Scooby-Apocalypse #22

Scooby-Apocalypse #22

This was going to be the climactic issue of the series before they completely changed the plot-line cause they weren't cancelled.

Let's see what they ended up doing instead.

And here we go....


These names, the pain, hahah










Ruh roh



Alright, that's funny.

Looks like they're setting a new status quo in order to build off of their stay of execution.





...and I just don't know what the fuck is going on with Secret Squirrel.

THE END, for this month.
See you next month to see if their obvious Dawn of the Dead plan works.

>this was going to be the climactic issue of the series before they completely changed the plot-line cause they weren't cancelled.
wait what? I wonder if Giffen is gonna take some shots on that

Oh yeah, the solicits for this arc is all about how they find the last safe house, something goes horribly wrong, and they have to get out of dodge and find the last remnants of society.
Really setting up an endgame issue with #24.

What we've been getting?
Way different.


Tgis has strayed so far from Scooby Doo why bother calling it that at all.

What do you mean?
There's four of them, and a dog.

That's more than some Scooby shows have had.

How the fuck is this series still going? It's so godawful.

>and entirely too much dialogue.

I like this Shaggy design. I didn't hate the first one, but this is a good improvement.

Yeah, having a 5'0 clock shadow works well

This felt so bland, boring and stupid.
I don't even know what is going on and what happened to the characters.

I'm only here for the chance of ships that will probably never happen. But complimentary bump all the same.

You mean Velma/Shaggy?

Because solicits have spoiled that Fred and Daph hook up.

>I don't even know what is going on and what happened to the characters.

Neither does Giffen or JMD I figure/

>the first spoiler

Yes. Yes I do. If there's a group of people in these threads talking about it than I'm more likely than not one of them.

Yeah, I'm with you there.
I hope it happens, but with our luck it'll get real cancelled soon.

Nah. I think we've got at least another arch, but if it's made it this long, I don't see why they would cancel it.

Stranger Things reference