Why didn't the ancient egyptians worship KEK more?
What did they fear?
Why didn't the ancient egyptians worship KEK more?
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Because Kek wasn't important compared to Amun Ra.
Cus they didn't have these digits
We weren't there. Not even "Egyptologists" really know. What a retarded nomenclature, Egyptologist. Christ.
Because they knew him for what he was a god of chaos , who the fuck wants to worship a god of c.... wait a minute
Bitches didn't know about my digits
Kek summoned
Praise Kek.
If only I too can be bathed in such holy light.
Checked and keked.
He did not reveal himself
Out of control, he was not who they thought he was. The almighty creator also started using KEK against them. This was proved when Yahweh released him to his own people
Exodus 8:1 The Second Plague
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh and say to him, 'Thus says the LORD, "Let My people go, that they may serve Me. 2"But if you refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite your whole territory with frogs.…
I'm black and can therefore speak for my ancestors. Gods are ideas in their purest form. Kek existed as a god in Egypt mythos but only in a forgotten untapped sense. It was you, Sup Forums, that made Kek great again.
Praise Kek!
if you get attacked by a plague of frogs over a labor dispute it is going to make you prejudiced against frogs for awhile
I wish i was never born in modern times
the ancients life was far more interesting
Maybe their destruction was keks doing
Maybe you faggots just opened pandoras box and dont even realize it
Can't say you idolaters didn't have it coming
because they realised that after 99999999 comes 00000000 and its always the same, nothing ever changes, nothing ever gets better, it was too depressing, they needed something new, something bluepilled, redpill was so heavy on them
Egyptians were not black
>inb4 WE WUZ
And there are people who still doubt he exists and is with us
They were.
>Hey guyz1!!1! Why no one wurship LE KEK??? He based!!1!!!
God, people who make these threads are fucking stupid. The election has fucking destroyed Sup Forums and now all the /r/the_donald fucks are making camp here.
Damn! Bitches got BTFO!
Shut the fuck up retard. Kek praising started organically here way the fuck before /r/the_donald existed.
Keep trying to use reddit as your scapegoat for your unbelief. Fag.
Yeah, I'm the retard who's pushing retarded fucking memes so half the catalog can be LE KEK, Really get me thinking, and tweets from literal nobodies. Great political discussion you queer.
BreKEKekex koax koax.
let there be no doubt, let us burn away the old world and make it new
Because the Egyptians did things to survive.
We do it for the lulz.
Because only their slaves worshipped the god that brings a horde of frogs
YHWH is dead.
Accept the light and dark of KEK while you still can, mortal.
Because one day the lord flooded egypt with frogs , so the egyptians thought fuck that fake kek god ,jehova is god
You're the fucking queer for refusing to assimilate into the culture of the board. You are literally r.eddit cancer by very virtue of this alone. You want the board culture to revolve around you. Doesn't work like that cuck.
Shadily my brother,
All gods have a time and place
I choose to believe there is a power economy when it comes to gods.
They are only as powerful as their number of worshipers
Compared to Ra, bringer of life and the sun, Kek's miracles were seen as paltry and uninteresting.
He could bring about chaos, which is just a fancy word for change. Beyond that what could he do that Ra or the others couldnt?
The answer to that is 'be a frog'. People like frogs. Frogs are chill animals.
Just so happens a group of frog loving folks really wanted change.
Suddenly Kek found himself more powerful than probably even he could possibly imagine. He was the god the egyptians never gave a chance to shine.
Because pharaohs feared him and KEK worshipping was banned. With enough worshippers they could have memed someone into the throne and cuck the pharaoh.
Praise kek
It was hard to spread memes on stone tablets and papyrus reeds
I don't really get kek tbqhwy fampai. Why would a god of chaos respond to repeating numbers? And now Sup Forums thinks my post is spam. wat
Kek is a god of chaos and thus represents a threat to societal stability and the status quo. As a result, deference was likely given, but with a healthy amount of fear.
I'm guessing they saw Kek much in the way the ancient Greeks saw Ares or the Norse saw Loki.
All our "history" is a fabrication pretty much.
The scary part is we really don't know what forces we are playing with here.
Because Egyptians weren't post-ironic enough to worship Chaos Gods.
woaaaaaah, breaking the internet today are we?
Kek is Our Lord and Savior of Chaos, he's ours damnit!
kek is within all of us, praise kek
Wojak will save us then, won't he guys? We took Kek back from the normies, there's something special and great about Kek.
Praise to kek he is the giver of digits
Can't tell you how many stories I've heard along these lines.
>"Historian" goes to college
>Learns that all they do is look at artifacts and make up stories about them, sometimes over half-conjecture
>"Historian" thinks, holy shit, what the are we doing?
It really is a whole fucking bunch of making shit up.
why praise him ?
give me a single reason
They didn't want chaos.