Opinions? Comments?
Opinions? Comments?
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damn shame
it wasnt black
It isn't human yet, all animal fetuses look the same
Look at that nose and lips.
worse than the holocaust
Plating could be better, and it could use a garnish like some coriander and edible flowers.
I fucking hate abortion. Make suicide legal so they can at least choose to leave this shitty world themselves.
USA 2012:
>The abortion rate for 2012 was 13.2 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years
One of out every hundred fertile women had an abortion THAT YEAR. WTF
> and the abortion ratio was 210 abortions per 1,000 live births
hahahaha le ebin XDDDDD wew lad le hahah lololololol ebin XDDDDD hahahaha kek XDDDDDDDDDD
Abortions Anonymous?
RIP babby. F.
Make posters and paste it anonymously across the US,
I bet there's someone out there that'd fuck it.
Source of pic? Context?
this abortion doctors need to die and people who get them need to be beatin
I would. It's dead already anyway, it doesn't care.
Mark Hamill
Masterchef USSR winner 1932
I'm ignorant on the whole abortion topic. Is try is real or some prop on movie set? Is this legal?
This is real.
>ban abortion
>more (sand)niggers are born
>niggers rape your wife
wew lad
feels good having sensible abortion laws
anybody know what week/month this is? post more abortion pics with corresponding development dates, i wanna spread these
Such a magnificent display of "Reproductive rights" #I'mWitHer #YaaassQueeenSlaaay
I suppose it's around 6th month.
thanks got any more pics? i'm afraid to google but will save any more you post. don't they have heart beats and brain waves at 4 weeks?
It's not even cooked.
>afraid to google?
do your own work holy shit wtf
>muh feelings
abortion should be forced if the baby is retarded or autistic, or black, or paki, or spic, or amerindian.
because it would involve poring through dead baby pics, choosing the 'best' ones i could potentially use in a future argument against pro choice fags. i thought by asking OP, who has already picked this picture and made a thread about it, i could avoid this
is that too hard to understand you fucking dumb nigger kike piece of shit?
sickness of society
Beautiful. Her body, her choice.
Don't care. I don't want degenerates reproducing anyway.
its truly fucking disgusting
i cant believe i was pro-choice when i was younger. It's amazing the kind of sick perverse idea you can put in a mind and the person will not only accept it, but defend it and oppose anyone whos against it
This is the best video I have seen on the topic.
I hate how the mothers arent even forced into comunity service or a couple of months jail time, or large fines.
>tmw when portuproud
Use condoms!
your argument would be more persuasive if you did it your damn self.
ok sure just regurgitate shit someone on 4 chan gave you.
when someone asks where you got your info you're gonna look brilliant.
Guys what position am I if I think abortion should be allowed but not allowed up to the trimester it currently is. If you can't decide in a fucking month whether you want a baby or not then you're an idiot. I understand situations change but at this point you're allowed to legally kill a human being as long as its in a womb
currently 7 500 000 000 000 people on this planet
1 that didn't even breathed its air will not be missed
>wants to shock others with gruesome pics so it sinks in
>wants to shield himself from said pics
Thats murder user, i dont care how you candy coat it... a human being under development was destroyed.
Think about the things he could of done if raised properly.
What the fuck is this shit?
I feel actual nausea from that image.
I have to go out now and down 2-3 dl of vinjak just to be able to function for the rest of the day.
Unironically, I am literally shaking. Shaking with blind rage that is.
Woe to the gypsy that asks me for a dinar.
>politely ask for more material concerning OP's topic, from OP
>kikes come in with divide and conquer tactics
why even post?
Ignorance is bliss, user...
Oh the children the poor fucking children. Well fuck the children. Fuckem. They're not going extinct. They won't be missed.
Hm it appears to be a destroyed fetus, what else am I supposed to comment on?
The name Hamil (sometimes spelled Homeyl) is a Persian name. It's not European of origin.
This map is so obviously bullshit lmao
Abortion isn't even legal here and it says 5-8%
Up to 87.5% of births being aborted in some Eastern European regions? Does anyone actually believe these figures?
I'm gonna make myself some spaghetti
can i deep fry it?
I am "pro-choice", so sick of hearing that phrase, but these things actually do have a nervous system, and they often do cut them out in fucking peices. Pretty fucking brutal.
