ATTENTION! I think my friend may have been honey potted by a SOROS spy

When he went to a Soros funded Hungarian university by a Soros employee, like they used to do to westerners visiting Soviet Russia.

Does anyone have any knowledge about Soros using spies etc? Especially any Hungarian Sup Forums posters.

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You'd have to give more info on who your friend met.

It is normal for groups to take young, bright individuals and try to indoctrinate them.

A relationship with a girl who is payed by a Soros organization. He was studying a politics degree. I fear that they have been using her to groom him into a tool for Soros essentially.

It is pretty common for Soros groups to target women and male minorities. Is she very pro feminist? He should be careful around such people.

I can empathize, I once had a brief relationship with a girl who got swallowed whole by a globalist group.

>Is she very pro feminist?

Yeah pretty radical feminist man, her sister apparently claims to have been 'raped' and is even more of a rabid feminist.

>He should be careful around such people.

I had this instinct too man, even without the whole possible 'honey pot' angle, a guy dating a rabid feminist is such a bad idea these days for obvious reasons.

>I can empathize, I once had a brief relationship with a girl who got swallowed whole by a globalist group.

Very interesting, was she groomed by agents of the globalist group?

>It is pretty common for Soros groups to target women and male minorities.

Also do you have more thoughts on this? Are you aware of Soros organizations grooming young 'politically interested' people? If so I would be very interested, especially if there are any reports of this on the internet so I can show my friend a link.

Me and him have butted heads over politics and I don't him to just see it as some kind of concern trolling. Someone I know just brought this thought up to me and my gut tells me there might be something to it.

He should get away from her as soon as possible. She will quite literally destroy your friend. Soros targets feminists and minorities because they are the easiest to use against normal white males.

In regards to the girl, there was a direct correlation between her experiencing personality change and starting a kind of medication. She became involved with a globalist family soon after. It's pretty clear she has no idea who she is involved with, I'm sure your friend's girl doesn't realize who is using her either.

Look at all the pro minority/immigrant and feminist groups Soros gives money to. Maybe have him take a look at who is protesting the elections in the US and attending pro immigrant protests in Europe (it's mostly women and minority males).

Based on the postings of some hungarian flags that may or may not be merely proxies, soros definitely may or may not have spies of his in hungaria.
Most likely does.

And as a follow up, yes Soros has explicitly said in interviews that he likes to give scholarships to the best and brightest young people. It's an element of his goal of creating an "Open Society" without borders, cultural distinction etc. A homogenous global population is easier to control.

Soros is Hungarian and has put some extensive effort into "working" with Hungary and a lot of other Eastern European nations.

>Are you aware of Soros organizations grooming young 'politically interested' people?
Not so much 'politically interested' people but look into the GATE program.

>He should get away from her as soon as possible. She will quite literally destroy your friend. Soros targets feminists and minorities because they are the easiest to use against normal white males.

Wait what do you think they are planning to do with him?

>In regards to the girl, there was a direct correlation between her experiencing personality change and starting a kind of medication. She became involved with a globalist family soon after. It's pretty clear she has no idea who she is involved with, I'm sure your friend's girl doesn't realize who is using her either.

Shit man, what happened to the girl? Did she try to groom you into globalist politics?

My friend literally had a grant from Soros. :O

This happened to my friend in Hungary. Very interesting. If anyone has any link to anything about Soros using spies/groomers please let me know.

>Not so much 'politically interested' people but look into the GATE program.

Thanks, am just trying to find it on google but am having trouble find it. I found something about him funding a CNN documentary but nothing else. You got a link?

Just bumping while I write a reply



>Wait what do you think they are planning to do with him?

Your friend is going to be indoctrinated (if he hasn't been already) to accept far left/radical feminist ideals. Radical feminism is literally trying to destroy the West due to their perception of it as being patriarchal. Soros profits financially from chaos and uses these groups as useful idiots. That's why I say your friend is in danger. Also, these feminist groups are in bed with muslims/"immigrants" in more ways than one.

I suppose there is nothing wrong with taking scholarships from globalists as long as you are clear headed about who is "supporting" you. Your friend was surely indoctrinated philosophically while at university there.

As far as the girl goes, I broke things off with her and shortly after that I saw that she was associating with this globalist family. She didn't try to groom me, she was merely honeypotted in every sense of the word due the natural obsession with wealth and power women have. She was a classic example of a culturally conservative woman who was indoctrinated by feminism over time. I fear for her because I know what kinds of things the family is involved with and I know she has no idea of what she's gotten herself into. She will not realize it until it is years too late.

