genetic fact, not nebulous claims of wealth and education.

>This poster
We can spot your reddit spacing a mile away. You're not fooling anyone schlomo.

Want to stop assbooting #110? Spend more time disavowing and stopping shit like this.

And less time pretending to be a goy.


as a former edgelord who was enthralled by the dialectic of enlightenment back when i could barely read a single fucking philosophy book i figure it should be pointed out that horkheimer and adorno considered their own ability to influence marxism (and therefore greater society) depleted and irrelevant by the ends of their life (as evidenced by that laughable effort "towards a new manifesto" as published by the pinko publishing company verso books). they desperately tried to forumlate doctrines of marxism for the future and essentially failed. the society their writings apply to don't exist anymore and it has far more to do with the internet than their political efforts.