Can someone please explain why this traitorous piece of shit managed to keep his job?

Can someone please explain why this traitorous piece of shit managed to keep his job?

Why has Trump gone all soft on everyone all of a sudden?

Trump seems to be weak to ass-kissers since it feeds his ego and Ryan is good at it.

>Why has Trump gone all soft on everyone all of a sudden?
He can't do anything about Ryan winning reelection. All he can do is make it apparent that Ryan is a huge faggot.

>He can't do anything about Ryan winning reelection.

but we can do something about it next time

vote him out

Exactly. This was on the House.

Man, some of you guys are still blue pilled. Trump will use him as a puppet. He was placed on blast after the little fucking shit he pulled. Whereas before if he was quiet, he probably wouldn't be on Trump radar. We know where is alliance lies now. He knows he will have to listen and do whatever Trump says or Trump will give him the axe.

>spergs think trump actually has any power

it's gonna be a long four years for you tards

Tried that with Nehlen. Ryan's constituents are cucks. I don't even live there but I pushed for his being voted out. The cuckery is just too strong.

He has made the bed he has to sleep in. Even Judas knew what he had to do as a traitor. Let's enjoy him squirm like a spineless parasite with no host.


he gets to select the people who will become supreme court justices. congress can reject them but hes the only one who gets to pick the candidate

he gets to select people for his cabinet and fed chairman is one position that can be changed that obama would prefer wasnt

this - he's all but kissing trump/bannon's rings now after they absolutely BTFO'd him all year

>>Why has Trump gone all soft on everyone all of a sudden?

because he's a con artist

the jobs aren't coming back unless you're willing to work for $2/hour. tax cuts do not promote economic growth, because the working and middle class use extra income to pay down their debts. ryan will gut medicaid and medicare for everyone besides boomers (all of you), and try his hardest to repeal the ACA. you will receive no help with financial aid for college.

good luck you dumb fucks, lmao

>Why has Trump gone all soft on everyone all of a sudden?

Trump wasn't just going to get into office and start messing things up. He's keeping the establishment close to his chest. He has to work together with them to get what he wants. Doing anything else is insightig a conflict within a Republican government which he doesn't want to do.

Ryan looks like he has Trump on leash, looks like drumpfy can't govern even he has the "greatest brain ever" hahaha, enjoy your Ryan puppet, also Ryan is a close friend of Romney, Romney cucked drumpfy

>he thinks establishment reps don't do the same thing their twin pa- I mean nemesis party does and just rig the thing

Fucking moron

his punishment must be much more severe

Trump cannot afford to be continually at war with the GOP.

I guarantee you that whether trump accomplishes what he says or not, the democrats line in 2020 will be "TRUMP HAD CONTROL OF THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT AND STILL FAILED TO DELIVER!"

He better make sure that he actually gets shit done, and that cant happen if half the party is retarded nevertrumpers

Can't rock the boat until he's sworn in.

>Ryan looks like he has Trump on leash,

I'd always heard the stereotype that pollocks were retarded, but now i know it's true

Right now he needs to make it to his inauguration. Afterwards he will probably begin the purge.

>I don't know how elections work
>WI still is a shitty fucking place with fat stupid people

/sigh Go away CTR.

Trump is playing it cool. Just wait until after he is inaugurated.

He's trying to fake them out so they don't keep him from being sworn in.
