Rate my political compass user-kun
Rate my political compass user-kun
Basically me, so that gets a 0/10
That's dangerously close to Tumblr
not far enough left so you're basically hitler
>when the holocaust didn't happen but you want it to happen to this fucking op
Tumblr is top left
I am not sure how to interpret this.
This means you like Sanders
Well that is true, so I suppose the system works.
Still voted for Trump because well fuck lizard people.
Made by me so its correct, fuck the actual one its liberal media propaganda
got the same score
bernie sanders
>green or red
> All these people thinking trump is purple when he's deep blue
>wants to force people to sell cakes to faggots
>muh open borders
>"Libertarian Right"
idk about that, dude
Only question is why you put Sanders further left than Stein.
Implying there are any politicians alive that far right on this chart.
Open borders isn't necessarily a left-libertarian position. Some ancaps support immigration restrictions (Hoppe), some support open borders (Caplan, Block, Huemer). If it weren't for Hoppe I'd say that open borders would be uncontroversially right-libertarian.
It's a complex topic, even ancaps that usually have pretty clear to understand positions on most points dispute how borders should be handled. It's largely due to the fact that property norms in our society are, from an ancap perspective, warped, and ipso facto it's hard to apply ancap thinking to it.
Low on this scale means you're ok with degeneracy. Up/down is social authoritarianism. Left/right is economic.
Maybe I believe that degeneracy should be handled by proper social norms and the cost of a strong state is greater than letting some dumb faggot chop his dick off or that I should care if a girl wants to dye her hair green.
>You're just an undecisive cunt
Thanks I guess.