>tfw there is no significant right-wing party in your country
Tfw there is no significant right-wing party in your country
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Democracy is dead.
afd is better than nothing
maybe your country has learned something what others don't
>implying multiculturalism isn't the same as genocide
afd ?
I want this picture printed on my gravestone.
That is not even true. Some of our mainstream parties back in the 60-80s were more right-wing than the AfD today.
You must show the world you're the best in tolerance just like in making cars, stop whining
what kind of agenda afd have?
Isn't there an actual neo-nazi party there though?
NPD or something like that
>tfw there never will be a right wing party in Germany because the German tax payer gladly subsidizes a "Kampf gegen Rechts", operating with psychological terror, Lügenpesse and open violence
NPD is a joke party or honeypot, run by the executive branch of the leftist party.
Away From Keyboard are cucks
Canadian immigration system.
Break up the current professional party system, replace it with more "casual" politicians and lots of referendums.
Safe zones for refugees in the Middle East.
Referendum about the Euro, anti-EU rhetorics.
Some economic populism which makes little sense and is not conclusive.
But, actually, no one cares about their proposals. They are simply "the right-wing populist party".
>there is one
>becomes batshit crazy the moment she gets any sort of publicity
And the cycle continues
I can relate.
They can't agree on that. The only reason why they are so big is because Petry desperately tried to get every right leaning person in they country into their party before elections began.
Now they are a mix of everything between fed up conservatives to fed up nazis.
And while their numbers have been surprising, it's for a similar reason as Trump winning. People not actually caring about the details of the party/candidate and just wanting to make a point.
Either the AfD will implode on its own, split into factions AGAIN or they will simply dwindle down as soon as the refugee situation gets sorted out (or doesn't get any worse).
The only way they would have any chance to become a significant party would be if there was a terrorist attack (or war) and the ruling parties handled it very poorly.
My money is on them splitting up into a more moderate group (with who make less noise = less votes) and an even more right leaning group, which will alienate most of the people currently voting for them.
The refugee situation won't sort out in Germany because Germans actually don't see a problem in being forcefully replaced, as they are self hating cucks.
It's not like in Austria where the conservative and leftist party try everything, rapefugee wise, to appease the FPÖ voters.
you are right. afd will implode after getting 15-20% in the next bundestag election.
Can you be anymore german?
Thats what (((they))) always wanted to crush or spirit and I have to say seems like they succeded.
If that were true, Germany would have told Erdocunt to BTFO long ago.
>New numbers are decreasing daily.
>Things are in motion to get rid of Maghreb """"refugees"""" (and other safe countries), who are the main criminal offenders
>Iraq will be pretty much wrapped up in a couple months. Iraqis have already been going back.
>Since USA will probably not get involved with Syria to a significant extent, Russians are in the clear to make it quick, keeping Erdocunt on a short leash in the meantime.
We are free to deal with our shit quite directly, because (and let's be honest) we got the better end of the stick on this one.
Germany has to juggle its diplomatic relations while keeping relative equilibrium.
The only realistic problem I see, are the application rejections vs actual deportations. The amount of Duldungen are fucking retarded at the moment. They have to fix that ASAP. But I'm sure they know that already and are just looking for a way to do it without the media creating daily sob stories about a couple individuals who "just want a better life" and making deals with countries they are being deported to.
Also fingers crossed for Putin being a bro about the rebuilding of Syria and making it so that refugees can't claim "Assad wants me dead!".
I know a similar feel
>tfw the right wing party is corrupt as fuck and far-right is non existant and it will allways be in my country.
I wish I could believe, Ausbro, but: I grew up in Germany, I experienced their education system, their mass media and actual real life Germans.
This leaves me with not very much hope for this country.
I did too. And as I said: The issue isn't the politicians as much as the media blowing shit out of proportion, people complaining "auf hohem Niveau" and politicians having to pander to them.
So they have to do the long con. That's all there is to it.
i.e.: The police force in Germany has been too small for years now. Every time they tried to upgrade stuff or increase the numbers, people freaked the fuck out. NOW people understand the necessity and more resources are being invested.
The high ranking politicians know what is going on.
And unlike Burgers, I'm quite optimistic about Germans (and French/Austrians) taking the hint and realizing they have been ignoring conservative portions of the populations for too long.
Heck, even leftists are catching on:
Be patient with our neighbors, bro.
They are slow, but not dumb.
at least you guys have the afd and npd. in canada we have fucking nothing.
>anything other than a police honeypot
Good summary. Totally agree on that.
This is also very true. Doing a good job here, Austriabro.