Is civil war coming? The riots are intensifying.
Is civil war coming? The riots are intensifying
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just in time for finals
Haha, no.
White liberals hate guns and blacks can't organize.
The babies will cry for a few days, maybe a few weeks, they can afford it since they don't have a job, however, they are also lazy, so it won't last long
and it definitely won't turn into civil war, you really see these guys take up arms ?
Once it becomes old news and the media realizes people have stopped caring, it will stop.
Is OP just CTR trying to create panic?
How can I look more like that guy?
who cares
>served 3 years in state prison
>fought niggers and spics in prison riots
Liberals, minorities and anti-fa are in a rude awakening when the wake up the wrong white men
I say let them intensify, I haven't really had any fun in like i use to like the things I did for entertainment in my former life before II cleaned up and became a productive member of society.
>violence makes you into a man
>The riots are intensifying
Are they? Last I heard they were thinning out.
who is gonna fight in the civil war? democrats dont own guns, their best tactic would be to shoot sjws out of cannons.
>blacks can't organize
But Soros can....
The riots are all in major coastal cities, which are shitholes anyway. No riots in the midwest that I know of.
One thing Soros will continue to press, is riots. Those NGOs of his will turn into overdrive now that the Titanic left without the witch on board. And I mean worldwide, so yes. This is going to be a ride to hell. and maybe back.
how much do you think soros would pay for participating in a race war?
no, once trump gets into office and starts governing, even the whiny crybaby libs will see their lives are improving with lower taxes and a better economy and a more streamlined government
Trump hasn't even done anything yet. Give it a year or so.
lel no
Most of the world is getting on with their lives, even on the left. A handful of butthurt college kids and paid protesters won't cause anything.
There's a shit tsunami coming.
these people are just worthless.
we need to keep pushing them until they melt away and kill themselves.
remind them of how their world is over.
remind them of how powerless they are.
remind them of how our 7-2 SCOTUS will rule over their lives until the day they die.
Some in Dallas too, I drive by and see a bunch of niggers and spics holding up signs.
When he gets into office we shall see. Nobody knows what he's truly going to do, user. All we have so far are words. He's officially a politician now, and politicians are not to trusted
Not sure, all quiet in AZ
Funny. I haven't heard shit about them, let alone seen anything. I live in eastern NC though. A friend sent me a vid of them blocking traffic in Birmingham though.
Fuck 'em. No one cares and they aren't changing dick.
that evil kike
when the fuck are we gonna make him die with our meme powers
his whole god damn family/bloodline needs to be killed in order for this world to have a chance at survival
He came in as an outsider looking in. I have more faith in him than a regular politician.
Where will I be able to sign up when it begins? Do I just grab my guns, go outside and start aerating numales?
Everything's been quiet over here in Lowell despite there being craigslist ads for the usual "STOP TRUMP - UP TO $1500/WEEK"
I heard there were some protests in Boston though
A friend of mine worked a year in a supermax prison. He has several stories, the most notable ones where he was forced to kill inmates.
Is it really that intense?
910 here.
How extensive is your katana collection?
And no one will expect it. The Jew is not amused. But then, even Goliath fell from a single stone. All it took was the suicidal approach, and a little bit of repeating numbers
>"Putin? Yeah, call on an airstrike on these monkeys right now"
is this you a-user kun?
no, ethnic cleansing
the protests are still going on? lol no one is even bothering to cover them, I haven't seen anything about them for days now
A military (or militia in this case) needs leadership on all levels. At the lowest level, it's the individual's leadership over himself. What is he going to do next? Can they function as a group and take orders from the squad top nigger? Or a platoon top nigger, even higher?
Assumnig they had knowledge about leadership, authority, tactics, cooperation.
And niggers don't want to bite the hand they eat from. Who is going to pay for their welfare? The nigs who have transcended their racial limits, will obviously not side with the ghetto niggers.
>The riots are intensifying
the queen of england can raise armies in the islands she owns and send them into america
are Hessians still a thing?
That's actually what they did to us and it didn't pan out for them.
Birmingham Alabama?
>The riots are intensifying.
Soros is just blowing off some extra cash as the market is up.
He knows he lost this round, expect more 2 then 4 years from now.
Something will start after the death of 10 "protestors"
This is part of Soros' plan
252bro here.
Been a few years since I've been in your area.
admit it, this guy is what 88% of Sup Forums users look like
Yeah. Friend moved there recently and took a vid of them downtown.
Oh sweet. I live in Mobile AL. I can't wait for them to make their way down here.
Let the liberals and the left protest. This is a great opportunity to wipe out leftism from the United States of America so they can never arise again.
Brand the protestors as terrorists and crackdown on them. Thanks for previous administrations, Trump now has the power to indefinitely throw people in jail. And with the full ability of the NSA and CIA, they can easily found out where there are.
The SJWs fill finally be hunted down like the animals that there are! The free loving liberal women will understand what it really means to open your legs for others.
Remember leftist suck at fighting wars, see spanish civil war. Let them riot, heck more problems should be stirred up to give more reason to hunt them down.