Japan to offer 1-year path to permanent residency

Japan to offer 1-year path to permanent residency

>TOKYO -- A narrow class of foreign-born professionals working in Japan will be able to obtain permanent-resident status after just one year as the government seeks to inject fresh blood into the economy and boost productivity.

what the fuck are you waiting for weaboo

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>it worked so well for Europe and America! Look at how peaceful and more well off they a-

Japan is kill.

I'm in the process of making my country great again and getting real live anime.

Why move?

Too bad the majority of japanese girl looks like shit and those that don't are no better than valley girls.

say goodbye to the last pure haven on Earth I guess

sorry, have to make america great again

Did any of you retards even read that article? The standarts for such a citizenship are stupidly high that only about 2.600 people would qualify for that in 2015. Shitty JET teacher don't need to apply.

Japs pls confirm, this is important.

Alright then... Japan is done for.

We just got 10 cases of Tuberculosis in Sweden today.

A disease that had been dead in Sweden for a long fucking time.


Soon in Japan too

>highly skilled

hahahahahahahah the nips are smart, they know how to keep subhumans out

read the article, the standards are pretty high and I am pretty sure not a single derka derka shit skin will pass them.

This. White man stay and fight for your lands.

sorry, I can't fap to pixilated porn with F1 cars sounds in the baground

rip us all then

Well done EU

tokyo is pretty great if youre a tall, handsome white guy. everyone else maybe not so much

I need to keep the white population growing.

Bros before hoes.

I can't speak moonrune and I enjoy the freedom I have in my state.

I'd visit, but I'd never want to live there as a permanent resident.

>sorry, I can't fap to pixilated porn with F1 cars sounds in the baground

Is what this user said before they delet him

Islam is next to prohibited in the land of the Japs


> professionals

Yeah, no. Let us know when they offer something for NEETs.

Abe needs to go

>as the government seeks to inject fresh blood into the economy and boost productivity.
>fresh blood into the economy and boost productivity.
>into the economy and boost productivity.
Yeeeeah, let's call it that.

I prefer US over Japan to be honest.

I'd like to inject fresh something

but who was hand?

>boost economy
>uh oh someone above you must save face
>youve shamed all of management with your gaijin ways
>piss off some connected guys
>forgot to bow a few centimeters lower for your station
>thats it now the ceo killed himself in shame baka gaijin

no thanks nippon

>Japan now in desperate need for NEETs

I know Trump got elected and everything, but cmon now

I don't want to work 16 hours a day

to get permanent residency in japan you have to make a decent amount of money

so neet weebs cant get it

>implying I am going to waste my time to learn that shit language to live there

No thanks.


Trump America as a white person > anything

yes go to Japan and know what it feels like to be a person of color in america.

Why non-asians would want to move to a country where you are expected to work in expense of your sleep? Asians think that working long ours can somehow compensate for lack of understanding and direction and tend to disregard their own and others fatigue. Those insectoids with their insane traditions and hellish work load that make you want to prefer suicide to a prospect of living another day and pity your future children can go to hell.
I honestly prefer niggers to asians. Nigs can be treated as wildlife and asians defend their territory and consume resources, yet societies they create are for robots and drones, not humans.

>Currently, highly skilled foreign professionals must stay in Japan for five years to qualify for permanent residency. That time frame will be shortened to three years across the board. Talent judged to possess top-flight management or technical skills can apply to have the residency requirement shortened to one year. Conditions have yet to be settled, but one proposal sets the bar at 80 points for consideration.
They need top specialists, not weaboos.

Cause I like their anime and games, not the country itself. Cause I don't want to work 80 hour weeks with no overtime and shit pay, just so I can barely afford to live in an apartment that's smaller than your average RV.

How is the white man treated in Japan?

>I honestly prefer niggers to asians.

Ivan pls, if you dealt with niggers you'd understand the folly of this statement.

like the filthy gaijin he is.

Don't even think for a second that you will go there to get some pussy. Their society doesn't lack men, it lacks women willing to have sex.

>I honestly prefer niggers to asians

Now I am not saying Chinese are great, but wow you should go chill in Chicago or Baltimore for a bit and then reconsider.

I didnt saved photo of big boobed jap chick. Can someone post it again?

> (OP)
>I didnt saved photo of big boobed jap chick. Can someone post it again?
ask Royal family for permission first

The Turks here started with

But Im not brit.

You realise that literally any decent corporate gig has the same hours, right? I have mates at PWC, Macquarie Bank and various law firms putting in 12 hour+ days and bitching about making great money but having no time to spend it.

Absolutely fine. I have random Japanese chicks asking me for pictures in the street and muttering how "kakkoii" I am much to the disgust of my gf and jp mates.

>inb4 things that didn't happen

Too bad glorious Japan doesn't offer dual citizenship. Remember Japan is for the Japanese.