Is this even remotely true?
Is this even remotely true?
Yes it's all true but their taxes are crazy high
Probably, but they left out their insane taxes. Good luck ever owning a house or a car in Denmark.
heard they have a really high suicide rate and the highest rate of people on anti depressants in the world.
It's true because they're a racially homogeneous white country where people can genuinely benefit and prosper from the crazy taxes and government coddling, because most people are relatively productive, decent members of society.
They also kill themselves a lot.
I'd rather have worse wages and not get ripped apart by mountain troll every day.
Tax on everything is crazy high and owning a car and apartment is a dream may danes will never achieve.
Well, our work weeks vary and we don't technically have a minimum wage, but it is roughly what you get working at McDonald's. You also get an allowance from the government if you study and are older than 18, how much depends on whether you live at home or not.
They forgot to mention how white they are
There's no minimum wage, the cost of living is extremely high, so if you happen to make $20/h, you'll still live like shit.
Most people have fallen into loan traps due to the high cost of living and more or less 70% of your income will go to taxes if you combine things like income tax, car tax, fuel tax and VAT.
I wonder why they are the happiest?
It's almost entirely a cultural thing, people in Nordic countries feel like they are socially obliged to claim to be happy.
Quick addendum, most Danes have happily paid their high taxes for generations now, but with the massive amounts of immigrants flooding into our nation, more and more of us are becoming increasingly frustrated with how our money is spent (read: on shitskins)
Not in 2016, you bigot.
>33 hour work week
normal danish work week is 37-40 hours.
there is however not a limit on it so it all depends on what deal you make with your employer (we got freedom of negotiation).
>20$ minimum wage
We have no minimum wage in Denmark. Get it through your skulls damn libtards. You can be paid 0.00001$ and it would be perfectly legal.
>Free universities
except for all the tax money we throw in. Oh and all the shit you will have to buy yourself. Nothings free. WE PAY A FUCKING HIGH TAX FOR THIS SHIT.
>Free health care
again: tax have you heard of it? Besides danish health care does not cover your teeth or your eyes. So you best no lose your teeth or need glasses you nerd.
>Free child care
hahahahahahaah no. That shit is fucking expensive.
Look at the amount of prozac they take and then you understand why
what exactly is wrong with high taxes if you have free services? are you not essentially getting that money back?
Same bullshit stats that usually put NZ in top 10.
It's just based on income #, protective laws, stability and "freedom" in terms of perceived lack or corruption.
Absolutely idiotic metrics for a general population's happiness and it shows in most of the supposed top nations.
It's pretty much just HDI
No. Danes aren't very happy. The method they use for comparison is shitty because those conducting it define happiness as things they want, whether they actually make people happy or not.
Think about how Coke would measure happiness. They'd say the people who drink the most coke are happiest. So they'd declare Mexico to be supremely happy.
Now think of some UN pencil pusher. He'll put value on shit like daycare, laws protecting "women's rights", " diversity", gibmedats, etc. Therefore the happiest countries will tend to be countries that already do what the UN likes.
A little downside: Danish males are castrated and they put something into the water that makes them grow tits
I'd rather be unhappy as a man than happy as a sissy.
Nothing is free.
This leaves out the fact that you don't really need a car in Denmark.. Because of our high tax rate, we enjoy a fantastic infrastructure. Also bicycles. So many bicycles.
>all the sad people kill themselves
>look how happy we are!
Thanks doc
>owning a car and apartment is a dream may danes will never achieve.
not true. All Danes can afford a damn car and a apartment. Even if they are not working they government will give them enough cash to afford something so basic.
because of this we got a HUGE number of fucking useless NEETs. However nobody really cared that much as long as the no good NEETs were Danes. Now with the immigrants the racist Dane is mad at the damn slackers.
>Tax on everything is crazy high
100% true. I hate that shit.
what is corruption and bureaucracy?
Government programs are always wasteful. You need some and I like most danish government systems but I would never claim they are effective.
besides I am not sure I can support it anymore with the amount of shitskins pouring in. I will help out a fellow Dane but I wont fucking pay for some no good monkey who walked over the damn border.
say again?
>the government will give you cash
Then it's not yours
Someone who isn't affiliated with the UN might choose different indices to value. Things like home ownership rates, TV's per capita, or whatever. He'd get different results.
Those things +
>Less immigrants
>more social cohesion
>Emphasis on supporting your people and the state
Basically National Socialist Germany in 2016.