>Your friend is going to be indoctrinated (if he hasn't been already) to accept far left/radical feminist ideals. Radical feminism is literally trying to destroy the West due to their perception of it as being patriarchal. Soros profits financially from chaos and uses these groups as useful idiots. That's why I say your friend is in danger. Also, these feminist groups are in bed with muslims/"immigrants" in more ways than one.
>I suppose there is nothing wrong with taking scholarships from globalists as long as you are clear headed about who is "supporting" you. Your friend was surely indoctrinated philosophically while at university there.

Since he started University in the UK he turned pretty Progressive, but since he has been in Hungary he has gone extreme leftist. We had a big argument when he came to the UK over politics. He says it will be good when whites are a minority in Europe etc etc. I think he is attracted the to the status and power.

>He says it will be good when whites are a minority in Europe etc etc
Murder him and dissolve the body in a vat of lye, to be quite desu with you.
Same for anyone who ever parrots such niggerdom, they all need to die.
They are inhuman agents of the extermination of the human race, so, by not eliminating them you are aiding and abetting them.

>As far as the girl goes, I broke things off with her and shortly after that I saw that she was associating with this globalist family. She didn't try to groom me, she was merely honeypotted in every sense of the word due the natural obsession with wealth and power women have. She was a classic example of a culturally conservative woman who was indoctrinated by feminism over time. I fear for her because I know what kinds of things the family is involved with and I know she has no idea of what she's gotten herself into. She will not realize it until it is years too late.

Wow this is really interesting stuff man. I hope stories like this break into the mainstream on sites like Breitbart.. This a big deal. You have young impressionable kids going to university and being groomed by disgusting Podesta tier psychopaths. This whole corruption of academia thing seems to go very deep, and it is about time that some light is shone upon it.

Funny how they all are attracted to the status and power like moths to the flame eh? The girl I knew is obsessed with it, it turns them into cattle to be used as assets by those who know better. She is now nothing but a sex object to the people she thinks are her "friends."

Your friend has quite literally been swallowed by modern Nazism, so I guess someday you can tell your grandkids about how you too saw friends and family slipping away around you. Notice how he's become so indoctrinated he would literally fight against his own race now?

It is really sad. I would like to see these stories make it into the news but it is multi faceted. Soros indoctrinates women especially with two tiered approach: philosophically and medically. Radical feminism you can see for yourself, it's destructive in every way. Do some research on birth control and it's long term effects on the frontal lobe of the brain. Then consider that birth control is one of the foundations of modern feminism. Soros is dumbing us down from both fronts, and ironically women are far more susceptible to it than men because of their biological make up.

I understand your anger, it pissed me off A LOT also, but I will have to decline. All I want to do is show him the light, and if this bitch is some kind of Soros groomer I want to expose it.

The woman probably has no clue about what she's doing. They genuinely believe this stuff, it isn't like James Bond where they're all maliciously in on a lie.

You can try to help your friend but it will be a long and difficult process. Causing a human mind to reject its preconceived narrative and consider a fresh one is not easy.

He won't ever 'see the light' he is fully brainwashed and there is no fixing him, it is best to dispose of him before he infects anyone else, so as to stem the tide.
You will only realize I am right after it is too late and all the damage has been done.

>Funny how they all are attracted to the status and power like moths to the flame eh? The girl I knew is obsessed with it, it turns them into cattle to be used as assets by those who know better. She is now nothing but a sex object to the people she thinks are her "friends."

No way man, is it some Podesta/Epstein shit?

>Your friend has quite literally been swallowed by modern Nazism, so I guess someday you can tell your grandkids about how you too saw friends and family slipping away around you. Notice how he's become so indoctrinated he would literally fight against his own race now?

Yeah man, I literally have a gut visceral reaction to the stuff he says. It's so totalitarian and corrupt, I think he gets off on the idea of the status and authority.

>fight against his own race now?

Yeah this stuck me pretty hard. He says a lot of other similar tier shit also (re-education centers etc).

