>me, idiot in college
>drunk over xmas break
>pulled over for speeding
>asked if I was drinking "No sir"
>wait 20min, assume life is over
>cop comes back and gives me a ticket for 5mph over
>drive drunk rest of way home
Are police friendlier to white people?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cop here. I work in a black neighborhood. I see a white person where I work, I assume your ass is up to no good. You gon get frisked.
Officer, I wish to hear nigger stories please
It was my parent's super safe affluent neighborhood which throws people in jail for DWI. Did the cop know I was drunk and didn't want to ruin my life? I'm always super respectful to police, and even more-so after that. Still gives me anxiety flashes.
Baby just discovered White Privilege, welcome to the real world
i never had problems with the police, its probably because whites know how to behave in public
Do you prefer to frisk men or women?
Kill yourself
police are friendly to friendly people.
talk shit get shot
why do you hate the constitution?
Being mad at me won't make it any more wrong senpai
Frisky cops get clipped. Easy to tell between an officer and a sgt. molestron.
maybe my lack of criminal record and polite & respectful banter put him at ease.
tell us some chimpout tales
Yes, I was a criminal during my teen years and it was a lot easier to get away with things
What do you care? There are no white people in france anyway.
depends on age and how you dress more than anything. If a cop sees a young male wearing a thick hoodie, saggy pants and chains, you'll get stopped regardless if you're black, white, mexican or purple
Its as easy as just not dressing like a complete thug. You don't need to go fedoralord but just be nice to them even if they're dicks and pull up your fucking pants.
>Licence and registration
>Here you are
>Thank you. Drive safely
>Licence and registration
>Licence and regis
>Sir, please step out of your car
I speed and lane split daily for 4 years since I got a bike, got only stopped once to receive a warning for crossing double white line. I split on that line at 90 mph in 70 next to a cop.
I love being white, but I'm in Utah, everyone is white.
Lucky you, OP. I got the DUI last May and it shat all over my summer.
Only positive out of this is that I'm a lock for never driving drunk again desu
Its probably a mixture of things.
>be white
>be sort of clean cut looking and non-threatening
>be very polite
>get pulled over with an open container while speeding
>let me go
>get pulled over for driving drunk at like 5am for swerving on highway
>tells me to get off the highway and get coffee before i get back on, tells me i could have killed myself
>get pulled over for walking drunk at 5am
>tell him ill call an uber and go home, too drunk to operate phone
>he puts me in the back, takes me to the next gas station up the road
>tells me to get home safe
I havent been that drunk in years and I'm thankful for their help. I've only had pleasant experiences with cops so idk. I still think its mainly just being polite, non threatening, answering their questions, telling the truth, etc.
If you were a pest control guy and you were sent out to deal with an animal in somebodies crawl space, wouldn't you be friendlier to a family of bunnies than you would a rabid raccoon with rabies?
Here in Louisiana, DWIs are a pain. So unless the officer is working a DWI program or you've already gotten into an accident, you've got a decent chance of being allowed to call for a ride if you're not a dick.
>be me
>arrest a dindu for DWI and hit and run
>be in the intoxilyzer room
>read dindu his rights pursuant to the chemical test
>dudes been an asshole the whole time why stop now
>"officer asshole, why you talkin' to me like I'm illiterate and shit?"
>nobody said you can't read, man
>"what? what illiterate got to do with not being able to read?"
>sergeant laughs
>trainee laughs
>hear arrested nigress in the next room laugh and shout "ha nigga you dumb as shit!"
>A438 to headquarters, be advised I'm unable to locate my sides
Rest of Europe is still too white
top bub
>too white
fukin wat m8
Don't worry, I never frisk without legal cause. But if your white in my patrol area, just means I'll look that much harder for it.
Depends on how much I've had to drink before my shift.
That's Cpl. Molestron, actually. Haven't molested enough to make rank yet.
Do cops like watching the show Cops?