>literally incapable of defending themselves, state security entirely underwritten and subsidised by the usa just like the rest of europe
Do leafs not understand the notion that ownership is transferred from one person to another when something is given?
There's a big difference. Even if it was like you say, the NEETs who were Danish would not reproduce.
Refugees and whatnot exploit the welfare system by having children, which can net them as much as (and over) €5k/m, here at least.
That's more than a job they'd ever get, so the incentive isn't to actually get one, but to pop out as many babies as fast as possible, most of the time without caring for them.
It's true in Norway too (for the most part)... but a car is 2x the price of a car in Germany
So it's pretty fugged up in some areas
> gibsmedats
Literally nignog-tier.
>be danish doctor
>first month at the job
>spend 33 hours a week helping people
>first month of hard work is finally over
>"hey boss, i could use my monthly paycheck now. i worked exactly 132 hours this month."
>"what do you mean paycheck? don't you know that you do this for free?"
>mfw slavery is still alive and well in 2016
>mfw i spent years of my life studying for a job that pays literally 0 euros a month
>mfw cant pay the bills and feed my family because i got scammed into being a danish doctor
>will probably die of starvation soon
oh well, at least the university was "free" aswell
They have something like a 90% divorce rate which means that the people are unbearable or the country is.
I am aware.
but paying high taxes and giving money to my fellow danish tribesmen is something I do gladly. I wont pay a dime to some non Dane vermin.
The redpill is strong with this one.
You are absolute right son of the Khan. If a Dane is a NEET nobody wants anything to do with him and he is shunned by society and women. The same standard do not apply to exotic vermin of the south who flood my beautiful nation.
Oh one more thing. Part of Scandinavian culture is keeping complaints to yourself. So if a survey is asking them to rate their happiness they may feel obligated to rate things as good and feel guilty about not being satisfied.
Cmon toothpaste, I know you are memin', but put a bit more effort in. Ok?
When all members of the society produce, it works well
No, Danes are the some of the most stony-faced unsmiling people in Europe and that's saying something
They probably don't care enough about anything to report unsatisfaction
This is bullshit i'm not happy at all
>but a car is 2x the price of a car in Germany
Are there any regulations to prevent this? One-way-ticket to hamburg, buy a car, drive up to denmark and get on the ferry. Should be do-able in a two-day-trip, which couldn't cost more than a thousand bucks either.
Pretty sure this contributes to the happiness
>free universitites
>Is this even remotely true?
No. Danes are alcoholics.
except it's true, university and health care isn't "free". you just force everyone else to pay for it. if it was really free it would be charity work.
you got a free education and became a doctor for free. Its time to pay back your debt by thralldom. Danish doctors earn most of their cash working privately when they are not on government duty.
You could have paid for all of it yourself and be completely free to do what you wanted afterwards. You did not.
and I am only lightly memin
yeah so dont go to denmark go somewhere else
Isn't everything incredibly expensive there? $20 minimum wage sounds nice until you pay $32 for a pound of chicken breast
High divorce rates indicate high levels of personal autonomy and show that Denmark's society doesn't trap women in loveless marriages. They see this as positive
we care about keeping subhumans out. That is something at least.
yeah fuck off we are full!
*wink wink*
>90% of people in Denmark end up in loveless marriages
>Since no one can afford to own anything, its easy to part ways
>Social welfare does the rest
Ill stay in Ireland.
You would need to register the car in Norway to be allowed to drive here, so you would have to pay all those taxes anyway (could be slightly cheaper, but not by much).
Is there one that's per capita?
Things like that work if you freeze immigration.
>*wink wink*
Is there something about denmark and ironic / iconic winking? I've seen you guys write that stuff far too often to be mere *wink3* coincidence.
False. Unless you are successfully able to seperate from a state then it is clearly able to tax your earnings under threat of law. It's their land, you just live on it.
Ahhhh here we go again. Maybe we're happy because we're a rich, white country? :^)
>Inb4 ebin :DDDDDDDDDDD welfare meme
Anybody have that photo of the white guy getting fucked in the ass by the black guy but where the black cock enters the white cornholio it's censored by a Denmark flag. Anybody have that???
>Ill stay in Ireland.
Please do. We do not want your kind here.
No its all just a coincidence Tyskersvin.
its all true. And if you even remotely make any money its a 55% tax
tfw a pic i made somehow ended up on pol....
