Opinions on Bosnia?

Opinions on Bosnia?

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You mean Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Yeah,Bosnia and Herzegovina.

I thought it was called East Serbia

you have to go back.

Its nice enough I guess.
Not exactly western europe but still not africa tier either.I think that we just need to have a smaller government,because I swear currently we have more ministers that Germany

True,its actually sad how many political roles we have and the 3 president thing is slowing the country down quite a bit,and you have Dodik so a lot needs fixing.
But without the politics its a nice place I guess.

So why don't you finally go back? Heee??


trokutistan literally a made up country on the spot

what was tito thinking?

Turk rape babies literally the same as Albanians or Turks. Brown inferior trash

republika srpska should be annexed to serbia
the rest should be taken over by croatia
all the mudslimes in either part should be deported to albania


>truk rape babie
your thinking of serbs
>people that have been living here for the last 2 and a half thousand years should be deported because they believe in a different magic man in the sky
maybe you should start looking at your county first Hans

converting to islam = treason.
no muslims are to be tolerated in europe, period. no matter how long they have been occupying the land.

Soon to be nothing.

Pack for Anatolia.

Go back to turkey,where you belong,mahometian dipshit. Or alternatively, killyourself

Is it true that you where ISIS tier during the Balkan Wars, or is that Serbian propaganda?

Not a chance buddy,couldn't have done it 95' with JNA equipment(against shit basically) doubt you could do it now.

Pack now, or you'll run naked.

No thank you "kebab remover".

Just dont send them our way this time.

It's cucked beyoned belief. Nothing works the way it's supposed to do in a European country. In part it's because of the way the state was formed (thanks Bill) and in part it's because we're a stupid and petty people.

t. dijaspora

This time Slovenia will help Serbia remove you.

It's not even east of Serbia.

...as evidenced by this thread. Did any of you faggots arguing in this thread even go through the war? Christ.

as much as i like you i still think you should be split 50 50 with us and serbia
also give kosovo back to serbia and albania to us
give slovenia to Austria and were good

No but i deal with the consequences of it today. My land is filled with rude Bosnians who refuse to assimilate and have brought Islam here.

There was a few ISIS tier guys I guess but nothing major,most of the fighters were just civilians/police and army.

If Balkans is the ass of Europe than Bosnia is that piece of shit that is stubbornly holding onto your ass hair and won't let go when on the toilet.

I loath em. Im sure you guys are ok. But every Bosnian immigrant iv cone across has turned out to be wigger trash.

i live in the capital (Sarajevo) and if you live on third+ floor of a building you dont have water from 23:30 to 06:30 due to the failing infrastructure

Its not the religion that matters,its the culture.
And the culture of most of the muslims in Bosnia is European.Not to say that there isnt the occasional
>hur ISIS is good
but those people are a extreme minority,and even the other muslims( I dont even want to call them muslims,because theyre about as religious as every western european,aka only for the holidays) dont like them.
Your'e free to have your opinions german user,but you cant group bosnians with the likes of albanians and turks .

>albania to us

What would you do with it?

I don't have a mental picture of Bosnia at all.

The flag is kind of weird. Thats all I'll say.

(((Bosnian))) Serbs are fine, muslims are traitors tho

Central Serbia then?
Fuck Croatia

more sea for the german tourists to dump their cash into
also border with greece making us a great country if you want to get from austria to greece without going trough like 5 borders effectively increasing our tourism even more

dismantle it

A meme country, shouldn't exist

Fucking bong education

>captcha: west

Man why are Croatians such lazy jews? All they want to do is STEAL and live off tourism.

shit i forgot about mount negro
well whatever forget about the second part of our plan

>Meme Country

>Shouldn't exist

>Morrocco Flag


you want to colonize albania?

>slovenia to austria
how about giving that Slavonia to the jews of the balkan
after all, Kajkavski is just a Slovenian dialect

you jelly mountain jew :^)?
we just raise our prices by like 200% during summer on the coast and let the Germans have at it
also more work places in cafes and hotels and shit

Most people just put us in a group with Albanians and Turks because we are muslims,not being biased here I am just saying the people in Albania and Turkey are a lot different than here and it sickens me when people shit on us because of Islam being the main religion,I live in the capital and I can say it is quite a nice place and the only thing that is quite bad about the country is the politics,3 presidents and stuff like that.

nice people, beautiful landscapes from what i saw spending just one day there. one cup of coffee consisted of only 50% actual coffee, rest were just the grounds, which i didnt realize until it was too late

>dismantle it
perfectly fine with this,not like it matters.
All of the exyu countries are bleeding population like crazy either to young people going to other european countries of from negative birth rates.In 50 years I doubt that we're gonna have more than a milion people living here.