>get pulled over
>smells like weed
>tell cop immediately i have weed and a bowl in my center console
>he confiscates it
>tells me to go
just always be straight up and honest. best course of action.
>A438 to headquarters, be advised I'm unable to locate my sides
Cops is like watching football to me. I'll shout at the cops on screen like "what the fuck are you DOING? He's gonna run! Put him in the car! See? I fucking told you he was gonna run! Tase him! TASE HIM!!!"
france everyone
Not in my country
More stories pls
>be white
>Walking home from neighborhood "walkabout" by myself
>Cops make contact, tell me I look suspicious (wearing collard shirt and jeans), pat me down, take ID and check for warrants, Press me on why I'm walking the neighborhood alone at night 11pm.
>tell them I feel a bit violated, they thank me for my cooperation.
>be white
>driving down highway with the flow of traffic
>highway patrol does u turn on freeway, flips on lights, Mexicans in car that is tailgating moves out of the way and he pulls me over
>Presses me on what kind of drugs I have in the car (i'm sober, no drugs no alcohol) runs through the list You take any medications? marijuana? where are you going? (road tripping home from Easter with senpai)
>says he smells weed and asks me to step out
>asks if he can search the car, I say no
>says he's going to do it anyways, probable cause
>finds nothing
>gives me a ticket for going 64mph in a 60mph zone
>driving to skatepark in Mexican neighborhood
>get pulled over
>what are you doing here?
>Going to the skate park.
>Step out of the car sir, pats me down, checks for warrants (never been arrested)
>asks to see skateboard, I show him rollerblades, he laughs and sends me on my way
Mind you I drive a pretty nice car and have work suits hanging in the back...
This is exactly how I imagined how cops watch Cops
Spic here, I've had great experiences with cops and some not so great.
When I was 17, I got pulled over by a sheriff at 3am while drunk and high. I was sure that my life was over and I was most likely going to prison for at least a year since I was an idiot and was carrying marijuana in the car.
The cop acted pretty cool and gave me a sobriety test, I passed it and he told me to get home safely.
Another time I got crashed into by some stupid old dude, the cops came and for some reason ran my information. Turns out that my license had been suspended for 10 months over some tickets I had paid online.
Somehow, I ended up getting arrested and had to pay $400 as bail.
Some cops are great, some are assholes.
>be me
>active duty Navy on leave
>cruising with friends
>we're still immature edgy hoodlums
>friends light decorative grass on fire in an upscale neighborhood(I know, I was a shithead)
>Get pulled over for my car matching a description(because its the same damn car)
>Cop asks why i have out of state plates and i explain because Navy
>"Have a good night"
Years later
>be in Uni
>car has Uni sticker
>never catch a break when speeding, ticket everytime. Cops looking thirsty for a reason to search my car
I think its a class thing more than a race thing
>be me a few years ago
>it's really cold and all the roads in the city have iced over
>local druggie decides to burglarize a store by ramming a truck through the front gate
>squad catches him on scene noggin' out all over the place
>hops back on the truck
>fuckyeahfuckyeahfuckyeah pursuit
>oh shit ice fuck
>eventually he crashes and rolls his truck over into a ditch, climbs out from the passenger and commences to run
>headquarters show one x15
>it wasn't me! Claims fast Eddie
>what? Dude we saw you the whole time
>nah, that wasn't me I was laying in that ditch and that truck rolled on top of m
>nigga you just went full crackhead
Best part was later on at the hospital he told the 8/10 female doc that the head wound he sustained in the crash was from us beating him (there's literally a piece of glass sticking out of it)
Doc says "well, maybe you shouldn't smoke crack and run from the police"
Marry me, doc.
>continue being white
>at skate park
>me and friend
>cops show up and ask for ID
>I give it to them
>cop realizes my DL address is in non-residential part of town
>I explain it's my office address and they can mail me there
>Asks for home address
>I'd rather not officer
>cuff him Danno
>I live on XXX ave, they talk fast when the cuffs go on huh?
