Things said by Reddit fags when they come to Sup Forums
>Trump will never cuck
>Hello CTR
>Racism is funny but also stupid
>I only ironically hate [insert non-white group]
I'm going to make a "Who's Line is It" thread.
Not all black people are niggers!
Remember/pol/, she won the popular vote.
>Turn 360 degrees and walk away
>American education
That means you walk towards her you fucking retard
>hey Sup Forums
>what is
>who is
>can we
>can you
They talk like fucking teenagers.
>it's a ctr-false-flags-Sup Forums-users-into-giving-away-tells-which-reveal-them-as-non-native-memers episode
>Hmmm, really makes you think
>Well Sup Forums?
>use of Sup Forums insults thrown back as an argument
>gets offended when called shill, JIDF, cuck, roastie, or any other word that forces them to have self-awareness
>posts blogs or segments from a comedy show as reliable sources
but its just satire right????
Nah that's a Sup Forums thing dude
>Sup Forums BTFO
Guaranteed Reddit
I hate Jews, Hitler did nothing wrong
ura fucken leaf dont listen to lefs
>I only ironically hate [insert non-white group]
This is the worst. Like why don't you just ironically kill yourself then.
>people are replying to this thread which is designed to spoon feed shills so they better understand Sup Forums
muh jesuits
>pol did nothing to affect the election results
did i win?
Almost positive it came from Sup Forums.
>Why do they call it the Xbox 360?
>Because you turn 360 degrees and walk away
Thats what started it.
guys I'm really scared
found the newfag
Is Sup Forums satire?
The nazi thing is just ironic right?
OMG you make valid points but contradicts my way of thinking and I cant downvote this?! CTRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! come here
You're probably right but Sup Forums says it like every other thread
'the movement'
All accompanied by concern trolling.
>Sup Forums BTFO'D
>How will pol ever recover
>really makes you think
> I am (insert non white race here) and I voted for Trump
/r/politics is fair and balanced
I can't wait to suck some dick after I finished making low quality posts on this anonymous imageboard.
>my dude
...seriously? that's how you trumpfags all talk.
>self awareness
>Sup Forums
pick 1
praise kek
The moderators are unbiased at Reddit. Spez is a good guy.
Reddit is not paid for by Hillary Clinton and special interests.
>attacks Hitler
That is something they'd say
"As a mixed race electrical engineer....."
Anyone with a Canadian Flag is 99.8 percent from Reddit.
>final redpill
Keep me posted
>Fuck off stormfag!!!
kek'd and checked
Also , anyone that woships that faggot kike Milo is probably a redditard.
>came here to say this
Basically anything that says "I have nothing to offer to this conversation, but please give me attention anyway."
Also replying to "reply to this post" images.
>include me in the screencap
Jesus Christ, fuck this place.
I'm a leftie and this shit is the worst. You're not doing anything by barking the same "insult" over and over again.
Besides its not even an insult its a fucking foreign name. Is this not something that these "Liberals" should be tolerant of?
double space
every line
makes me
feel more
stand out
>I have a gf
Dead give away for a Redditor, especially if said gf is not white.
There it is
>I don't like anime
>Sup Forums is not just for weeaboos
>guys, there is literally no difference between black and white cocks as far as size goes
ITT newfags
not fooling me hombre