Average Sup Forums poster

Average Sup Forums poster





me irl

Hey that's me!

>Sup Forums
Pic one


>me irl

Is it not better to be strong than weak?



Is that actually you in the OP picture?


It is. A very amazing coincidence, how did this faggot get my picture?

me irl

Stop watching CNN you Jihadist sand nigger. . I am a spic/ latino. And I love Pol. I love America. And love Trump.

I don't know, lad. But he isn't wrong.

Brittania rule the waves!

These are faggots real nationalists have a job, wife and kids.

it perfictly fits to term " russian culture" too. lul

tattoos are degenerate OP

i knew i've seen that tattoo before


old news. I removed that for less obvious ink.

Let me guess, kindergarten teacher?

post timestamp faggot.

then kill yourself, tattoos are disgusting

average bait/slide thread poster


Little boy I could snap you in half like a twig.

Average CTR SJW keyboard warrior


His will

>Little boy I could snap you in half like a twig.

>I am a big stronk man I can fight you fight me pussy come at me I bet you dont even have any tattoos or hate the blacks or something

you should really attempt suicide

Russians would have no recliner, would be steel folding chair or half of old car.


These faggots are no better than the SJW's. They're all tatted up and essentially look like pale spics from L.A.

That whole "now nazi white nationalist tats and pericings faggotry" needs to be flushed out from the movement.

Fuck these clowns. Honestly I was hoping Obama would purge these niggas and for Trump to purge out SJW and liberal cucks.

Obama failed and now Trump will have to lay waste to both useless groups.