Let's get that number up to $1,000!
Murdoch Murdoch Patreon
Other urls found in this thread:
>shilling this hard
I'm gonna have to say no.
Show murdoch chan.
>A poo
>Has enough money to donate
>Hasn't got enough money to buy toilet paper instead of wiping your arse with your hand
hows about NO stormshill
Does Rupert need money? The fuck is going on here?
Too poor to contribute, but I like MM.
Murdoch regularly gases actual stormies in his dumb videos.
Only if Murdoch-chan gives me a lap dance
Go back to Plebbit
Bump. I like you guys but I have a drug problem so no money to contribute
How about you go fuck yourself and piss off to plebbit?
agreed go to plebbit.
>giving money to shills
Do you know which board you're on nigger? I think /po/ may be more your speed.
Probably just some plain Jane. I'd rather the mystique be kept alive
I don't like how they appropriated Wojack and used his face for their dumb faces.
They use Wojack's face to look happy as well as other emotions.
Says the actual literal shills. for as much as you guys bitch about kikes, you sure do act like them
How cunty are Patreon about banning people from their service for having the wrong opinions?
MurdochMurdoch are not full nigger death, but they are still pretty far out there.
I love their videos.
Make sure you go to support groups when you're done with withdrawals
I don't think you know what shill means, anyways we accepted stormfornt eith open arms. 99% of people already knew about how Sup Forums became white nationalist
>inb4 Murdoch-Chan is a fat slob
Can you get me in contact with sven? I have nearly 4800 hours of on the job experience as a neet, and dont require any shekels. I wanna be the intern for the death pannel.
They LITERALLY infiltrated this board to shill their belief in the truest sense of the word, and now OP is begging for shekels. Im not misusing the word
and Sup Forums was never a naziboo hugbox. If thats really what you want, then go on over to 4+Sup Forums