Whats there end Game....
Whats there end Game
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Getting paid $1500
I hate to play the looks card, but why are leftists always so fucking ugly?
Kinda the same as us, actually. Trying to meme reality into a form of their choosing.
They just suck at it.
And not one attractive female in the group..
Aren't these retards supposed to be in class?
Reminder that students just want something to protest against.
They are currently rebelling againts what is popular, like any common hipster they like to believe their opinions are special and everyone else is wrong
The 60's had the cold war and hippies, the Millenials have BLM and not my president
I wonder if they get paid upfront. I'd pretend to protest for $1500 a week.
>Not my president
Well yeah, same here. Still have 2 months to go.
Die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa
*cheering *
35 dollars an hour
I'm an LAV crewman and this is making me sweat.
I'm in Portland and want to be a mole would like to get paid to protest, I am willing to go to raise Hell and go to jail Also I would provide copys documentation and possibly audio or video recordings. Get me a job?
Grape Flavor-aid and cyanide
>$350 for nothing
Fuck I should have """protested"""
As meatshields for the real trained radicals.
>there end Game
Better education hopefully
using >3rd grade grammar when starting a thread
Crying themselves into fit while we Make America Great Again.
At that point most of them will come around, have some children and live fulfilled lives.
Lonely cat ladies
They have none. If they knew what lies at the end of what they are doing, they'd stop.
What's wrong with using greater than third grade grammar? Hopefully we all do.
utopia of equality
My left is dead as always.
Help me Sup Forums.
Just start murdering hipsters, then yourself.
More from that recent set of Hezbollah pics here
Don't these people realize that they're protesting under Obama administration? Anything that happens is under his rule.
I'd protest anything for 35 dollars an hour
There have always been young dumb protesters and there always will be. They'll grow out of it once they get some life experience.
What did he mean by this?
>There end game.
Gas yourself.