Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
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>liking colbert
it must be nice having your parents pay for your college
Good thing no one but the Lugenpresse uses that term.
Truer words have never been spoken.
Colbert used to be funny, before he was told to copy John Olliver
Absolutely KEKED
That fucking moron repeatedly shilled for Hillary during the elections. He said multiple times Trump was a joke and would lose. He was BTFO LIVE on election night and was almost crying in the end.
How does this fucking douche have the nerve to talk about politics now? He has been utterly destroyed on every little prediction he made. He's a fraud, an idiot.
I loved this thread when I saw it over on Sup Forums, OP! Hella f***in epic!
>liberals create the buzzword "alt-right"
>disregard that young right wingers hate the term
>use the term to make fun of them
sounds about right
I like Colbert and my parents have been paying for my uni for 5 years now
John Oliver took the Daily Show to the next level.
Colbert made a parody of the O'reilly Show.
Now colbert has combined Conan's show with his last show so that he could have a wider audience. He is political by nature and has admitted to it, he is also a more conservative liberal and pretty red pilled.
If you think he is at all like John Oliver you just see the color blue and freak the fuck out.
All I know he makes me think
>what is cheeky comedy that points out what anyone who is not brainwashed and is looking can see
>made up definition of a made up ideology
Did left-comedy die or was I naive to find this shit funny to begin with?
Colbert was funnier as a fake Republican than he is now as a real liberal.
What is right comedy? Larry the Cable guy and Dane Cook? Almost all comedians are lefty.
He was playing his card back then. Now he's supposed to play himself, but without going too sarcastic on it so as to not alienate the "others".
This is his real fault right now, he's too limited. Almost feels like a castrated version of himself from the Colbert show.
This is actually how the left works
>whats right
>making qt white children with your qt white wife
>let mohammed and Tyrone fuck your wife while you watch
Well pol decide
A man poorly pretends to be a republican. People find this funny....