You can post ITT only the average IQ of your country is over 100
>No retards allowed
You can post ITT only the average IQ of your country is over 100
>No retards allowed
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mind if i join in?
This chart must be breddy old
lol jelly much?
What's the it of usa?
it should be by states tbqh. european countries are just states of the EU in denial.
Aww yeah number one!
Can I post in the thread or am I to dum?
>What's the it of usa?
get out of this thread.
>european countries are just states of the EU in denial.
damn, why are chinks so smart and whites so dumb
>be American
>own the world therefore do whatever you want
Get out of what thread? What? How do I leve?
my states average is 100.3 (MI), i consider that valid enough.
>Hong Kong
is 100 more than 100?
Reminder that Hong Kong is not a country and that Chinks fake everything they do.
Lel, I bet they were cheating
All but 3 of the top countries eat cats and dogs.
Don't listen to him, he's schizophrenic. You're safe with me.
Do individual IQs count?
This is why you aren't on the list, now fuck off and draw us some pictures.
Sorry about that, I'm the guy who has a three tenths of an IQ point, kinda ruined it for you guys
post the US
what?????? 99?????
>tfw no Italian master race gf to make smart, white kids with
> Mongolia
Wait what
100 IQ is the mean of the sample retard.
C-can I join?
Take all niggers out of the USA and we are tied with Japan.
>All the countries on this list have strict immigration laws.
What a weird coincidence.
This, we have tons of chinese in our university and they cheat like hell
Very common practice in China.
Never trust tests taken in China.
Nice try mexico
Does Quebec count?
Italians aren't white, we don`t need you
here's the us... not bad, i expected worse
I think mensa tests are great fun
is there any advantage to get into mensa?
i got 130+ in the mensa . no online test
Fuck, we have too many chugs.
>tfw when LITERAL mongoloids are smarter than you
I hear Canada is full of different Asians, good for you.
Doesn't matter white countries dominate in 140+ IQ.
TFW too intelligent to be a shitskin.
Well, my state is over 100.