Why is Silicon Valley having a mental breakdown over Trump?
Why is Silicon Valley having a mental breakdown over Trump?
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You would be surprised how much power they were aiming for.
He is against H1-Bs and doesn't believe in climate change.
Source: me. I live and work in SV.
Because almost all of them are Democrat donors.
Because Silicon Valley is 50% illegals and 49% fags
Trump's gonnal kill all niggers
TPP ensured slave labor TTIP ensured to dry out any competition.
Both are gone.
can you help me get a job user?
H1B is a large chunk of their employment.
Because Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo, etc. wanted to run the shadow government in the US and now they can't
Weren't most big tech companys started or created by gentile and are now ran by jews
Because silicon valley does the spying for the NSA and Trump will put an end to it.
This desu.
The tech industry will now be forced to pay it's employees proper wages instead of importing workers to tank competition in the job market.
Their hollow termite log of an economy is going to implode.
I also have no doubt that (((Hollywood))) already had at bare minimum 5 movies in production that would only make sense of Hillary won the election.
So califaggot got BTFO hard.
SV here
Everyone is either a stinky chink or a poo in loo. And everyone is liberal.
They also strongly supported Hillary. With a lot of money and even with half-legal shit like biased search results. Now they fear the reaction. I would love to see the Trump administration doing Antitrust cases against Google, Twitter, Facebook and the big news networks. They have too much power concentrated in one company. It's a danger for democracy.
As someone who was foolish enough to pursue an IT degree.
>Kill me senpai
H1-B visas were likely to screw me over big time upon graduation. Silicon valley and all businesses that fired Americans just to abuse H1-B visa deserve to get raped by the Trump train.
>The tech industry will now be forced to pay it's employees proper wages instead of importing workers to tank competition in the job market.
It's actually not about wages, but rather lack of talent. We pay people with H1Bs the same amount as anyone else. There's just aren't enough good software engineers with American passports. Emphasis on good. There are way too many mediocre ones, and hiring a mediocre engineer is often worse than not hiring anyone at all. See also:
This is good. There is no special passes for Americans to go to other countries, why should we have such special passes to bring people into our own country?
they're a big enforcer and supporter of the NWO/globalism
Because many of them are much more in bed with the government than they'd like to admit
Wait... that doesn't equal 100%... it's like eighty something how does that work?
H1B is the answer. I am an engineer here there is already a talent shortage. Now I am guaranteed a job even more as a white Bay Area native (minority here)
It equals 99% the 1% are the tax paying republicans
>We pay people with H1Bs the same amount as anyone else.
thanks for correcting the record, that's a flat out lie.
H1-Bs get 60-70% of what an entry level american would, and they mostly work shit tier tech jobs, like database management. Tech companies aren't employing H1-Bs as 10x-er engineers. They are rank and file cube drones.
> It's actually not about wages, but rather lack of talent
Kek, when your employer start propagating that myth, be affraid for your salary.
Hollywood already had stuff released before the election symbolic of her.
That steaming chunk of shit Independence Day 2 comes to mind
That book is an artifact of ancient times. These days with unit tests doubling as component specs an 80 IQ nigger could program if they can copy, paste, and run a test to make sure there aren't any regressions.
There is literally no reason why American workers shouldn't get 100k+ salaries like other developed nations (Qatar, etc.).
Does anybody else here think silicon valley of the 1990s produced a lot more REAL products and services than silicon valley of today?
1990s silicon valley:
Mozilla foundation
HP was actually relevant and computer manufacturers weren't cheap crap producers
and so on
2010+ silicon valley:
social media
apple producing overpriced uncompetitive crap
Oh, wait. There's 1 reason: H1B causing all the labor on the fucking planet to move to 1 city instead of developing India or whatever. So India and US economies tank so management in 1 city can get rich. It's fucking stupid.
well, for one, they actually made silicon.
the US semi industry is still based out of San Jose but most of what is going on in the valley now is not at all focused on hardware.
Because they won't be able to import shitskins from india to do the work of a white man for 1/4th the pay.
It's easy as fuck to get a 100k+ job in SV as an engineer. So not sure what you're talking about.
100k/yr in the valley is barely enough to pay student loans, feed/clothe yourself, and live in a dump like Fremont. That's a low entry level wage.
Every white person from the beginning of her family has been white and kept her bloodline white but 18 years of solid Jewish Marxism and she'll throw it away to a moronic nigger lost from his homeland.
Just about every news article i have seen involving somebody from the tech industry complaining about trump has been from a startup with an app nobody uses and i have never heard of.
I paid that in rent, now I work from Portland and I'm driving out the butthurt locals. lmao
>shortage of talent in the tech industry
I guess when you faggots over employ a shitton of Poo in Loos just to write 10 lines of code and then pass it through several company branches just to confirm it's good enough code to push onto git. The code still looks like shit though.
Because they are all stupid hipsters who have no idea themselves and need to steal them from foreign companies in any way.
>We must bring back the steel mills
But serious fml I hate this 21st century life of desk jobs and service industry. What do we do nowadays? Create robots, iPhone apps, scan items in Walmart. Everyones a goddamn robot and we'll be making more robots. Everyones either a drone making machines that make the things or whining about having more things for free. This is truly the worst part of this timeline stuck between high tech and complete automation.
Never thought of it like that before
t.software engineer
I actually generally love what I do most of the time. Its never hte actual work that is the issue, its bad pm's and other people screwing shit up.
That all being said, on the weekends i love working on my car, tractor or house, anything physical and honestly think I might be happier doing that. Maybe its just burnout.
>it's not like we're going to have kids dad
>we're only fuck buddies omg why can't you understand
>jamal makes more than you do selling drugs on the streets
>I know what you're thinking but he isn't going to get caught he's been doing this since he was 13 and he's already been to jail so he knows how to avoid the police any way.
>daddy look at my halfie baby he's so cute!!!!@!@ omGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
>where did tyrone go?
>I thought he loved me daddy
Secret conservative here. I'm trying to get investors to buy an app for me and back it financially in Silicon Valley. They went on and on about the Trump election I had to keep my mouth shut because millions of dollars are at stake I actually pretended to agree with a lot of what they were saying and after that they okayed the app and now I'm paid
Sometimes you just have to go along to get along and then make the change when you got the change
Our women are very corruptable. Jews exploit the more devious parts of their psyche, same with all people.