Is THIS what you wanted?
Mothers heartbroken and daughters without a future?
Have some empathy...
Is THIS what you wanted?
Mothers heartbroken and daughters without a future?
Have some empathy...
They're free to go live with their mothers any time :)
why cant she come to mexico?
Fuck their feelings, if they want to be together so much then deport the kids over to mexico too.
This leaf made a good post
Unconstitutional. They are citizens.
>14 heart breaking photos that will make you say fuck having borders and laws n shit
Two illegal don't make a legal
OP your pic makes my dick rock hard.
We're keeping them with their parents.
Don't worry, we'll change that. Once Trump gets a conservative majority in the supreme court, we will challenge the ruling that it applies to illegal invader children.
>Is THIS what you wanted?
Yeah pretty much. Except times a million. Or ten million.
No, I wanted the anchor babies to be deported as well. Let them go swim in the Mexican culture they constantly rub my face in while they dance around cussing in Spanish and burning my flag.
I appreciate your joke, but they actually do if they plop it out on the north end of the Rio Grande.
Why cant the kids go visit their mums in Mexico and then come back?
yeah this. maybe they shouldnt have illegally crossed the border
Not for long
Not like they had a future to begin with
>Is THIS what you wanted?
No. Bush didn't go far enough. That pussy-ass fence is getting ten feet thicker.
not in 2 months
fuck having laws and borders and shit.
ellas pendejas
They knew the risks. Now they have to live with the consequences. Zero sympathy.
See, they're even using their wombs as weapons, breeding illegals to slowly destroy the USA. Pretty much the same thing in the UK but with bloody Muslims.
Is it the trailer of the next episode of Walking Dead?
Empathy is weakness
I want them BOTH on the other side of the fence. Fucking wetbacks
They love America more than the love their Mothers? Why don't they go back too? Mexico allows non-citizen children to live with their citizen parents.
And where were their Mexican fathers during these photo ops?
So what you're saying is the kids think they are superior to their parents for being legal immigrants while they're parents aren't thereby refusing to go to Mexico to be with them because they feel living there is inferior. Seems kinda bigoted if you ask me.
>emotional appeal.
Get the fuck out.
Is that a fucking Star of David in the bottom right?
.....and /thread. Good job leaf.
this isn't what i wanted
i wanted them to not be able to even contact eachother over the wall
Wow. Either gain citizenship or go the fuck back to your third-world shithole. But no, the anchor babies love their gov't handouts more than they love their families.
Fuck off with your virtue signalling leaf.
Came here to post this
Why she don't take the childs with her ?
Yes, this is exactly what I want. Pragmatism is more important right now than their feelings, if unregulated immigration to this extent was healthy for a country we wouldn't have these laws in place and a citizenship clause in the Constitution in the first place, we have had a front row seat to what is happening in Europe and have the means to prevent it here. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Empathy is the ability to disregard people you can't relate to as inhuman monsters. It's a willful emotional laziness. People are people no matter how you feel about them.
>but muh feelings tell me to hate only some strangers!
>that's how I know I'm a good person!
>actually walking to the border
Arizona fag here, the border is a good way to get killed. It's like traveling through downtown detroit
Maybe there parents shouldn't have been selfish and broke the law to go to America in the first place. They had children here because they thought it would guaranty them a stay in the country but that shit don't fly anymore. As for the kids that were brought here against there will when they were 3 years old maybe they should complain to their parents for forcing them to brake the law so there selfish ass could clean some white bitch in the Hamptons toilet for 4 dollars an hour.
Should have sent the kids back too.
this, this, this
only, it should only be citizens who can breed other citizens, not just having the convinience of being birthed and recorded within the borders making you an automatic citizen of that country, parent place of residence at the time or not.
>Both parents citizens = citizen
>One parent citizen, one parent illega/alien/tourist = second rate citizen, live here, but only under base minimum support and amenities (no vote, no gun ownership etc)
>Both parents illegals/aliens/tourists = illegal immigrant/alien/tourist too
you know this problem is very solvable by just going back to mexico
>break the law
Bait thread. Sage and ignore
>Responding to blatant bait
Do better next time.
I knew this board was incapable of intellectual discussion.
>Unconstitutional. They are citizens.
Debatable. Trump could work to clarify this in his second term.
This 100x over. They have to go back.
Is THIS what you wanted?
Prisons are unethical.
Why not move to Mexico legally?
Or move to the US legally?
wtf i hate racist laws now
your right we should just put them down so they dont suffer. im glad you brought this up OP. i guess liberal faggots do contribute to the discussion
Yes. This is exactly the what I wanted. Feels good Mang. Also fpbp.
I never get tired of seeing how fucking easy it is for the left to be manipulated against their own best interests
fuck off, leaf
>there shouldn't be consequences for my actions because it makes me sad
Pretty much this.
I mean why go through the checkpoint and spend the day in Spicland with mom when you can just stand on opposite sides of a fence and look sad? The only people who fall for this shit are the kind of idiots who couldn't think their way out of a wet paper bag
Or go to Canada I guess
Like they had for us when they decided to force themselves upon us to take what we didn't offer?
Guess they shouldn't have made poor choices in life.
I hate that every single argument the left has is always about feelings. No wonder they are nothing but women, betas and faggots.
Why the hell can't they get documented?
They purposely visited the states to push out a baby probably. Sounds like an awful lot of their problem.
Fuck you and fuck Ovechkin
Should have stayed in Mexico
Trump said he would not break up families if possible. Also this is obamas work trump isnt even in the office yet so why connect it to trump instead of Obama you hypocrite?
Who the fuck stops them to cross that border tho...????????!!
Oh I get it. These subhuman just have to cross to the other part where everything is better because there's less Mexicans to ruin it. They refuse to go back
You're right user, what was I thinking? Not breaking the law is so hard to do!
>have some empathy
go away brown nigger
10 Tearjerking Images That Will Make You Forget Why We Make Laws
Propaganda, unless both the mothers and the children are illegal, because if the children are US citizens nothing is stopping them from crossing over into Mexico and going for some delicious tacos with their mothers and then coming back to the US. If they are both illegals then I doubt even Democrats will feel bad for them. This usually only work if it is US citizens separated from their parents, not if both are illegal.
Why don't the mothers travel to Mexico for the weekend to say hi?
You guys don't let unlimited immigration. In fact your immigration standards are a lot stricter than ours
That's the Israeli border you fucking dinguses
That's fucking horrible, we need to get those kids to mexico ASAP. Keeping families apart, is just inhuman.
This. Hell they were born to illegals and should be deported too.
Why don't they just drive to the other side of the border... you can drive right into mexico..
oh because that doesn't make for a good picture.
>Mother's day
>Obama was President
>Fuck their feelings, if they want to be together so much then deport the kids over to mexico too.
They are would be illegals on mexico
The Children are legal, so they could have just visited them like anyone visits Mexico, through a border checkpoint, not through a fence
>Mexican Education
Why does the bottom right have a Jew star?
>Is THIS what you wanted?
Yeah pretty much what I wanted.
Wrong, they are American. They would be illegal immigrants in Mexico.
Either the daughters need to apply for Mexican citizenship, or the mothers need to apply for American citizenship.
Boo hoo they are crying
So if a cereal murderer starts crying in court does he get pardoned as well?
They could just take their children home with them?