>chill cop laughs, other cops lectures me on showing respect to law enforcement
>be me
>get pulled over doing 120km/h in a 50 zone
>let off with a warning
I bet you were speeding to try to get to the U.S., weren't you Mexic...oh!
Cartel membership has its privileges, eh?
>class thing more than race.
I've been pulled over before while wearing a suit and cops usually just ask for my info and then let me leave with a warning.
The type of car also matters, I have a friend with a Subaru wrx that gets pulled over very often, I drive a black land rover discovery and I don't get pulled over unless I'm being a shit head.
In my experience, police are friendlier if you act apologetic and submissive...... I'm sorry, I never knew, and oh my goodness goes a really long way with police
Why the fuck did we have to pick a flag so similar to Mexico's?
Kek blame our American education.
Because Italy is the Mexico of Europe.
Portugal is the Peru.
My pull over stories, I was driving a bmw 335, while white, with suits hanging in the back seat
>ha nigga you dumb as shit
>driving home from work
>12:40 am
>get pulled over for 'speeding'
>I was going 53 in a 50
>asks if I was drinking
>"no sir"
>gives me a breathalyzer
>do it anyways
>he takes it from me
>HE blows in it
>drags me out the window
>handcuffs me
>throws me in the back of his car
>start speedin down the highway
>SLAMS on the breaks
>i fall out of the seat and laying on the floor
>he starts doing donuts in the highway
>I start throwing up
>he unhandcuffs me
>opens door while the car is still spinning
>pushes me out of the back
>speeds off
Fuck cops
I got stopped and asked questions by an officer while carrying weed in my pocket. He was cool just asked me why I was alone at night. Didn't frisk me or anything. Just be respectful towards them and they won't do anything it's not that hard. I'm a Mexican too
Not really, by Sup Forums standards I am (or was) a degenerate I've been arrested quite a few times etc, but not as much as the people I was with for a simple reason
>Whether you've committed a crime or not is completely irrelevant
>Get pulled by the police
>Ask name, address, dob etc
>Give them it
>Friend your with doesn't and starts blabbing on about rights
>Tell friend there isn't any point in acting the way he is because he'll make the situation worse for himself
>After everything is said and done the same thing happens every time
>Get told to go on my way (assuming I wasn't caught red handed obviously)
>Friend gets arrested for not complying and is taken to the station until they find out what they wanted to know
So the basic rule is that because I acted like a normal person I was treat like one and because my friend acted like a nigger he was treat like one.
There isn't any point in giving them a hard time whether you're already in a cell or you aren't because it means nothing to them. They aren't the one locked in a concrete box for hours on end, they literally couldn't fucking care less.
That's not to say that all the police I've met have been nice guys because the truth is the fairer ones are a lot rarer, but even when you meet a cunt one why would you give them any kind of excuse to arrest you? Not only that, but it's much more likely that American cops are going to be a lot more cautious around niggers due to the massive amount of evidence that points at niggers being much more likely to be violent so they put their own safety first. I'm good friends with a professional boxer and any time the police have questioned us on any matter at all, the first thing they do when they find out his profession is to handcuff him. Why? For their safety. With a higher likelihood for a nigger to be armed and dangerous it's exactly the same situation which means they're going to be more on edge which means they take more precautions.
tl;dr no.
>HE blows in it
Had me actually legit keking people are looking at me like "wtf is wrong with that pig"
>did not get called a nigger
Liar. This never happened.
I was once pulled over with a friend
Both had open containers in lap and drunk
Cops made us pour them out and let us drive home
A haiku by Officer user:
You got me all fucked
up, officer, I told you
that these ain't my pants
I'm a poo in loo. Would this still work for me.?
>starts doing donuts on the highway
I swear, nigger cop stories are as bullshit as kike Holocaust stories.
yes because compared to the average black we're 10% as likely to commit a violent crime, combine that with a nice looking vehicle / clothing and the cop is basically inviting you over for dinner because you're a 1 in 100000 chance of being a violent offender.
