Is communism really the best ideology?
>the Axis powers couldn't beat the USSR in WW2
>the UN couldn't unify Korea as a Democratic Republic
>they also failed to prevent Vietnam from going red again
Is communism really the best ideology?
>the Axis powers couldn't beat the USSR in WW2
>the UN couldn't unify Korea as a Democratic Republic
>they also failed to prevent Vietnam from going red again
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What did Kek mean by this?
> Chaos god
> Communism
the ultimate red pill is communism.
capitalism is an unsustainable anti-nationalist globalist cancer on the face of humanity
read hegel and marx
Is David Duke the best politician?
you tell me
Whatever happen to that old Soviet Union
>stupid people without any schooling were judges, politicians
>if you were rich, if you were religious, if you had good schools you were enemy, your house, your belongings, your money was confiscated
>news had to lie constantly
>you weren't able to travel
>the scum of society had power and was the model role
>give everybody a work, even if it was fake and he didn't du nuffin'
>huge loans
>if you had other opinion you were dead or in jail
>revolution? let's just invite a shitload of our russian "brothers" to shoot up our capital city and kill many people
yeah, the best you faggot, move to north korea
No for the simple reason that its totalitarian, and goes against the fundamental human instinct
its all about Kill Death Ratio.
fuckin kek'd
Dictatorship is if you know what's right.
>the Axis powers couldn't beat the USSR in WW2
Look at how many men the USSR lost and tell me again they won.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
Same path we are on in America.
In the USSR, capitalism beat communism.
In America, capitalism beat democracy.
Capitalism is a starving wolf that eats itself. Americucks suck its dick because they're told to by their neoliberal elite but the truth is that capitalism is nothing but a description for what happens when you let men fight men with contracts instead of guns. The winners win, seize control, and then take over. Capitalism doesn't guarantee any freedoms, it doesn't respect any rights, it doesn't do or not do anything. It's just a word we use to describe how we behave in the absence of any motivation other than profit and self-interest. Sometimes that behaviour is socially advantageous and sometimes it isn't.
Politics alone, not economics, can solve the moral decay of man. Advocating an ideology based on its economics only shows how infantile your thought is. Were the people of the 1500s weeping in their muddy streets because they didn't have cars and iPhones? Are you weeping in the streets because you don't have hovercars and iPlants behind your ears that let your Goybook status updated get beamed directly into the brains of your Twatter followers? We're spirits, not animals. We need to find a way to be happier with less, because the current rate of consumption is laughably unsustainable and we are betting everything on mythical spacefaring technology that we have no reason to believe is even possible to magically solve all our problems some time within the next 40 years.
once i make enough money to build my house, im gonna get a custom toilet bowl with a hammer and sickle logo on it. Every day i will piss on the symbol, every day will be glorious
Wierd statue. There is no sympathy for the dead, at least not for Asians, Americans, or Africans. "Sympathy for the dead" is a cancerous European idea made by a mix of paganism and Catholicism. Europe will soon be reborn as a globalist utopia, the hub of Earth.
KEK approves.
It sure is.
>tfw will never live in a communist society where the Soviet government assigns me a qt eastern Slav wife and a reasonable apartment in a commieblock, so I can wörk and make 3-5 new comrades in peace
Why live?
Not for humanity!
I don't know, maybe? If only there were several historical examples (that we could later claim weren't actual communism) that we could look at to see.
>Is communism really the best ideology?
Marxism is not an ideology. Marxism is a science.
Also forgot
>China is buying up everything, from our houses to entertainment industries