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India is okay, and I look forward to my country helping them fight pakis and other spontaneously combusting peoples.
But I love Trump
Fuck off paki
>german flag is shit, blood, and piss
You have a lot of common with India, Franz. Bathroom brothers.
I don't hate the country. I hate the mentality of "Good enough" that is widespread among its people.
Also, immigrants calling me shit like "Opie" and shit in my own country can go fuck themselves.
I like Indians, there's just way too fucking many of them.
Dude, see a doctor
Nothing wrong with pajeets
>thinks they can hate on an entire race of people based enough to shit in their own roads.
Eh, Pajeets don't really cause trouble. I'm fine with them. Fuck the Jews, though, and niggers.
You're alt right
They need to use deodorant and stop wearing those gay fucking outfits. Other than that I guess they're okay.
> guys guys look at my funny picture guys. I literally made him shit skinned, added a red dot to his forehead, and gave him a toilet paper.. hehehe.. Also please notice my subtle message when I wrote poo on indian guys paper and loo on white guys paper.. ehhe I am so funny
India is actually based for their muslim hate.
OP is probably a turkroach
I still mock them for the poo meme but at least they won't kill you like niggers and arabs
poo in loo! POO IN LOO!
get out of my country
>getting triggered from a fucking old maymay
Dude, chill
All the indians ive met at university say the following thing: "Streets are full of shit, culture is full of shit, cant wait do get my degree and work somewhere else."
Can you explain? is it because you dont take the poo in the loo?
Why is it that every Indian thinks that when a picture or video of a girl is posted, the girl herself is the poster?
I can't wrap my head around this.
Some classical contribution
We don't hate people just because they are from another country. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
>India has an actual, fucking, volunteer poo police
Poo in loo meme truly is the gift that keeps on giving.
>street full of shit
not really, but lack infrastructure and cleanliness for sure
>culture is full of shit
culture is fine. But I think Indian people are fucking obsessed with money and not about progress.
>not a real country
you make Indians sound like the kikes you wish to be.
y tho?
superpower when?
kek, nice one
Misandrist feminist bullshit.
>nice one
Why would hate india, sure they lack a few modern hygiene costumes but there are so many places way shittier than india.
I don't get it.
Would India be a superpower if they didn't have a colossal brain drain to the west?
What if all the western trained pajeets moved back?
>tech support
ayy bby
>there are so many places way shittier than india
The one is called Brazil.
The fuck is this webm my dude?
>1. Indian American : $101,591[2]
>implying tech support makes this much money
Try answering the questions next time
t. Paki refugee
american TV show called you're the worst
pic related is the culmination
don't be fooled by the people who say "this is satire though lol"
this is how it starts - introduce it into pop culture and normalize it
then before you know it you get a sweden-tier situation
To be fair, while you're not wrong, you're not supposed to enjoy the guy's situation. The whole joke between the man and wife in the show is that she's absolutely batshit and cruel to him. She even stabs him and then convinces him that it was his fault because he actually ran full speed into her knife. He completely buys it.
Jesus Christ mate, that's fucked. Why would you get cucked at all, let alone for a fat fuck like that. This is the thirst Houellebecq talked about.
It's actually
>the golden past
>the bloody present
>the dark future
I see. I didn't really know the context of the show.
I am just thinking in terms of pic related. It is easy for us as adults to process these things with the requisite context, but we often forget that the audience may include people who can't or don't.
Wait, is this some shitty amateur porn or is this actually being shown in tv??
actual TV show on american network called FX
also to add to my previous comment, i see now that this show is marketed as "terrifyingly real"
idk if this refers to other aspects of the show, but it's just another step in making people think that cucking is "bitchy" but also something that people do
i feel like a lot of women got the idea to be stronk and independent feminist bitches from TV shows like sex and the city but i could just be off-target since i've never seen that show
I might reconsider moving to the US
jesus christ...
Anyone want to answer my question instead of being hypnotized by cuck posts?
I hope he makes a chocolate cake for her filled with laxatives, so she unintentionally shits all over Raul and makes him feel really loved
No, they're too corrupt internally.
