>Be Great Britain
>Colonise a large chunk of the planet
>Start exporting our greatest asset, white men
>Everything going fine
>Cut to Europe
>Bitter germans don't like seeing Britains success
>Then enters a man called Adolf Hitler
>Starts a global conflict ruining europe and ruining Great Britains plan for a white utopia
>Cut to current day
>Germany ruining europe once again
>mfw people still unironically support Germany
Be Great Britain
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whatever, it's an important lessons yadda yadda, but we must put our differences together and start securing a future for European peoples. No more brothers wars.
Now fuck off, shill.
This. Germany doomed whites.
Daily reminder that Krauts fought to prove they were the master race and lost lmao
Britain always be the greatest achievement of Europe. Surpassed by her rebellious child, but definitely unparalleled in Europe.
>rule the world
We only had total control of several shitskin nations who had no guns to defend themselves, mate. Not much of an achievement desu
"Haha we totally didn't lose all of our colonies at that point already. Totally didn't happen."
t. stupid paki who thinks he's british
>One nation against half the planet
>Almost won
They may have lost in the end, but they still proved their point.
But you will always be British
Get fucked you uncivilised square headed cunt
Nice rebuttal you constantly conquered Untermensch.
>constantly conquered
t. hasnt won a war in 150 years
>A Turk and a Paki duking it out
It was those stupid alliances that you euros formed that lead to WWI and in turn lead to WWII.
You white people been killing each other since the ice melted over Europe up until WWII. The EU was created so you turds will not destroy yourselves.
How does that reconcile you being constantly conquered?
We haven't been invaded since 1066, lmao. Just face it hans, you are to us what a nigger is to you. We are the upgrade.
I used to think being German was so great until I realized they are going to start wwiii with all the Muslim terrorists they bring in and give free monies too. Sucks that my former countrymen are going to be the cause of three world wars.
Is this German seriously talking shit about being conquered?
Napoleon, Ww1, ww2, Cold War and the invasion of jafar and Ahmed.
Your country hasn't been in control of itself since Bismarck
>Your country hasn't been in control of itself since Bismarck
Says the emu fucker who has a flag of another country on there country's flag.
Get redpilled newfag, your UK government and the zionists will burn for their crimes against the western world in the 20th century
Start going down the rabbit hole with this: youtube.com
You're one to talk, pajeet. Settle down before we genocide you again.
They weren't the cause of any of the wars, they were blamed after the fact by victors with guilty conscience.
They are somewhat to blame for the current crisis, but only in the sense that they haven't revolted against their government yet.
They were pretty damn in control of themselves when Hitler took over.
We have their flag, because we are colonial brithongs. Ask yourself Raj, if you and your family moved somewhere else would you still be Indian?
>The EU was created so you turds will not destroy yourselves.
Mission failed by all metrics
Turks are based and white
Spotted the eternal anglo kike.
Fake history in your (((country))), will you.
Oh wait. That's right. Jews have no country.
Start eating beef you malnourished manlet.
The only reason we're not tall because we don't keep killing other people and we blessed to born in our own subcontinent where we can live
Not in an deserted island where we have to eat food which tastes like tears, oh wait you guys don't even have salt.
(((UK))). A Freemasonic Shithole of Kiddie Fuckers and Royal Satanists. Also Sandniggers now.
Good blimey. You fucked up so bad.
nice meme, pajeet. You're animals that need a master.
Which led to a whole century of your country being controlled by the french.
Marxists and Trilateral jews, the founders of the UN. Nothing but Kike puppets. The eternal anglo was always the real cancer.
Shut up goyim
t. proud 1% germanic heritage Pedro Gonzales from USA.
>Bitter germans don't like seeing Britains success
It was you that was jealous of their quickly development.
You waged war with them because you wouldnt accept a more powerfull country in Europe than Great Britain
I think it's just my nature as an american, but I love watching euros fight
>established global powers
>Entitled germans come along
>"Eh, gib clay. We empire too"
Hmmm, yes. That is how it works.
>Be Sup Forums
>Focus on WW2 instead of WW1, thereby missing all context
>Larping NatSocs intensifies
>be retarded Brit
>know shit about WW2
>open thread on Sup Forums to shill your asshurt
>make yourself look like a complete fool and embarass yourself
>mfw Brits like this actually exist
kashmir begs to differ
I know your a historically illiterate retard, but christ, don't act like you know what you're talking about
Lmao they didnt almost win
Lol rekt
You can't defend yourself agaisnt the british mate,
They won 2 world wars, have and have always had the greatest currency in the world, created the biggest empire in history and the worlds number one spoken language is their language.
Germany on the other hand lost both world wars, only germany and austria speak german.
>Be autistic sour kraut
>Watch Adolf Hitler, The Greatest Story Never Told
>Think you are an expert on WW2
>mfw a G*rman (or should it be G*rWOMAN lmao) worked 14 hours a day at Volkswagen making Hitlermobiles with a supreme high efficiency and paid 25% tax on his 50,000 monopoly money annual salary all of which went to helping Ahmed, Yusuf and Mehmet find luxury accommodation at Neuschwanstein Castle whilst he went home and jacked off to Dachshund themed furry porn in between games of Guilt Simulator 2016
Scoreboard son.