>It is really sad. I would like to see these stories make it into the news but it is multi faceted. Soros indoctrinates women especially with two tiered approach: philosophically and medically. Radical feminism you can see for yourself, it's destructive in every way. Do some research on birth control and it's long term effects on the frontal lobe of the brain. Then consider that birth control is one of the foundations of modern feminism. Soros is dumbing us down from both fronts, and ironically women are far more susceptible to it than men because of their biological make up.

Some day this stuff will be written in the history books, and now is the time this stuff is exposed. We need a James O'Keefe in every one of these Soros hell pits.

And yes the women thing, it makes sense they target the women, as the men follow etc etc.

Christ lad, a bit drastic.

I have to agree that he likely cannot be saved though, once a belief system like this has been adopted there is not much that can be done to change things. This stuff has to be done gradually and over time.

Out of the question I am afraid. The best I can do is expose any Soros shenanigans, the public needs to know.

>I have to agree that he likely cannot be saved though, once a belief system like this has been adopted there is not much that can be done to change things.

We have an awful lot of corrupted Millennials. Will be interesting to see what kind of force they will be in society throughout their lives.

There is no such thing as drastic when the literal fate of the nations of western civilization is at stake.
It is only proper.
It is this cucked mentality that allows these worms to operate within our nations and poison our men our women and our youth and what has led us to the situation we find ourselves in today.
Only once you all realize that these people and their handlers all need to be removed to the very last, as zealously as all the deus vult larpers wish they had the balls to remove kebab in their nations, only then will things start to improve.

Until then, the slow decay of the downward spiral of degeneration continues.

>is it some Podesta/Epstein shit?

Nothing like that, merely that women are currency. She is choosing to associate with people who view her as currency (she's quite attractive etc.). Down the road though? Who knows what she could become involved in. The family is involved financially with some very bad political figures in the US.

>He says a lot of other similar tier shit also (re-education centers etc).

Which is why you should be very careful around him. He will not hesitate to throw you under the bus if he felt it necessary someday. The totalitarian stuff he talks about? That is what Soros' endgame is, to create a generation that will do overt dirty work like that for him.

>it makes sense they target the women, as the men follow etc etc.

You're catching on to the basic idea. It's known as "weaponized wombs" and people should be raising more awareness about it. Control the women and make them stupid enough to no want to fulfill their biological purpose (having children, creating strong families with men etc.) and the men will be brought down by their biological drive to desire those women.

Our generation is largely ruined by social engineering experiments. It will be very interesting to see how many of us will pull out of it.

The time for such actions is not right now. Realizing that these people and those they serve need to be cleansed from our society does not automatically lead to what you are talking about.

The downward spiral is reaching a critical point, we will soon see people reaching your conclusions in greater numbers.

>Which is why you should be very careful around him. He will not hesitate to throw you under the bus if he felt it necessary someday. The totalitarian stuff he talks about? That is what Soros' endgame is, to create a generation that will do overt dirty work like that for him.

Well he knows I am essentially 'red pilled' lol. When were arguing about racial quotas I even hinted at racial IQ disparities. But whether he would do something that underhanded to me? If he truly believes this shit and goes down that road perhaps, but I am quite insignificant as a figure in society so I don't see why they would target me necessarily, at least not at this time.

>You're catching on to the basic idea. It's known as "weaponized wombs" and people should be raising more awareness about it. Control the women and make them stupid enough to no want to fulfill their biological purpose (having children, creating strong families with men etc.) and the men will be brought down by their biological drive to desire those women.

This does seem to be what is essentially happening.

>Our generation is largely ruined by social engineering experiments. It will be very interesting to see how many of us will pull out of it.


>Nothing like that, merely that women are currency. She is choosing to associate with people who view her as currency (she's quite attractive etc.). Down the road though? Who knows what she could become involved in. The family is involved financially with some very bad political figures in the US.

I am very intrigued to know more but I understand giving further information on the family etc might give you away.

What kind of faggot are you? Worrying about where your friend is sticking his dick is fucking pathetic you should kill yourself.

There is more involved that I cannot say, but whether my friend is subverted into being some kind of tool of Soros is quite important to me. Also, this is not about who he is doing the nasty with, it is about what they are doing to him. Since he has been at this Soros funded shit show he has gone full totalitarian anti white rabid globalist. I am concerned. And if he is being purposely groomed by some shady Soros organization I have to expose it.

whats your "friends" field of employment user_kun?

lets maybe see what your "friend" is up to [the current year]?

> [GATE]fag

Literally all local rich kids
we did "UN" style projects and created our imaginary nations and economies...