It's also not culturally homogeneous.
Until India tackles corruption it will be the same forever.
wow all of you are faggots. germany might by cucked but its a well working country with great possibilities for life if you make good money. india is a shithole. uninformed cunts
t. Achmed
We just need to cut contact with them all.
Who cares if Africans are starving in Africa.
Tough shit.
Thank you for the serious response
>No, they're too corrupt internally.
>Until India tackles corruption it will be the same forever.
Very interesting. I do not know much about this and how it can hold a nation back so much but I did read about the money in India being changed in an effort to reduce corruption (though the logic did not make too much sense to me).
>It's also not culturally homogeneous.
This is an interesting point. I thought the main obstacle would be the education gap - I guess this would also translate into different cultures between the educated and non-educated.
I am always wondering whether population density is the reason India is not a 1st world nation or whether it is the low genetic quality (that results in laziness, lack of creativity/inspiration) of the majority.
I would not be surprised if the very large muslim population is a culprit as well.
well, Koothrappali was quite funny, but you actually dont want to work with them in the real world. And if you have to, then only remote - via call centre or so. they are annoying. sorry.
there's too many of them, green revolution in the 60s made them breed like rabbits
>Actually spending time caring about the feces manners of shitholes in another corner of the earth.
They are disgusting but aren't a problem as long as they don't come here.
>Soon, Google Toilet Locator to help you find loos across India! Get the details here
The moment someone sees the Pajeet tricolour in Sup Forums, they immediately disregard it as some disgusting poo in the loo rapist trying to act Western. It's a big country. Remember I said that the exams Westerners take are not even close to being as hard as Pajeet exams. The moment anyone tries to defend a third-world country, people shout out "Clinton! Lib-cuck!" As if any of these concepts have anything to do with a third-worlder. This will infuriate you, but American Pajeets are the highest earning ethnic group in the USA. And India actually has one of the lowest rape rates in the world. Roughly a twentieth of that of the USA. This are very difficult truths, but you have to accept them, because you can verify them in Wiki.
Weren't you pajeets supposed to fight some war with the mudslims or some shit?
What is the outcome of that? I didn't get any update on it.
Rajesh, please weigh in on I think it was more of a series of surgical strikes on pakis that was successful
>Eh, Pajeets don't really cause trouble.
tell that to James Smith from Washington offering tech support
and didn't the pakis retaliate then?
It was all a bunch of "wow, it's fucking nothing" then?
>What if all the western trained pajeets moved back?
Nothing will change, good for India but not as good as that they are literal gods and when they arrive India will become a superpower.
The only way for India to become a superpower is by shitposting.
The border skirmishes are common as hell between India and Pakistan. The media crying war is dumb sensationalist nonsense.
What is the main factor holding India back from becoming a 1st world USA-tier country?
If it's not skilled/trained individuals who are experts in basic facets of civilization (civil engineering, medicine, technology, etc) then what?
Is it purely a problem of low genetic quality? Or education?
Would bringing back a Vedic social order or style of government improve things?
India is running out of drinking water because of massive overpopulation. Ground water lowers several meters a year and they have to use more power to pump it up.
What happens when over billion indians run out of water? They have massive water crisis incoming and it's because they breed like rabbits. Population has tripled in the past 50 years, it just cant go on forever.
Both India and China want glacier waters from Himalayas and this could lead to conflict in the future.
Let them. Cut world pop by a billion or so
>What is the main factor holding India back from becoming a 1st world USA-tier country?
Literacy rate, demographics, government and corruption, education system, over population and a lot of other things need to be improved, not listing the obvious like infrastructure etc here.
>Is it purely a problem of low genetic quality?
I really doubt it, India has the most noble people on earth and even the worst - gypsies.
>Would bringing back a Vedic social order or style of government improve things?
No, it would things up completely.
We're still experiencing how bad we got fucked by socialism and The Britishers.
We need a monarch, i believe.
Because i see no way possible of fixing India in a democratically system.
Here you might find this video interesting -
How can we push them into nuclear war with China?