>ha nigga you dumb as shit
Cops profile the shit out of people. Which means that if you're a normal looking white person they'll assume you're harmless. If you act like an aggressive idiot then they might be scared and could react violently. As long as you're polite the cops won't give you any trouble.
When a normal person has an interaction with police they treat it like a normal social interaction. Niggers and criminals freak out and act erratically and that's how they get their shit fucked up.
Not far off, leaf.
You get treated better if you don't chimpout on the cops or go full 'AM I BEING DETAINED?'
They are people too.
You are scum for driving drunk, please consider suicide
>be white
>walking home with some friends, smoking a joint
>drunk and high
>see a cop van stationed near a mall
>remember i have a banana in my pocket
>have the stupidest idea
>walk to the van
>two officers inside
>knock on the window
>the cops look at me
>window rolls down
>hand the banana to the officers and say
>does the monkey want a banana?
>get manhandled by the monkeys while laughing uncontrollably
>get stuffed in the back of the van
>wake up the next morning from a cell
>they let me go after some serious lecturing
4.5/5 the cops are pretty chill around here
not for long, I'm moving to the US midwest if Trump starts to MAGA, Canada is a sinking ship.
>big guns
>castle doctrine
yes please
>no nonwhites
what's not to love
How is being suspended the Cops fault? Lol
Also we have air conditioning.
police do their jobs professionally
it just keeps getting better
Usually I don't have a problem with cops and theres more to it than being white. I'm friendly and have a clean record. I usually ask the officer how he's doing and answer his questions calmly. I drive old beat up cars most of the time but i give off a friendly vibe and it's sincere, and usually they're friendly too.
Don't forget you can still get poutine except we put cheese and bacon on it and call it cheesy fries because we give zero shits about our bodies.
I'm trying to figure out what the middleground would be in those situations between "great" and "asshole"
Shit I forgot my snek
white people be like
>asked if I was drinking "No sir"
black people be like
Calm down, Lucky Charms.
Got any SJW stories?
No. People in the ghetto aren't SJWs.
They can't even read, user.
Do you have any more dindu stories then?
What's your worst arrest story?
When you take into account the differences in how much of the population they make up, white people are a lot less likely to shoot a cop than black people. That's why cops are mean to niggers; they are statistically more likely to never see their family again when they pull over Tyrone than when they pull over Bob Smith who's going 5 over the speed limit because he wants to get home to his wife and kids.
im plannen on becoming a cop soon, how "locker room" are cops to each other
How do cops treat new cops
I think they tend to target nicer cars, believe it or not. I took the same route to work for years in a shitty '92 Civic, sped and everything, never had a problem. As soon as I bought my Saab, I got pulled over twice in 2 months, same area. Ended up completely rerouting my commute.
What do you mean?
>respond to 911 call
>old black lady is worried about her son. He's been bumping into walls and stuff since the moved into their new apartment two days ago and thinks something's wrong with him
>x97 headquarters
>"hi, ma'am" what's going on today?
>basically tells me the same shit the dispatcher told me
>refuses to look at me
>I lean in front of her face
>she solid as a bat
>as if on cue, son walks into the room and runs straight into the wall
>"you okay, buddy?"
>huh? Yeah I'm just blind. We just moved in I'm gettin used to shit
>x8 headquarters, send me some more bullshit
Depends on the people you end up with, like anything else. My squad is cool as shit to me.
fucking kek
>implying I'm not calm
>solid as a bat
Wtf me. *blind
they probably feel better about ticketing "richer" people
Holy shit, are dindus really like this? I thought it was just a meme at first. Topkek though.
Every fucking night I deal with grown adults who are literally incapable of the basic problem solving requisite for independent existence.
As in your worst experience arresting someone
>ha nigga you dumb as shit
legit keked
If you played sports in high school like football and you enjoyed yourself you should be right at home.