Latinas want to be black

So a lot of latinas are starting to leave the traditional and austere lifestyle set upon by our catholic culture. They want to be like black women. They mainly listen to black rappers and like to say they twerk and whatnot.

I am sick of these women. I live on a community that is 86% Hispanic and it is not uncommon to see a fucking indita with a big black guy roaming around with 5 or 6 kids. I don't care about the more pre-columbian looking hispanic girls as they are mostly gross and ared fucked since they are 10 year olds, mostly by thier uncles at first.

What I care about is that our community will adopt black values and go to the drain. It is my understanding that it has already happened first in Houston and Los Angeles where feral blacks are numerous.

How do you whites deal with it?

and yes, racemixing is normal in our culture, but not adopting others' cultures.

degeneracy is part of American culture now

Beaners are fucking niggers anyways. Fuck off no one gives a shit.


Don't come back.

Deal with what, I don't live in the ghetto. I did once. During that time I never messed with my neighbors.

Same thing happend to us white people. you have to bare it until nationalism reaches critical mass and explodes onto the streets.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of faith and degeneracy in your community. Go to your homeland and live there.

> Cuckandlick Church
> Redpilled

How does it feel knowing that if a group of old Pollacks, Guidos and Krauts suddenly said scratching your ass is a sin, that you wouldnt even sit down on anything that isn't fabric, faggot?

Say that to my face and see what happens faggot

>Gets perfectly good beaners
>owerwrite good old coulture with the cultural equivalent of cancer
> beaners are broken and aren't working they way they use
>Must be beaners fault.


I am not an idiot. I refer mostly to our values and traditions. I am an atheist.

My homeland is Texas

>/threads own post
>doesn't understand fpbp
You sure you aren't Canadian?

She is a lebanese christian mediterranean goddess and not some jungle nigger spic

im argentinian and voted trump u fucking scum.

>/threading and fpbp'ing your own post

I was going to shit on OP's thread but first, what's it like being the human embodiment of cancer?

This is total BS

I live in DeeP south Tejas.....

Because of my White status... all the real Latinas (puro) want to get with me... Sure, they want babies with other Hombres.... but for fun sex... the Anglo es aqui.....

>1/2 white 1/2 brown is the way to go.
>para espanol oprima numero basura

I kek'd out loud and then again when I saw all the salty replies

Nigger Hispanics are the ultimate mongrels

Just part of the inevitable caste-isation of America. The scum of all races negrify, because negroes are dominant in the category of scum.

In a "healthy" multicultural society, the best of the foreign races would marry into the dominant culture (whites); but pro-minority policy and ideology will instead mean squabbling factions, corruption, instability, etc

The really bad side effect of nogs going after latinas is that there will be a ton of angry fat nigresses who will turn even more feminist from the lack of dick in their life.Black women can absolutely destroy society.

I know one. It is so embarassing man. Like this bitch goes to all black parties, tries to be black (you don't know how cringe it is hearing her talk, it is so fucking sad), etc. If it weren't for her parents having SOME morals, she would have been pregnant at 16 with nigger dad nowhere to be seen. Only a matter of time till she burns the coal though, presumably when she moves out.

This is always the way that Latina women have been. OP is a white cuck who is pissed that he got rejected by a Latina.

Black men, really anyone with skin darker than white, are promoted constantly in media while the white race is denigrated.

this happens with chicks from central america. south american chicks that were raised there would never do that shit.
this is the fault of american culture.

spics from central american are different than hispanics from south american

I know how you feel. I see good hispanic kids walking around with niggers. Not much interracial dating but lately I've been seeing more. It seems like a persistent moral degradation as a result of low American culture. Instead of aspiring to be better, some resent the American whites for their success and choose to identify with the blacks. Sad.

Who is this?

She looks Lebanese

She looks like a foreign mongrel that belongs in a gas chamber.

Not liking Lebanese Christians, who are the most anti-Muslim people out there...