How's that draining of the swamp coming along? :^)
How's that draining of the swamp coming along? :^)
There's no way he's seriously considering Bolton or Gingrich.
>Rudy and Gingrich aren't hated by almost everyone in government, making them perfect anti establishment picks
End your life
Listen monkey boy. None of those guys were part of the criminal regime that's been running wild in Washington. Only Corker has been in Washington in the last 8 years and he was part of the opposition.
Why is it so hard for your monkey brain to comprehend that?
Why didn't Ron Paul ever jump on the Trump train?
Mb he could be among the candidates now.
Bolton is the only questionable pic here. He must have a lot of influence.
Newt and Rudy are understandable.
Judging by the levels of establishment media bitching over Bannon I'd say pretty gud amigo
Ron Paul still has principles.
He doesn't like trump
He should pick that ambassador to the UN.... his job was basically to tell the New World Order to fuck off and leave the US alone. Who his better suited than him?
hasn't happened.
>mainstream media
Give me sources.
It's not like the media has been constantly lying their asses off about Trump ever since the beginning of his campaign or anything.
It will be Giuliani and how's that salt cake coming along ctr?
they don't seem to share any common ground
Lets hope Based Newt gets it.
corker is best choice
>tfw no Pat Buchanan
Please not Guiliani.
I want Newt "Moon Duke" Gingrich.
I hope it's Giuliani, he was pretty fucking based. I mean, fuck, he was the guy who implemented the "broken windows" policy in NYC that was subsequently trashed by his predecessors. For a while in the 90s and early 2000s, NYC was a pretty ok place to live.
It's gonna be Rudy or Newt.
Bolton supported Trump since the beginning but he's too hawkish.
Ron is libertarian. Don is populist nationalist.
He might as well pass a bill against bad weather. As long as there is parliamentarism, there will be Lobbyism.
>trump surrounds himself with neocon parasites
>they blackball everything good
>we get a dinky fence
>no one gets deported
>bomb iran
>no-fly zone in syria
>tpp passes
>ttip passes
>soros now a close adviser
>spending increases and the debt continues to explode
>no spending on infrastructure
>federal government invades colorado/washington/etc to enforce drug laws
>false flag isis attack, plane hits trump tower
>boots on the ground in iran in response
>literally makes no sense
>isis now controls all of middle east besides saudi arabia
>russia is now complete 3rd world
>europe is now 70% muslim
>terror attacks every 30 minutes
>illegal to even criticize terrorists in europe now
>american internet censored to prevent another meme war
This is what happens if we allow Trump to be infected by these neocon parasites.
It's easy to think the war is over now that we've won our first battle, but this is really only just the beginning. Neocons are literally the worst plague in politics right now, they parade around pretending they want to increase freedom and promising to cut spending, instead they increase spending and cut freedom.
He should pick Newt
So the next SOS is guaranteed to be a neocon. So disappointed in the God Emperor.
read this. The most important one is Sam Brownback, who Trump has an obsession with and loves his plan he implemented in Kansas (I live in Kansas)
Now read this
Prediction of what will happen to America?
Also, he may pick Sarah Palin and Ben Carson, which could be detrimental in its own way.
lol all literally criminals. I had to look up the corker guy but even he's a total criminal too.
Fuck Bolton. This Mfer should have no place in the WH
Those are all good people with a good track record. I don't see what the problem is OP.
btw, $0.02 have been deposited into your account.