>But whether he would do something that underhanded to me?
Your underestimation of them and their inoctrination will be your downfall. This is exactly what I mean. We lose far too many of our stock due to foolish naivete as this.

>Since he has been at this Soros funded shit show he has gone full totalitarian anti white rabid globalist.
The time for deeb goncern has long past, he is taken and there is no recovering him, the only way to deal with him is the final solution, before he and his handlers final solution you "for being part of the problem."
Go ahead and doubt me, it will be your last mistake in life.

>he would do something that underhanded to me?

Yes, do not trust him one single bit. He knows what you believe, that it is in stark contrast to his beliefs. Down the road that might be dangerous.

I don't want to compromise her identity, perhaps some day she will wake up and escape.

Let me put it to you this way: have you seen anything about the Comet Ping Pong/pedo stuff on Sup Forums lately? There are many groups of people into that kind of thing in the US. Soros associates with many of them because in theory it is easy to control them through blackmail. This family similarly has connections to people involved in this shadowy world. If the children in the family are not already aware of it and participating, they will be eventually.

The elites of today are into all kinds of weird shit and bloodline preservation just like the nobility of old was.

>literally all local rich kids

Really makes you think about the scale of some psyops...

>Yes, do not trust him one single bit. He knows what you believe, that it is in stark contrast to his beliefs. Down the road that might be dangerous.

Noted. If this progressive shit starts getting 1984 tier I have considered running away somewhere, but who knows if it will be allowed to get that far. I do think that if we don't put some kind of restraint on these people they will start fucking with us pretty bad (like in Sweden where they are starting to put in reporting procedures for 'man-splaining' in the workplace).

>I don't want to compromise her identity, perhaps some day she will wake up and escape.
>Let me put it to you this way: have you seen anything about the Comet Ping Pong/pedo stuff on Sup Forums lately? There are many groups of people into that kind of thing in the US. Soros associates with many of them because in theory it is easy to control them through blackmail. This family similarly has connections to people involved in this shadowy world. If the children in the family are not already aware of it and participating, they will be eventually.
>The elites of today are into all kinds of weird shit and bloodline preservation just like the nobility of old was.

Before this election cycle this kind of thing would have came off as tin foil hat to me, but now I can really see how this stuff happens.

>have you seen anything about the Comet Ping Pong/pedo stuff on Sup Forums lately?

Of course ;3

>>But whether he would do something that underhanded to me?
>Your underestimation of them and their inoctrination will be your downfall. This is exactly what I mean. We lose far too many of our stock due to foolish naivete as this.

Noted. To anyone out there reading this, don't reveal your power level carelessly.

You guys in the EU in particular already live in 1984. Do some research on Muslims in London and their mayor. Then see how many faminist/SJW groups support him (De Blasio and some American groups too). They are literally cuckolding white males while promoting weak political ideology and inviting a culture that is even more patriarchal into the picture. When women en mass get so out of control, nature has a way of using men to counterbalance that. Which is where all the cultural enriching immigrants fit into the picture.

It certainly sounds like tin foil, no doubt. Reality is sometimes stranger than fiction though. Most of the celebrities in the US are handled from birth and kept in Truman Show type situations where they are easily used as social engineering tools. It is dangerous to women in particular because as you noted before, they are attracted to wealth and power.

Rather than running from all this stuff, the best way for us to fight it is to turn the social engineering on the very people using it. We did that in the US with the weaponized memes that were hitting Hillary, and now I've seen people reverse engineering Hillary's campaign slogans to use for Le Pen in France. Using their own logic against them is one of the last remaining ways to reach their minds.

>You guys in the EU in particular already live in 1984. Do some research on Muslims in London and their mayor. Then see how many faminist/SJW groups support him (De Blasio and some American groups too). They are literally cuckolding white males while promoting weak political ideology and inviting a culture that is even more patriarchal into the picture. When women en mass get so out of control, nature has a way of using men to counterbalance that. Which is where all the cultural enriching immigrants fit into the picture.

Yeah don't get me started on this stuff, it is why I don't use any social media. Would prob get arrested for posting 'offensive' tweets. And the propaganda is full on, I don't generally watch TV but the sheer level of progressive propaganda is gob-smacking. All that stuff you guys had in the election with the media collaborating with political groups etc, I think that is happening in the UK on a massive scale. The only problem is that we haven't exposed it like you guys have.

