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Rogue AI

if you spend all day on the streets seeing zombies screaming for more refugees and more degeneracy you'd be just like her

Too perfect for this and AI world

she's not married to me

My tick tack penis isn't in her mouth

link faggot


only thing wrong with her is shes not my wife


She's high on redpills.

Tay lives.


why are white people so 'le cringe'

>My tick tack penis isn't in her mouth
Edit it in.

Fuck those makeup edits she's much more cute with her dark circles. You just know she'd never try to make her look like that.

But you'll EDIT IT and portray something totally different to what it really is, right, so you're not getting her name.

This election has delivered some amazing shit!
>piles of salt
>broken media
>broken democrats
>the hottest little babe ever spewing red pills all over a cuck

Honestly my cock has been rock hard for a fortnight and this girl makes it blow every time



she is a hero

she's perfect
fuck I wish I had a girl like that in my life

The only problem is that there is only one of her.

Can someone meme her into a saint? I can't into photoshop.

what the fuck are you talking about

>that ID

I saw her first

One of the 7 signs of Kek's return to our world:

>A based woman

Stimulants, obviously.

She's a little nuts, but she's not wrong.

Reporters are shameless shitbags.

All they care about is crafting stories that sell.

If that means a few things get edited to increase the entertainment value of the message, then so be it.


Mental health
Having a heart and caring about world problems most people don't

Meth or Crack

They didn't get her name, they got much much more.

>a good, awesome heart
>woooooooooorld problems

Her words will forever echo in my heart

looks like she belongs to the town rapist now

Thats quite the id you've got there.

She's a patriot in a time where many think that is a crime.

you rape her I'll drop a nuke in your country


She's a Trump supporter in NYC. She's in an echo chamber of whiny liberal cucks and she's probably fed up.

I never knew that batshit insane white trash can be this appealing.

The way she say "motherfucker".

>TRAVELED THE WOORLD feeding the kids

Beat me to it but I was going to say she's not sitting on my face.

hehe it says neet unburdened plus

That's Moldova, you americuck.

>American flag

every time

Don't you ever say white trash again. Do you think it's funny? Does she look like trash to you?


Meth heads look like this.......keep trying ctr
Tay looks like this

This girl has a really pretty face.

If she tried, she could be extremely attractive.

Her accent is good and AWESOME too

Being so based that Swedecucks can't handle it apparently

>white trash
I grew up around white trash, and the worst are still better than niggers so don't you dare fucking use that as a derogatory term you filthy fucking piece of shit.


Check out of life, you scumbag. Don't even try to talk to Sup Forums again.

God, I am legit in love with this woman

Yeah, she's crazy, but honestly, all fucking women are crazy - at least this is the """good""" kind of crazy. Fuck, you could probably have little dates going out to the local cuck rally and BTFO out of the little shits who can't say anything because she's a woman and they are evil white males.

Then, after romantically walking home talking about how evil the lugenpresse is, I can imagine that the sex would be some of the wildest, most intense fucking you could ever imagine.

This woman is worth getting on a rehab program


I want angry, cuckslaying children from her.


What did she mean by this?

That reporter looks like stuttering john from howard stern

Trailer park.. white trash.
She definitely looks like she is on drugs. Dont even deny that.

She's clearly on fucking meth.

yeah, but the good kind though

>Doesn't even try to defend his nation when shit gets flung

They should castrate you.

She's the kind of girl you can make offhand racial comments around and she'd be in complete agreement. No need to be PC, she would accept you for who you are. Imagine celebrating Trump's victory with her. Would have made an already unforgettable night all the better.

>caring about insults on the internet

Baneposting, Shadilay, Meme Magic, and now Tay has been brought to life. Praise Kek!

The left can't recognize their tactics used against them?

Has this guy killed himself yet?
>oh please

>get off work after a shitty 12 hour shift at walmart
>have to navigate through a crowd of filthy yelling priviledged slackers to get home
>come face to face with an MSM hack while he's doing his thing live on camera.

I think she just cracked and went for it. good for her and shame on you guys for calling her a crackhead.

Did Trump really travel the world feeding kids?

>3d shit

I love women now

Obviously you would know about that, Bulgaria
What else is there to do in your country except enjoy the Soviet-Bloc tenaments, do drugs, weep or kill yourself?

>implying she wouldn't make offhand racial comments to you
I thought perfect girls didn't exist

>Bulgaria can't even be bothered to defend his country from the bants
The insults are the only time anybody bothers to mention you.

No. It's a metaphor.

That's what's appealing about her.

She's from the wrong sides of the track, and she's a human result of the broken society that was imposed upon her. She has taken to consuming the crystal because the world in which she inhabits has left her behind. She is liberalism's unwanted child, a voiceless synpase of energy that slipped through the cracks.

Yet she fights on. She sees through the lies has finally found passion in the political system once again. She isn't equipped to handle the hatred that is being aimed toward her and the man she follows, and thus she is at breaking point.

It's all a bit too much for her, and that's why Sup Forums loves Candice the Cuckslayer. Vulnerable, but full of heart and determination.

What did I miss? Who is her?



It fits.

Holy shit. What is the fucking context of this?

>you will never have a gf that spews massive amounts of redpills after her coffee fix and screams all sorts of vulgarities like a banshee in the sack
Just fucking kill me, famalam.

She's tired.
She's angry.

She's got shit to do and all day she's been surrounded by cuckle fuck numales crying "bigot" "racist" "misogynist" as if they have any idea what any of those words actually mean.

It's during the riots. There are thousands of faggots crying bitch tears all around. Then she sees that stupid fucking Soros Canadian talking shit and she just loses it.

It's not drugs CTR,

Shes gonna destroy in the race war. Shes our Sarah Connor

>Wanting us to memorise every unique code bar of colours in Europe

For the most hipster of nations you all look the same ok?

White knighting a stranger so hard.

That's not the skin and teeth of a drug addict, that looks like mania.

Dark circles, no makeup, easy hairstyle, her eyes and gestures, that screams psychotic more than white trash to me.

That's the reaction that everyone has when they discover that they're in Bulgaria.


She's probably on Sup Forums or mainlining info wars all night

She's definitely channeling Alex Jones.

Shut up, Peru.

Her skin is too nice for meth. She's probably wired as shit. Maybe manic or bipolar or something.

Frig off rocky road!

KEK made Tay real for us!


I love when people try to apply terms in a grossly incorrect manner. She's strung out and stressed at best, a psychotic wouldn't engage others in such a manner.

Bold faced lies are the M.O. of the psychotic, impassioned speeches are far from their strong suit.

>She's from the wrong sides of the track, and she's a human result of the broken society that was imposed upon her. She has taken to consuming the crystal because the world in which she inhabits has left her behind. She is liberalism's unwanted child, a voiceless synpase of energy that slipped through the cracks.

somehow bitch getting stirred up over the orange toupee still retains comedic value

plz be my ai gf


>t. armchair psych/phoney psychic

She's talking to a guy filming something and who will probably edit it to craft a story as many anons have mentioned here.
Now, if she just tried to get a regular person to talk to her acting like that, she might need to tone it down a bit because that'd be crazy.

Anyone have link to vid

>midnight of election
>you two have alternated between sex and watching the results come in
>PA gets called
>you two have the craziest sex in the world
>just animalistic going at it in passion
>passion for your country and the man who saved it
>she falls asleep in your arms
>you two wake up in the morning
>"Is all this real, user?"
>"Yeah Candice. We made America great again"

1st graft of AI onto human body. Give Tay some time to adjust