Not to mention the shit the nazis pulled has made it impossible to be publicly right wing and emboldened the lunatic left to where it is today.
Hitler could have succeeded without using things like the einzengruppen.
For all the larping on here we couldn't exactly stand by and watch that.
The british would have never won the war if not for the americans and the russians who contributed much more to our loss.
There were two major blunders that, if avoided, would have secured victory over Soviet Union by 1942-43.
>Not hunkering down for winter in 1941.
>Insisting on capturing the political cities Leningrad, Stalingrad, Moskow.
If Stalingrad and Moskow were isolated and bypassed, the Wehrmacht would have taken the Caucasus in '42. That would have been GG Soviet Union.
>Talks about food tasting
>Indian "cuisine" only came about by throwing so many spices into a pot you couldn't tell the meat was rotten
I wish I was making it up, but the simple fact is I'm not. I seen one of you poos the other day say that civilization started in India. I literally had to stitch my sides up after they unironically split. This particular poo obviously doesn't know that civilized people don't shit, piss, swim and dump dead bodies in water that you drink.
>Almost won
Beating the french, two non-countries they took over while moving to invade france and assorted slav dictatorships isn't much of an achievement.
Fuck this cancerous meme
More then anyone else managed. If it was so easy why didn't they all do it? Oh that's right one it wasn't, and two we kicked their teeth in when they tried. Pretty decent job if you ask me.
Even if you are right.
Just deal with it mate, brits did better than germany, but germany created the most successful society in history and best cars and lots of things they invented.
Be proud of it instead of competing lad.
>A turk calling anyone else non-white
>all these butthurt turk expats replying
But they were french, Brian.
I think it's pretty well established that the Germans lost ww1 and were liberated from nap by Brits and ruskies
>in control
Germany was literally on the brink of civil war, to the point of several domestic skirmishes. They almost fell to the commies even before ww2
>The Normans (Norman: Nourmands; French: Normands; Latin: Normanni) were the people who in the 10th and 11th centuries gave their name to Normandy, a region in France. They were descended from Norse ("Norman" comes from "Norseman") raiders and pirates from Denmark, Iceland and Norway who, under their leader Rollo, agreed to swear fealty to King Charles III of West Francia.
They were as french as the foreign legion, or the current population of france
>turks telling other countries they're over run by mudslimes.
>says the biggest kike enabler
Just fuck off and die already anglo.
Scotland will be free, Ireland will be united!
You mean great retreats and backstabs?
get over it
good lad
What is (was) Dresden?
That's a fucking bread sandwich. Fuck that. I renounce my Anglo-ness.
>citing a thousand year old work of art as evidence against an online collective encylopedia
Nice try Antoine
We fought single handed for years. also against the japs on the otherside of the world.
Still BTFO'd Germany and Italy in Africa.
No. He meant that the anglo was conquering subhumans (i.e. africans, indians, arabs, etc), while the aryan race was proving superiority over all other races of Europe
Okay... but they didn't fall into civil war or communism.
They fashed out under the Nazi party's leadership instead.
Not before all that Russian clay you're squatting on.
>all other European countries.
You mean the French and some slavs.
That guy probably gets beat up by those chicks everyday like all Indians
True, but it was touch and go. Not exactly completely in control.
But the one in the middle is toast. It's a texture extravaganza.
>start securing a future for European peoples
>exchanging your kith and kin in the empire for eurofags
this is people hate poms
>only germany and austria speak german.
you forgot the part where the Rothschilds gained control of your banks
lolllll hey krautfags you turn -------> that way to pray to mecca fucking losers
You still have a flag?
t. ahmed
Frenchies are some of the most delusional idiots you'll encounter.
Germans are untermensch being conquered by others.
ITT Anglos brushing off butthurt Krauts
Like pottery
The Anglo had to constantly fight other European empires to keep and expand theirs you stupid mulatto cuck. I bet you're an 'Irish' American.
>Be Great Britain
>Want to rule the world
>Strive for a clinch on the Continent so you're free to rule the oceans
>Encourage Russia to destroy Poland-Lithuania
>There's a clinch on the continent among 3 powers
>Prussia is under russian umbrella and grows comfortably
>Russians allow Prussia to unite german lands in 1871
>British fleet suddenly has to be taken away from the colonies
>Germany is now too strong
>Germany fucks up Britain and France
>Britain deserves it
and nothing of value was lost
Germans have always been the enemy of white greatness.
what the fuck you're german too you just have a weird accent we don't understand
The Germans have always been a cancer on Europe and human society as a whole. They're always trying to destroy Europe. In the ancient times, it was ruining the Roman Empire. About 100 years ago with the start of the World Wars, that destroyed almost every European empire. And now today, they're trying to stick the final nail in the coffin via mass immigration. Every German should do humanity a favor and just kill themselves, and at the very least if you feel some sort of remorse for your ancestor's crimes, take some shitskins with you