>You could have paid for all of it yourself and be completely free to do what you wanted afterwards.
>hey buddy, you want this "free" candy? enjoy!
>okay, now it's time to pay your debt, you'll be my sex slave for the rest of your life
And we're gonna get even more liberal faggots from america since some plebbit post got popular all over the left encouraging them to emigrate here and with that their leftist views
the only good thing is high minimum wage so the kikes can't scam as hard.
they're also mostly white so not as many jews scam them.
Top kek, danskrov.
Just leave the car in Germany and ride your faggy bicycle across the border whenever you need to drive
>ill stay in Ireland
>Yes stay in Ireland
Sick burn.
>you don't really need a car in Denmark
Har du nogensinde forladt Kobenhavn?
33 hour work week and 20$ hr minimum wage pertains ONLY to those business that work for the government in some capacity. Own a private shop? Work at local cafe? Freelance? Private contractor? Then NO that doesn't apply.
Free universities, healthcare, childcare come out of taxes and is distributed on rolling budgets. This mean the stuff is free on first come basis. If there is not enough money you get put on a waiting list.
it was not meant as a burn.
Do not come here.
kobenhavn burde nukes. Resten af landet ville ikke have mistet noget af værdi
just move to a country that will pay you. ez
Yes, that one is per 100,000. Divide by 100,000 to get per capita.
except it said what it was right on the bottle.
Just because you are an idiot does not make it somehow unfair.
"Free" and they're very very white
Denmark: a country with the color saturation turned down all the way.
on the bottle it said "free candy" like in OP's pic.
It's almost as if Norway has a guardian angel who killed all the future commies who would've let in brown people
I was there for lowlands. It was pathetic.
chemical attack to preserve some of the buildings.
oh and can you warn me beforehand? Just so I can go visit the family estate outside the blast zone.
Luckily leftism is a virus, not a reproductive strategy. Leftists die out as the population becomes inoculated, the minorities those retards let in do not.
Let them pay for their own defense and see how long their entitlements survive. Big daddy USA is getting tired of protecting them for free.
It works iff every single human in the country is putting in what they consume
is that some kind of obscure sport or farming event?
Do not come back. Thanks in advance.
>ride your faggy bicycle
Y'know, cycling is a great thing - if done right. With "right" I obviously mean no capital safe for maybe amsterdam - cyclers in capitals or bigger cities, are always a blight on the other trafficeers.
What I mean, is having a seperate foot & bikeway next to the street, if the two connected cities are anywhere close to each other. And in europe "close" actually means close. Like, the mean ought to be somewhere under 3 minutes-close.
are you digging for sympathy my continental nigger? Because you wont receive any.
Your moronic ass thought you tricked the system and did not bother with the details. Your mistake your failure.
One of your music festivals. Danes are low energy. It was like emos with blonde hair.
yes its is true
Those are buthhurt Poles mad about Vilnius, pretending to be Lithuanian to make Lithuania look bad.
the facts in the picture are wrong. a 33-hour work week is not the overall standard. free universities is true i think. free child car for example is not true... maybe for very poor people. i dont think they have an overall 20$ minimum wage. happiest country in the world? maybe... who knows.
we got one music festival worth attending if you are into such rot.
Lowlands, or whatever its called, is properly some shitty rural village level music festival. What the fuck were you even doing there?
Most live in suburban areas. Everybody is depressed. Alcoholism is something almost everybody has.
Plz help
I demand you pay me 50% of your salary, if you don't I'll put you in jail
But there's an upside, some of that money, will return to you in a form of a voucher coupon for a hospital ran by my associate.
Usually you're not getting money back.
I go to Copenhagen almost every 3 months, and what I hve found is:
-Very white compared to other western european capitals (some muslims, but not many)
-loads of bikes
-youth is communist as fuck, especially in Cristiania
-don't go there as a manlet, I'm 6'1 and most of the girls are slightly shorter than me. Fucking danes make me feel like i'm 5'1
-crappy food desu, except for the muslamic places
-only apartments and they are small, and cost a metric shit ton
-cheap cigarettes
-beer is expensive as shit in restaurants
Best looking women I have ever seen, and i have visited France, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herz and Croatia. Something about the danish women being thin, blond haired and really conservatively dressed does it for me.
That's most of the things that come to mind.
Pic related, loads of them have blond hair and blue eyes.
>Yes it's all true but their taxes are crazy high
So are yours t b h