Morocco isn't a meme country, it has a rich history and an actual King
It's one of the more based arab countries and to be honest, you don't know shit

> Bosnia
Literally where?

Actually been to Mostar and Sarajevo. Pretty nice country senpai. But Sarajevo has some kind of run down parts. Perhaps you should bring in some of us Amerisharts to build Wal-Marts and McDonalds to make the city great again.

not even similar tbhfamsmh


>wal mart
Literally how to ruin a country and and give it to the jews 101

wartime rationing is still practically in effect there.

the meme country survives on foreign handouts.


Somehow they are bases in eu4, but not in real life

Silence, goy or we'll take your little coastline.

>being this self hating
you know your statement isnt true

We actually have a McDonalds in Sarajevo,thats pretty much it tho.

Went there on holiday last summer. Beautiful nature, lots of things to see and do.

Seems very fucked after the war. Both in terms of government and lack of post-war reconstruction

Would recommend nontheless

Bosnia is dysfunctional experiment about multireligionism, not multiculturalism, made by nwo back in 90ths.

It's shit if you depend on ability to earn money locally.

t. hacker working highly payed immoral acts for 'clients'

>mfw it's a bosnia thread
>mfw the shits been flung
>mfw the serbs, croats and balijas are at each others throats

>most balkanoids living and working in europe
>homelands reduced in population, and mostly consist of smaller villages where people come from Europe to vacation and retire
>natural beauty recovers fully, peace reigns

Just wanted some opinions on muh country man.

Situation normal.


The nature is quite nice but after the war a lot of stuff happened and it went downhill from there.

Is it hot in your country?

aka every ex-yu thread ever

What do you Bosnians do for a living? Unemployment seems to be extremely high

Also, what is the relationship between Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats today?

that not true
the cucks there dont fight all that much just generally shitpost about mayonez and a guy who fapped with a croissant

no it's pretty cold right now, there's snow on the Atlas mountains already
it's not my country actually im a Slovenian, that's why i'm in this thread, cause you just need to post a balkan flag to b8 half of it's population to post and fling shit at eachother

i didn't mean ex-yu general, i meant any thread about ex-yu made on Sup Forums

The original Jihadi Johns

Muslims, kill them all

Muslims: kill them all

usually spend all their money betting on greyhound races or lucky six bingo

>and a guy who fapped with a croissant
I have several questions.

depends where honestly,mostly its just politicians trying flinging shit at each other,but most of the people dont hate each other that much.


answer to your question

Back where? They are local Slavs that changed their religion for


>a bongistanian
can you even say that In public Ahmet?
Im pretty sure you have atleast several times more muslims than we do

he put a dick in the 7days croissant and fapped with it
says the "jelly" inside felt like lubricant and it was the best fap of his life
also he was bosnian

I know some Bosnians here in MI, they're a little too /k/ for me but they're good folk

it's balkans /k/ulture.

you bigot.

Ex-Yugo threads sound fun.

Most bosnians just can't get a job these days,the few that do get them from a cousin that knows people or something along those lines.
For the second question,depends on who you ask,since all 3 live in Bosnia,I would say that you know most of us just hate each other and we live like that because we can't live in any other way.

Thanks for the answer

What do you do? Is there any way to get NEETbux in Bosnia?

Went with a Bosnian to school, as far as i know, you are all muslims but don't give a fuck about it, like to have clean neighbourhoods and appearently your goverment is extremely corrupt. That's what he told me though.

wait until you hear about taksista
some alpha guy who apperantly fucks like 100 chicks a week, drives a taxi, has mad money and brags about it on /ex yu/, the guy also made some of the best copy pastas on there seeing how every one of his replies was a wall of text.

Then you have hibrid, the local legend who beat up 2 girls when he left elementary school and faked being crazy so he would avoid jail, got diagnosed with some bullshit, also has an autistic brother who makes youtube videos that have like 2 views, got him on my steam friends the guy is a NEET who pisses in bottles and shit

lots of more meme makers on there

I had to pay 666€ to leave BiH last year.

I just work a part time job atm,nothing too much but I can live normally with what I earn.

Write autistic books about illuminati and shit
its what Hibrid does and earns like 150 euros or more per book

Truly we are the Dinaric master race.

will balkan memes ever surpass Finland, the current artisans and masters of the meme?
on a related note, do we have anything like a ylilauta for balkan?

I'd venture that bosnians, be they serbs, croats or "bosniaks" were always the stupidest people in yugoslavia.

no loyalty to greater ideals, just vision 1 inch ahead of their noses.

jer nas ista, ista ljubav spaja :)