This guy Trevor Philips admits to a lot of the propaganda in this documentary, but there is so much more going on.

The British people are obviously waking up or Brexit would never have passed. I can't even imagine what it must be like to live in an echo chamber like that. Keep up the good fight, always be looking for ways to turn their own rhetoric against them.

>Rather than running from all this stuff, the best way for us to fight it is to turn the social engineering on the very people using it. We did that in the US with the weaponized memes that were hitting Hillary,...

Yeah good stuff indeed. Stuff like Pepe/Kek is pretty nice, Sup Forums/eightchan's Sup Forums has to be one of the most important things also. I mean bro, imagine if we didn't have an anonymous board like this to discuss things? We would probably have to use something like Twtter and Fcebook where we have to censor ourselves. Sup Forums has been invaluable for our movement. In times of universal censorship a free space like this is pure gold.

Thanks brother, you also. Trump getting elected was massive, and yes Brexit was good also. But our establishment is still pretty rotten.

Sup Forums is a really interesting phenomena, I've been here on an off since around 08 when the brigading stuff began on Sup Forums. We've definitely started something interesting.

Pepe/Kek and stuff like that are ok, the fact that the media in the US attacked it shows you it had some kind of effect. The stuff we ran like the #draftourdaughters memes were far more effective because they took Hillary's rhetoric and showed how extreme it could get in a way that really got in people's faces.

Now that Trump is in office I hope we will move on to taking down the EU, it has to die if Europe is going to survive.

>Now that Trump is in office I hope we will move on to taking down the EU, it has to die if Europe is going to survive.

Kek wills it.. Same here buddy, it is nice to have America in the UK's company in terms of rejecting the globalists. The EU/globalists have been trying to stab the UK in the back at every opportunity. If the UK and America can ally against globalists it will be a major blow against them. They want us isolated and weak.

And who knows, it looks like even more countries such as France may reject the globalists soon also, we will gain numbers.

The UK will no longer be at the back of the queue. It does seem like Le Pen will take the elections in France next year. I'm hoping her and Wilders can create enough momentum to break out.

It's possible. I have been playing that game long enough to know that deception is bread&butter of politcs. People think I'm a liberal, but while it's partially true I'm subversive element in their game as I'm supporting conservatives and alt-right.

It is quite a relief to know that, it makes me shudder to think what would have happened had Hillary go in. And yes people like Le Pen and Wilders seems promising also, my only worry is that migrants and corruption could swing the votes. I have no doubt that if it were left up to the French people alone for example they would have independence from the EU, globalism and mass migration.

>People think I'm a liberal, but while it's partially true I'm subversive element in their game as I'm supporting conservatives and alt-right.


>It's possible. I have been playing that game long enough to know that deception is bread&butter of politcs.

Yeah it does seem pretty plausible, or at least there are a lot of signs of it. (The girl works for a Soros organization and he studied politics in Hungary).

Sorry for any typos also, is getting quite late here.

If Hillary had won we'd all be fighting a world war with Russia within a year. We truly dodged a bullet with that one. I think that if we can meme hard enough, and raise energy levels like we did here in the US native Europeans can still save themselves. They just need to be given a jolt to get them going.

One concern I have is that a lot of continentals are not so English speaking orientated so it might make international co-ordination a bit more difficult. We shall meme our hardest though, the rapefugees are doing a lot of the red-pilling for us anyway.

>the rapefugees are doing a lot of the red-pilling for us anyway.

Speaking of Rapefugees I can't seem to find the original 'With open gates' video on Youtube that had over 10 million views. It seems like it may have been deleted.

>Speaking of Rapefugees I can't seem to find the original 'With open gates' video on Youtube that had over 10 million views. It seems like it may have been deleted.

We are already working on retooling the propaganda campaign we ran in the US for use in France. I'm sure we could alter it for Holland as well.

I'm sure there will be a terror event soon to shock people into action.

>I'm sure there will be a terror event soon to shock people into action.

Indeed, just a matter of time. I think the summer heat may have had an effect on some of the terrorist attacks, incidence of general violence and riots etc tend to go up during hot weather. There are tonnes of angry/oppositional Muslims out there just waiting for the slightest thing to make them do some crazy stuff, this is even without the more coordinated stuff that comes from Isis (that will likely increase in the west as they get crushed in their home countries).