Hey Sup Forums, atheist user here. Redpill me on religon. I try to believe in a higher power, but can't.
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Hey Sup Forums, atheist user here. Redpill me on religon. I try to believe in a higher power, but can't.
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Dunno, I liked that Alchemical Studies by Carl Jung.
I have Alchemical Studies too. Takes years to fully understand though. You have to look at the structure of the psychic experience as much as the content.
Yeah, well alchemy books are always pretty obscure. Like Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob is just crazy. But I like Jung's ideas about the unconscious and stuff.
Just be a diest or agnostic nigga like damn who gives a fuck what a bunch of autist Christfags on a Chinese finger painting board think.
Or discordian.
Higher power believes in you, user
Why fag for the New on the stick.
You've witnessed the power of the collective unconscious (as Jung calls it) focused through the lens of Kek. Sup Forums used this terrible power to literally alter the world.
I don't see how someone who was here for it could deny what happened here.
It's all a conspiracy.
>Christianity and islam branched off of Judaism
>christians act as the "great protector" from islam
>islam acts as an aggressor towards Judaism
I think I can understand how you feel user. Abrahamic religions paint God as having deliberately designed things, and that he's loving, forgiving, and cares about us, in other words benevolent, and also paint him as all powerful.
Yet all around us there are undeserving people with horrible lives, cripples and such. How can a benevolent God with this much power who claims to love us do this to us?
I can't accept the premise of a benevolent and omnipotent God that is taught to us, the concept doesn't match reality.
I'm agnostic in the sense that I allow for the possibility of a higher power, but it is either not omnipotent (just like, Aliens that are more advanced than us or something along those lines) or if it is Omnipotent, it's not benevolent. Most likely to me, if there is a higher power, it is callous to our suffering at best, and at worst, enjoys our suffering.
How does a benevolent and loving God go and create a realm of eternal torture and misery just for not believing in him, is he that vain? Why does "God" have a teenager's need for attention and self-affirmation?
So yeah.. that concept of God.. totally false.
But other concepts of God? Maybe.
>I try to believe in a higher power, but can't.
Try harder
Do you believe in human rights?
Could you prove that human rights exist?
Same with religion. Religion gives you a basic moral value system.
Without some framework of social values you're nothing but an animal.
Religion is perfectly acceptable and probably good for people on the whole.
It's not about god, it's about everything else.
and this is good social commentary, even though it's comedy.
from my limited knowledge, it seems religion is a biological defence mechanism to protect conciousness of the fear of death.
also, it seems to be, that humans can project their thoughs over nature, it seems as the basis of magic.
to me, it seems to be that humans can create magical beings with their thoughs.
starting with imaginary friends, we can advance the chaos magic up to sigils, spells, egregores and Gods.
so, in a sense, gods are created and sustained through the believe of a number of people.
so, it seems pol has discovered through trial and error, the basics of magic, and our channeled energy has given kek the basics of at least an egregore level.
Do you have a succ?
>Redpill me on religon.
dont have a proper sauce, but you can ask on /x/
start googling up what is an egregore
>I try to believe in a higher power, but can't.
No shit Sherlock
Alright, I couldnt care if you believe in a higher power or not. Just keep one thing in mind; if you say astrology is real but deny religion/God you're going to be part of deluded people.
Do you.
I meant do you have a succubus.
Alot of people just have life experiences where it seems like there must be a higher power at work. I grew up poor as hell, but everytime we needed money to keep our house and had tried all sensible options, we would pray and it would end up being taken care of through some insane random act of kindness.
Go for nature
Study it, study animals, mammals and primates.
Study patterns in behaviour, reasons and results.
Look at humanity and observe similarities.
Study human history and keep an eye on politics and how the political pendulum keeps swinging between war and peace.
Learn to fight and how to avoid a fight.
Learn to fight and find enlightenment.
Learn to be and don't accept easy answers by people who get paid to have the answers.
And don't listen to indoctrinated people claiming to have the answers.
And last but not least;
NEVER go to an Icelandic geyser observation board and expect a serious reply.
>OP is a faggot
Just pretend and avoid Christian trigger words like most ppl do.
I'm not really into magic, more like redpill shit.
>look at me guys I watched some shitty movie with Keanu Reeves lol
When will pol grow up.
Read Thomas Campbell's My Big TOE. We're living (by choice) in a virtual reality designed specifically to improve the quality of our "souls".
Be higher power
A hierarchy of abstracted deity is the way to go.
Read Plato and Plotinus.
Religion is bluepill. A means for control and a way to perpetuate divide and conquer strategies. You want to discover your spiritual side, open your third eye, and begin traveling through the Astral plane. That's the redpill.
Many of the messages embedded in religions are perfectly positive, but the dogma itself is limiting, divisive. Low your neighbor, but also, these guys worship a different skybeard so FUCK THEM. Dumb. Meditate on it and you'll see. We all arrive at one of two ultimate conclusions: love for others, or love for self. Don't confuse those with positivity or negativity; there's no such thing, only what is, which is everything.
I know more about redpill than 99% of pol retards here.
I cringe when I see them using the term jew.
I know about redpill too, it was a storytelling device used in a hollywood movie from 17 years ago. Next time you guys will start bringing up Harry Potter or some shit.
the matrix meme was based on previous philosophical themes about the matrix, you're literally too new if you can't understand where It came from.
>my le meme had le history so it's totally le cool
this guy gets it
get green pilled
Opinion trashed. I have a list of buzzwords that instantly invalidate any poster.
>what is plato's cave
completelly newfag
read an intro to highschool philosophy book pal.
post it faggot
yes, good goy
believe in the etherium
believe in anything but the salvation of Christ
go ahead, do it
take the "greenpill"
>i-i-it vaguely resembles some philosophical idea so my shitty meme is totally cool now!
Consider why pepe is banned on other boards and then think about the intellectual level of memes on this board.
Pretty immature way of looking at the world.
>bad things happen so there is no god. And if there is, he doesn't care.
How do you expect "good things" to exist if there is no duality (ie. Bad things). Do you try to understand things on your own or just simply get by on rejecting the opinions of others? The very concept of "God" implies the entirety of all things. Not simply "the good guy". You don't even understand the word "omnipotent ".
>Consider why pepe is banned on other boards
tell me about those boards
>the irony of calling someone a goy while promoting an Abrahamic religion
>the concept is not real because of memes.
read more redpill and then we talk.
You are mistaking words "believe" and "admit the fact".
No evidence that God exists would be given until the Lord himself comes for the second time. Not even the apostles had the "true" belief, you may know that from the scriptures, how Peter was not able to walk on water, how Peter, James, and John were sleeping, how Jesus calls other people who are close to him of little faith. Every believer is not "knower" that God exists, he is a believer, he "wants" God to exists and does things according to his assumption that God exists. That's pretty much what most atheists do not understand.
Did not read the thread, I am an Orthodox Christian.
>implying the LORD didn't curse at jews, at their heretical behaviour and didn't whip the fuck out of them
hate the jews and their lies, not Christ the LORD, for he bears no allegiance to these devils.
Do you really think pol isn't the laughingstock of this website? Even int makes fun of you.
>indulge in my autism THEN we can talk
Whatever kiddo.
>Do you really think pol isn't the laughingstock of this website? Even int makes fun of you.
and that is an answer to my request how?
What do you want to hear, boards that have regulation and aren't total dogshit.
Just live your life.
God will judge you at the end of it, or he won't.