ITT We laugh at Reddit cucks

Currently a thread in /r/all about where numales share their stories about getting turned down when proposing

>I was with a girl for just over 5 years. When we met, she was in a bad place. The guy she was with before me used to beat her up and stuff. Really abusive. So it was tough in the beginning because she had major trust issues, self esteem issues, depression and she self harmed. But I went and fell in love with her. Helped her get over a lot of the mental anguish she was going through. Took her to (and paid for) her therapist every other week. We lived together for 4 of those years.
>On our 5th anniversary, I proposed. I was madly in love with her, and I assumed she was with me. She said yes!
>Then, a few months after that, I got off work a bit early, picked up her favorite fish and chips for dinner and headed home.
>Long story short, I walked in her fucking some other dude in our bed. Both ass-naked, she's riding the guy like a fucking cowboy. They didn't even fucking hear me come in to the apartment.
>I'll skip the details, but within 2 days of that happening, she was gone. All her stuff out of the apartment. Half of MY stuff gone from the apartment, including my cash stash that was several thousand. She took my TV. A bunch of my kitchen stuff. She kept the ring. She took my fucking DOG man. Took the damn dog.
And I haven't seen or spoken to her since. That was just about 3 years ago now.

I'm so fucking glad I'll never stick my dick in crazy I may never find love but atleast I'll never have to deal with the possibility of a crazy women.

Americans are so weird. My GF of three years is moving with me next week. I'm making her pay half the rent and she needs to bring HER furniture. Also she knows i'd fucking kill her and the man if she cheated on me. They are women, you retards. Yes they are equal to us in many regards, but in other aspects you need to be abusive to stay in control. It's also doing them a favor. A crazy bitch is a lost bitch.

Oh and a helpful tip to amerilards. Have your women work. A housewife is a cheating wife.

based burrito

it wont work, america is capital of numale and cuckoldry, pretty much the only place where this is happening at such large scale

Honestly the infestation of numale and cuckoldry is far worse than I had initially thought. But at least they are not sweden. At least they elected God Emperor Trump.

>Have your women work. A housewife is a cheating wife.
Not really, the workplace is the easiest place to get laid if you're into "hookup culture".

>Sup Forums
>not full of low test numales

Yea, being alone is far better than what that cuck experienced.



Nowadays with so many dating sites, it's a lot easier for a housewife to get banged. Most of the time the people at work are downright shit tier, and it doesn't help that you uncounciously(sp?) relate them with work.

How can a website be so cucked?

>Sup Forums europoor rejects calling others cucks

>Trusting something that bleeds for a week and doesn't die
>Le shig

> Nowadays with so many dating sites, it's a lot easier for a housewife to get banged.
Not true. People who work together always find a way to drink together, and for women being drunk is a get-out-of-jail-free excuse for promiscuous sex.

I disagree. All the women I know who work are the bitchiest, cock-carousel riding whores in existence, nearly as bad as single mothers. Women who settled down with a good man and had babies young are so much happier and more feminine.

TLDR; women need to be owned by a masculine man in order to be happy.

God /r/The_Donald is just Sup Forums without being self-aware and a superiority complex

>going on reddit at all
the only cuck here is you


No wonder her previous boyfriend would beat her. Sounds like she deserved it.
>mfw feminists would use her abusive past as an excuse for this cuckoldry

Some boyfriends beat their girlfriends for a reason.
If they don't fear betraying you, then they don't love you.

Depends where she works,def restaurant s and bars, low level office enviroment,retail and factiry stuff not somuch

Wat een kanker pussy haha

Exactly this. Instill fear and respect in your women. I don't condone hitting them, but let them know that if they betray you (cheat), they are going to die bleeding out. There is no purer love than a woman who stays after that.

neither of you fucking virgins have had a girlfriend before. i can guarantee you have zero relationship knowledge


Not everyone is a cuck, you leafblower.

Atleast now he knows why her ex had beaten her :D


Nige is that you?

>Spanish not the Mexican flag

stop linking that shit here. no one gives a fuck about reddit.

>No arabic


Number 1: Pic Related
Number 2: >5 years
Shit or get off the fucking pot

i'm curious as to why treating your significant other like an actual partner as opposed to a pampered princess is blasphemy to american guys


>be guy with insecurities
>meet girl with insecurities
>learn to help each other overcome our anxieties
>Wife fell in love with me first
>Made it clear that if she cheated or even think she did we are forever done
>Keep our problems to ourselves and abandoned all notions of equality/fairness to focus on whatever makes our relationship the best
>Make it clear that were are an alpha couple together and now our hobby is to go to parties and show off our relationship
>Women see how happy I make her and they submit to her authority
>Men see how devoted and willing to please my wife is and they submit to my authority
>Other men's girlfriends see all the things I do for her and berate their boyfriends for not being like me
>Vice versa with the men's bitchy girlfriends
>use our influence to blaze a path thru any beta in our way to success

God damn It feels good to be a power couple, not that you pussies could satisfy a woman's needs.