What does it mean, what does it do.
Redpill me on Cultural Marxism
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Retarded bullshit perpetuated by those natural selection would have left behind if it weren't for the rest of us.
It Is a meme and nobody can really define it. The meme was popularized by breivik and edgy teens like to use the word.
Yes but Breivik was a kike lover and self-described Zionist. That doesn't make sense.
Cultural marxism is exactly what it sounds like.
Marxism is the distribution of wealth across class.
Cultural marxism is the distribution of perceived social status across social groups. White males are the social "bourgeoisie" and must have their status and wealth removed and distributed to non-whites and women.
Marxism sounds to me more like "just fucking kill everyone", as accomplished by it's Communist followers.
So Cultural Marxism is like fucking kill everyone only culturally?
It's like when the Netherlands just deleted the word "immigrant" from the vocabulary.
Extremely dangerous and should be punishable by death.
And no, Breivik did not invent it.
it's not a real thing. its a meme
the jews are pushing back, the battle hasn't even started yet, we might still get our ww3, praise Jesus
It seeks to divide us. Creates 60 genders instead of the normal...like 3 or 4.
Feminine mentality spreading through all the world: Subjectivity, relativeness, materialism, equalitarianism, faggotry, lies, deception, hypocrisy, emotionalism, anarchism and so on.
The main goal is to pussify everyone to make any resistance futile.
heres a new video Sup Forums might enjoy.
Wtf is a "Gender variable", something you learn in math.
Here is its goal.
If we start randomly posting vids, I think this one is well done
God, Adorno that kike even sees Parenthood as pathological.
the commies could not conquer us in a war.
so they infiltrated the media and schools to subvert us from within
That image is very arousing. What kind of master race would have such olfactory capacity?
some may say this is a (((hoax)))
but read through this list and see how accurate it is today
The Communist Takeover Of
America - 45 Declared Goals (1963)
Marx was a Rothschild, that's a good place to start.
google "Frankfurt school"
You're welcome.
Take the Communist Manifesto, find+replace capitalist with white man, and proletariat with whatever group you want. Now it is cultural Marxism.
Cultural Marxism turns this (pic related) into this (pic related)
Critical Theory - the art of repeatedly attacking something, with or without reason, this is done to make an enemy capitulate due to exhaustion rather than lack of reason.
Destruction of the nuclear family - creates confusion and mental illness among the children, the state moves in to 'raise' the child
"""pansexualism""" - no, this doesn't mean wanting to fuck pans, it means fucking any and everything. Again, one of the tools to fuck up the family along with pornography.
'cultural enforcement' - cultural marxism is enforcing these fucked up, society destroying values without the use of state power, but rather 'people power', you getting shamed or disenfranchised from doing something you normally would. When you criticize black """"culture"""", you get called racist by the zombies.
>"""pansexualism""" - no, this doesn't mean wanting to fuck pans, it means fucking any and everything.
So Rule 34 is Cultural Marxism?
This picture from kikepedia really frightens me.
retarded horseshit for lazy Sup Forumssters
Females in the workforce is supposedly the fault of Karl Marx and the Frankfurt School, not technological progress which moved humans from agriculture to office cubicles
It's a conspiracy theory.
No it isn't. Realer than anything.
Why the fuck would Communists care about something as ethemeral as the "culture" of a country in their quest to institute Socialism? Identity politics just divides the proletariat instead of uniting it against the bourgeoise. It makes zero fucking sense for Communists to pit working class people against other working class people whilst the elites don't get hurt in any way whatsoever.
You people are legitimately retarded. If you spent half the time you waste on epic memes on actually reading books you might come to understand why. Why do you think boards that follow smart hobbies like /his/ or /lit/ are far-leftist or communist?
That explains a lot...
That's the stupidest shit i'be ever heard and I am a Marxist.
This makes sense, yes. But on the other hand, Feminism did somewhat destroyed families, I mean, the lack of a raising mother makes a lot of children grow up as basement dwellers.
Frankfurt School critical theory = gnostic law of reversal
I've been here a long time. And I'm red as fuck.
They don't mean its an actual socialist policy. They mean it's a form of philosophy derived from a structure that resembles Marxism.
I.e. the radical class conflict of identity against oppressor.
It's Jewish nihilsm
It means destroying the family and replacing it with education by the state. Eventually (((they))) are going to get everybody.
It's a work used by conspiracy theorists to describe globalism.
Basically, it's the elimination of culture, nation and race, which allows for unity through "diversity". But instead of different groups, every one will have the same diverse blended culture, and no sense of identity.
Ha ha ha ha ha. You really believe in this Marxist bullshit? Have you never thought that it was just simply a device made by Jews to kill a lot of non-Jews?
>But REAL communism was never implemented.
Yeah right.
Feminism wasn't really the cause of that. The second wave is better understood as a natural outgrowth of a modern industrializing world coming out of a huge male labor shortage after ww2.
First wave and second wave feminism never wanted women to stop going women just for women to stop being treated as less than people.
An incidental effect of higher female participation in the work force was depressed wages.
Depressed wages mean two working parents. Means less stay at home moms.
It's not all bad though. A lot of very bright women have brought us great scientific progress. We basically double the pool of non-average people.
The thing about globalism, is that it's not secret at all and most Liberals actually actively endorse it.
That describes Hitler's national socialism just as well
It's simple. Make everyone a "snowflake", everybody is special and ENTITLED.
What party, specifically in the US, caters to them?
You are so stupid its not even funny
Except that it wasn't made by Jews, lol.
Socialism and Communism are one and the same.
Same with the Healthcare system. Eventually believing in such "conspiracy theories" will be a reason for confinement to a government mental health facility.
>Have you never thought that it was just simply a device made by Jews to kill a lot of non-Jews?
I'm a not an idiot, so no.
>But REAL communism was never implemented.
Revolutionary Catalonia, described as "a living Utopia".
Regardless, irrelevant to the original point that Cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory.
>That image
Seriously think about it:
There is no mother who cooks, so what do people eat? -> Junk food
There is no mother who cares, so who is raising the children? -> Television
I'm not that much of a stubborn right-winger, but there is something frightening about this.
It's not though.
I studied sociology in college. We didn't use that word. We just talked about privileged and to an extent identity politics: cultural Marxism is an excellent descriptor for a smattering of retarded leftish identity politics issues.
Somebody shut this go-er guy up.
>the education system replaces the father.
Cultural Marxism is a form of ideological/societal warfare waged upon the masses by the elite based primarily on the practice of "Divide and Conquer." Families, neighborhoods, races, different states, different nations, etc. are all turned against each other in an effort to make them weaker and thus, during some form of (perhaps economic) despair caused by the rulers themselves, willingly turn to the tyrannical communist """solution""".
The basic strategy of the elite is this:
1. Cause Problem for the Unaware and Uneducated Masses (who mistakenly believe that they are legitimately aware and educated)
2. Provide "Solution" which gives them, the elites, even more unjust power
3. Cause another Problem
The only major counter to this ongoing strategy I have discovered is for the masses to become genuinely (morally) better people, and by this I mean to simply act out of love in every instance, instead of fear. For example, if you run into a wild and dangerous animal, run away because you love yourself and your family, not because you fear the animal. This basic formula of behavior, if followed by enough people, will harmoniously and efficiently undo all of the psychopathic elite's attacks against us due to subtle aspects of human psychology and literal-fucking-magic that I am not motivated enough to explain right now.
Apply marxist rhetoric to race and gender instead of economic class and there you have it.
Or just call it identity politics instead of a term that is needlessly connected to Marx.
this explains everything you need to know...
Yes. YES!!!!!