Have fun in jail faggot
Tell JIDF I said hi.
Your tears, delicious.
i'd ask why you didn't carve it into your wrists but you've probably got no unblemished skin left to shed at this point
go call ur mummy faggot
Poopeh babbeh nu steaw miwkies frum bestes babbeh ow get fowevah sweepies
Even the pens are full of baby blood, eh
Not salty enough. Needs some tears to stain that note.
Fuck off cunt you're the reason California is so shitty
>I'm at the front
>I'll get to see him in person!
>>prospects of handshake intensify
[enters the large lard of blondness]
>I.. I can just use my phone.
>Posting on Sup Forums using a way to identify your work with the foundation
Have fun dying in Bills basement
>be CTR
>spend countless hours shilling on an anime website
>hundreds of shitposters harass you all day
>get a pen as a reward
African child rearing techniques are very interesting.
Best coast? How do the waters of the Atlantic feel?
wait every pen from the clinton foundation writes in blood?
>Clinton Foundation pen.
What happened? No cheesy pizza party since Hilldawg lost?
lol this newfag didn't go spiritcooking with john podesta and the clintons.
What is she saying?
What a fucking shitty pen.
Jesus, that is disturbing.
I wonder if she realizes how close she came to that being mandatory + bar code.
>wanting to fornicate with Sup Forums
you roasties just dont get it, do you?
You are absolutely correct. This whole thread is just me trolling; I got the pen at a CF event my uni forced me to attend (whole other story, but yeah).
It's one of the flashiest-looking and worst-writing, least ergonomic pens I've ever had the displeasure of owning.
But it's 3:40 on the East Coast?
I know these pens. I saw lot of companies using them as gifts for their workers/business partners. They weren't that bad actually. Send me one or two.
And thee baby did not wash its cheeks ever again