Have some goddamn eye-bleach. Christ.
my thoughts?
Coldest fucking thing a woman could do, I understand in the instance of rape or what not, but damn, to think a mother just let her unborn child get chopped up like that, I really cant think of anything worse.
If that 'thing' does not count as a person/human there should be legislation against eating.
There should a market where you can buy abortions and all the revenue should go to planned parenthood.
Perhaps it includes girls who hop over to the England for a day.
*there should be no legislation against eating it
Fucking disgusting parasite. Glad it's out of my body.
They sell them for Stem Cells
>Abortion is murder!!! Look at this picture of a dead fetus! Fucking murder!!!
And??? Is that supposed to make me feel bad? These people think I have empathy towards humans or something.
what week is this?
pro choice, you know, like, choosing not to get pregnant until you're financially ready to have a fucking kid, common sense?
>b-but muh rapes
pandering to the extreme minority.
At this point baby is no more than an animal tbqh. Why ban killing them but not ban killing animals then?
Most abortions in US are by blacks/Hispanics btw.
might as well use it for something, I mean the 'mother' already uses tax payers money to undergo the abortion...
What is that ?
Fuck off, Christfag. The Old-right is not welcome here.
21-26, 27 is considered "viable"
>it's not mentioned therefore it's allowed
laws are meant to be folled in spirit, not in letter
that said, it doesn't matter what the law's origin, but it's fairness
>laws are meant to be folled in spirit
Lol. It's still not mentioned, neither in word nor in spirit.
Are you implying that non-whites have more abortions than normal whites?
It's the middle class whites that have abortions the most, they're the ones who we need more children from to counteract the growing tide of blacks.
Well I guess even this shithole has its benefits.
"(((You))) belong to (((your))) father, the devil, and (((you))) want to carry out (((your))) father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies".
-Based Christ.
>based christ
the same man who said that the meek shall inherit the earth ?
Holy shit, illuminati are conducting secret experiments on aliens
"You shall not kill another human being" and all that jazz.
The bible has this loophole of not mentioning when a fetus becomes a human, allright. That still doesn't imply that no fetus is human (nor that all fetus are human).
It's only sad and/or murder when the woman who owns it FEELS that it is sad and/or murder. Women's feelings have magical properties after all.
looks like a nigger
Why are yanks so hung up on abortion? Surely in the land of freedom women should have the freedom to decide what's best for them without having to put up with all the self - righteous bullshit.
Goes hand in hand with responsibility.
>self-righteous bullshit
>implying the pro-choice people aren't self-righteous slags
idgaf about abortion, but both sides are nightmares, I have a (((friend))) that works at Planned Parenthood and is one of the biggest cunts I've ever known
>self - righteous bullshit
The intrinsic value of human life is "self-righteous bullshit" now. Kill yourself.
I'm not pro-choice, I'm pro-abortion.
It's not a very popular stance.
Fucking sick, I think abortion is worse than murder. Because at least murder victims have experienced life at all. Why did I click on this?
Their life has fuck all to do with you so who are you to decide what's best for them?
As a Brit, thought the same until I learnt, in the USA, in some states, you can apparently abort the baby at 6months, 7months even 8months into the pregnancy, the baby is killed inside the mother and she then gives birth to whats left.
It is without doubt another human being at this point.
Here in Brexitland I think 3months is the maximum, when it is 'debatable' if it is a fetus or human at this point.
Damn heathen.
You reap what you sow.
Kind of looks like a nigger desu
>don't ban abortion
>white women stop having kids while (sand)niggers keep breeding like rodents
>In 20 years they outnumber you 5 to 1
>niggers rape your wife
You can't win.
Gtfo a Christian board, kys and choke on your papa's penis.
it is ritual human sacrifice, the remains are burnt as a child sacrifice to molok and other dark deities. the promise is the same as in ancient times. the child sacrifices will bring prosperity and wealth, while abortions will also bring prosperity and wealth to the women who commit the sacrifice. in europe there are legends about women and withes who flew to the mountains to party and have sex with satan and sacrifice their own children.
There is no real morality. Right an wrong and our belief on when a human becomes alive are a product of society. Personally I don't think you become a human until you're ~3 years old when you can start reasoning.
>3 years
1/5 women are raped
Numbers add up