Norway would utterly destroy Sweden in a war and war is coming
Norway would utterly destroy Sweden in a war and war is coming
I stand with you Norway Bro. I've actually met Harald V, got to speak with him and shake his hand.
Why is Norway and Sweden going to war?
Swedes are cucks who sold everybody out in WW2 while Norway fought back and destroyed Hitler's atom bomb.
They will finally answer for their crimes before they can betray Scandinavia again.
>Swedes sold the eternal anglo out
>Norway destroyed Hitler's atom bomb.
Yet you call Swedes cucks.
Also, we helped Finland against Russia.
Death would be too kind for you, coward
...Does either party need anything?
>nordic war fantasy thread
>mongolia not invited
Would liberate both of you.
bligzkrieg :DDDDDD
Hey Norfag you know the amminution has not been approved for use for environmental reasons and there is only the budget for 2 hours of helicopter flying a week.
people please, we all have a plan, no need to fight over it
i am here to help
we will uncuck sweden
Acceptable. America will repurpose the wasteland for our weaponized reindeer breeding program.
I like this map. I will print it and hang it on my wall.
Anywayz Denmark, how many subs do you got?
>weaponized reindeer breeding program.
>tried to use bats as flying fire bombs in ww2
>now its reindeer for ww3
Please snow elf. Dilute your mongol genes and show the true Nords people how skyrim should be run.
no subs, but glorious Danish Naval tradition, you bring Tordenskjold and the Eternal Swede will be no more
One of our prototypes escaped and got mad at a rival heard recently. Sorry about that...
The containment zone is necessary as you can see.
Blacks are not American
>weaponized reindeer
Sorry mate, Ruskies beat you to it
You're both pussy nations that are irrelevant compared to actual world powers, suck our dick
>no subs
Scandinavians are pathetic
Britannia rules the waves
vatt do ju meen?
That only happened because their hand was forced.
You did nothing for us, but keep pretending selling wrong equipment and a handful of volunteers somehow helped.
This desu. The Royal Navy is probably 2nd only to the Americans these days:
>Astute class subs
>Two huge carriers on the way
>New nuclear powered nuke firing subs being funded to replace Trident
>Type 45 destroyers
>The Royal Marines having the longest basic training in NATO
How can Russia even compete?
>having completed your mandatory military service
>still believe in the competency of Finnish armed forces
Lol how?
Fuck off Putin-troll.
If you ever even served a second there you must understand what the main purpose of fdf is.
We've already sent one of our high tech spy vessels into the baltic sea.
So far we've only picked up girls and boys talking about BBC though... not much of an intel
Norwegian F35s ready for take off
Sending thousands of volunteers, several hundred thousand munitions and hundreds of guns, rifles and third of your own airforce to help a neighbour in war is pretty considerable effort considering they weren't obliged to do shit for Finland.
I approve of my tax dollars funding this money pit if you turn it on the swedes
Finland will participate! We will take the northern lands and Stockholm(and cleanse it with fire). Norway, you grab them by the pussy!
I've seen that ship here in Harstad. It just stood still for a month, then it went towards Sweden. I wonder what they're up to. Harstad is pretty close to Sweden btw.
Wouldn't be much of a fight. There would only be 8 million swedes shouting: "it's 2016!!!!" then get slughtered.
>the scrawny brown guy is american
Fugging saved lol
I literally laughed out loud (and that rarely habbens)
I can't help but notice mg pointing in a general direction of that manlet.
>black manlet
FUG, I laughed aloud again (people are trying to sleep here ffs!)
Im glad we did, heil hitler!
do it. Went on a 2 week vacation to Scandinavia. Started in Oslo and had the choice to go through Sweden up to the North Kap or go along the Norwegian coast.
Went to Stockholm day one and noped the fuck out the same evening.
Coast was worth it.
If you aren't loyal to your sovereign you don't deserve a nation. Lucky for you, some Somalians will relieve you of it in short order
Good mountainbro
Massive nuclear strike capability.
Do it you fucking faggots, and drag us into it, blood for the blood god, Stockholm will burn and Swedes will be raped and bred out by superior Nords and Anglos
you must be important
Norway is like Sweden without the interracial cuckolding.
Oh well
I'm calling your hotline, stop trying to mansplain this away.
And now you are living in a Hitlerian paradise.
>and Swedes will be raped and bred out by superior Nords and Anglos
Could we make a deal on 90% nords and 10% anglos?
Norway bros won't reply because they're jealous ;_;
I wanna destroy this hellhole too! Can i join in? Wanting to be invaded is not being a cuck - if you're a Svensson!
>The american is not even allowed to hold a gun
Racist much?
Like you have done anything for us. If you fought back when Russia stoled Finland from sweden, then we would help.
I am sure thats is hurtigrutten
I think that the Danes need to get back control of you faggot's and teach you how to speak proper.
Lol swedish nords are superior to bad teethed saxons
Some international laws and shit. The american folks weren't able to bring their carbines when they trained in finland.
Finn's are really mongoloids aren't they.
Norwegian camouflage.
I blame Sweden for IKEA, plus Norway has a world at Epcot
swedes are just going to love that. they taunt and tease the ones who get molested by the samolis. its like a inside joke. the savages dont get that they are increasing the perceived value of the ones who dont get molested
this is their stupid game. they would probably welcome nords doing it as the nigs and kebabs tend to be a bit rough
>implying finns weren't the cannon fodder and bulk of the Swedish armies for centuries
Really though, that ship is like the entire Finnish navy budget :)
oh man, now I feel evol (but it's true)
>800 years of Bokmål confimed to replace kebabic
Who wouldn't be?
>when Russia liberated Finland from sweden
Fixed that for you, very lucky event in hindsight.
Fuck off, homo.
Another irrelevant nation chime's in.
Sweden is the only nordic country that actually put up a fight. We btfo the danes every single time, the fact that you even think that you can defeat us is just laughable. When did Norway ever have an empire?
Norway was a country CENTURIES before Sweden even existed.
Swedes. He is a good man and a good King. I hope you get to meet him too.
We've already established that not to be the case.
>Sweden and Denmark at war
>Denmark is winning
>France decides to help Sweden
>England decides to help Sweden
>Prussia decides to help Sweden
wow what great victories
>Norway declared 1905
>Swden declared year 1000
Stop this meme, the fact that you and Finland even are a country right now is because we were nice enough to grant you independence. Don't make us go Gustav II Adolf on you oil-niggers
Norway 872
Sweden 1397
Norway is one of the oldest still existing countries in the entire world along with Denmark, Scotland, China and Egypt.
Your country is shiet, after the battle in Poltava our entire army was destroyed and then you decided to declare war like a bunch of a roaches. But yet we still managed to repel you with simple farmers. Your army was complete garbage
Your country has either belonged to Denmark or Sweden. When were you ever an independent country with your own king? You were our bitch boy
TIL Sweden granted Finland independence from Russia
and at the siege of Copenhagen you had control of the entire country, and still managed to lose to some outnumbered militiamen.
>When were you ever an independent country with your own king?
For like 5 centuries (500 years) before the unions? Back then Sweden was NOTHING.
Then Swedes had to learn about the world from Norway. It all changed after the black death though (the only reason why Norway got into those unions).
Without the black death, all of Scandinavia would have been one single country today called 'Norway'.
Does Sweden even have a REAL culture?
They even still sing our songs on the western islands
How can Sweden even compete
Are you fishing