Thoughts on G Willow Wilson?

Thoughts on G Willow Wilson?

move this to Sup Forums. game of thrones dont belong here.

This generations Neil Gaiman

I'd like to know who wrote Cairo and Air for her.

Why are posting this every time?


She's a cosplay muslim

She is a Muslim
She is therefore a sub-human

No respect for her

>implying muslims worse than christians

Because it wouldn't be Sup Forums without a daily circlejerk of outrage about something stupid.

What’s the Christian version of ISIS dumbass

>Trying to reason phoneposters


So in other words nothing

That’s what I thought

It's harder to think of something more pathetic than a woman who converts to islam.

Shopping around for a religion in the first place is pathetic since it indicates you know it's made up but just need a coping mechanism and then you decide on not only the worst religion in the world but the one that treats you like shit because you were born a woman.

Like a chicken that doesn't need a job wanting to go work at KFC.

And of course she's praised for diversity reasons for being a white woman writing a brown character who's upbringing she has zero experience with which would be the next shoah if it wasn't or her meme conversion.

Well if you want a serious answer.
The Lords Resistance Army. In truth there are a few groups throughout Africa that do fucked up shit in the name of God but no one gives a shit about them because none of them pose a threat to America, it's interests or any of it's vacation spots. So they just run around mutilating and raping people. If you mean a comparison to ISIS as in same threat level or same perceived or promoted threat level then you got me, I don't know. But as for ideology and methods there are a number of christian groups just as there are more muslim groups running around than just ISIS.

while i can't think of anything from christianity that's as loony as ISIS, i'm pretty sure the religion's had some movements that have over the years caused a similar amount of damage to peoples and cultures, if at least via accumulated effect

but u could say that about so many other ideologies, that it's not saying all that much

>I can imagine they exist therefore they exist

Christianity has modernized so they don't chimp out like Muzzies

Muzzies haven't joined the 21st century

The inquisition


Catholics are pretty meaningless, yea...

lord's resistance army

Writes a decent comic book, not that that matters since most anons are gonna get stuck on the muslim thing and focus only on that since Sup Forums doesn't read comics.

Her independent books are quite good. Her Big 2 books are garbage.

This picture is meant to incite shitposting

Only 5,000 victims mostly politically motivated.

>only example of ISIS like behavior is just niggers being niggers
