Can we stop the whole "Sweden is the land of the cucks" now?
Can we stop the whole "Sweden is the land of the cucks" now?
Keep it up.
First you crystal night the arabs, then we consider.
>25 people arrested. All antifa. They were constantly throwing snowballs and shouting in spanish, but didn't dare move close to the demonstration as usual.
>The nationalists were estimated to be between 600 and 700 people by the media. This is the largest national demonstration in Sweden since "Salem March" in 2003 or 2004.
To bad everyone else in sweden is cucked.
Häng dig
I might visit the homeland of my great grandpuhpa if you listen to this finn:
Lämna detta land nu för ditt eget bästa.
Too late
Sweden has at the worst of anyone. I feel very bad for them. Hopefully they can free themselves
Är du blind?
>he nationalists were estimated to be between 600 and 700 people by the media. This is the largest national demonstration in Sweden since "Salem March" in 2003 or 2004.
Wow, 600 to 700 people. I'm in awe at this display of power.
>A demonstration of 600-700 people is the largest in 10 years
fucking pathetic.
Look, this is not PEGIDA or some kind of counterjihad movement. It's a genuine national socialist demonstration. Of course it won't be 40 000 people yet.
Fuck you. Demonstrations by Neo-Nazis with only 600 people in Germany are small enough that no bigger media outlet would report on it if there is no violence from the side of the nazis. Violence from the side of the counter-demonstration would be, of course, credited to the nazis. Then it would be reported.
>national socialist demonstration
so they're actual retards, I see.
go away libtard. Sup Forums is a safe space for national socialism.
wow what the fuck do these racist bigots think they're doing
Just because you've been shamed into believing NatSoc="muh holocaust" doesn't mean it doesn't work.
There are a few logical reasons for this. First, germany has a very living demonstration culture. We do not. It is also a larger country and people are not as shy to express their views. Trust me, this is revolutionary in Sweden.
here is a video of the antifa protestors btw:
>Demonstrations by Neo-Nazis with only 600 people in Germany are small enough that no bigger media outlet would report on it
germany has a population of 80 millions, sweden has less then 10 millions. Fucking retarded Kraut
>largest anti-immigration protest in Swedish history
what, are there two people this time?
How many members and active supporters does the Swedish branch of the NRM have?
No, like 800 people. Too bad it's hosted by a meme party.
>Can we stop the whole "Sweden is the land of the cucks" now?
Keep this shit up and you'll be free from the shed, Sven.
Why do people seem to believe that walking in a straight line while holding signs will actually affect change? Why don't they, I don't know, go after the guys who actually have the power to do something?
>Swedebros actually taking a stand
>Can we stop the whole "Sweden is the land of the cucks" now?
i'm ok with this, it's a good first step. the next step in uncucking yourself is getting rid of all your idiotic femishit/gender based legislation, besides i think there are bigger cucks in the world nowadays. a protest like this would never happen in canada. canadians and their government absolutely revel in being cucks. our only saving grace in the whole refugee mess is distance.