If Gore couldn't get 3 electors to go faithless and hand him the election, then what makes you liberal dumbfucks think Hillary can get 38 to flip?
Bush won with only 271
there would be a literal civil war if this happened. It would, by definition, be a coup.
Nobody is even talking about the extreme unlikelihood of it even happening.
Those dumb faggots who sign that change.org petition actually think this can happen. They are all obviously too young to remember 2000.
let them throw their shitfit
just keep laughing at them
sounds exciting tbqh
What happened to the 538th elector?
what makes ANYBODY think Hillary would accept that? Who would subject themselves to that? Being an undemocratically elected leader of a country that sees itself as the cradle of human rights?
One Gore elector abstained in the official tally
>electors voting for someone is a coup
Will you riot when our system works exactly as expected when electors go faithless in mass? Will be deliciously ironic
good luck with that, they select ideologues as party electors.
I don't think most people actually believe it could happen.
Fuck man, compared to 2000 this election was an electoral landslide.
This. The Republican and Democrat electors are all true believers in the party. These Republican electors would literally suck satan's dick rather than go faithless for a democrat.
people would see it as their vote getting stolen (which it would be).
There is no way it wouldnt lead to massive unrests and probably the formation of multiple armed militias taking parts of the country hostage.
>yfw, they actually make the South rise again because they bent over for lefties.
>Joe Lieberman
Shit, I had forgotten all about that smarmy cunt.
As an outsider, if the electoral college votes in anybody but Trump, things in the street will be exponentially worse than right now. My two cents.
They're delusional.
In the entire history of America the electoral college has never voted in a president who didn't also win the public vote.
I don't think a single one believes that will ever happen.
>yfw you're still salty as fuck Gore didn't take office
>what makes you liberal dumbfucks think Hillary can get 38 to flip?
Drompf is finished, that's what
>south tries to rise again
>starve to death because the food stamps stop rolling in and the wal-marts pack up shop and leave the warzones
good one
More like 74
The baguette is right.
Their sense of entitlement?
we shall see
really going to come down to how many them ((((they)))) have influenced.
soros is the devil reincarnated. he legitimately believes to be some sort of demigod.
A: Trump is literally everything wrong with America and both parties hate him.
B:Clinton has a lot more power and influence than Gore could ever dream of.
C:Because she's killing Trump in the popular vote so hard that it's undeniable that she won and only has to resort to these kind of tactics because of a deprecated system.
Each flipped vote would count for 2, since Trump loses a vote and Hillary gains one.
Come on.
>We're at the barging stage now
The Clinton's are about to become political pariahs. They went scorched earth to get Hillary nominationed. They gambled EVERYTHING and lost.
Liberals basically write off all conservatives as dumb racists so they are turning on each other instead. The Left is purging and purity spiralling itself into total anarchy. The higher IQ/Agency ones are of course the white males and they are livid over Bernie being cucked. The rest of the "camp of saints" naturally do what they always do: "blame whitey!"
So abandon hope of clinton usurping the throne and accept your glorious new emperor. Youre going under and the smart rats have already jumped ship.
They're not. Nobody is even entertaining the idea. Trump will be next president, and that's is.
> Trump will be the next president
> t. The current president
> t. Hillary Clinton
> t. Everyone except butthurt libtards
This. They cant hastag outta this one
$38 million is chump change to Soros...
don't underestimate the retardation of the left let alone the retardation of the clintons
t. trudaeu
Only oldfags know this. These kiddos today think everything is a Happening cuz they don't know their own history.
Bitch Trump gave the republicans both congress houses in a silver platter, like hell they would change their vote because of lefties, hell I don't think they want another 4-8 years of fighting the president on bills and laws
She doesnt gain one tho