Who really controls the world Sup Forums?
I'm not talking Soros or the Rothschilds, I'm talking the guys that we don't see, the ones in the shadows.
Who are they?
Who really controls the world Sup Forums?
I'm not talking Soros or the Rothschilds, I'm talking the guys that we don't see, the ones in the shadows.
Who are they?
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my penus wenus ?
lads my ID has an anagram of DEAD
It's yourself.
You're in the shadow.
When was the last time you looked INTO yourself, not getting distracted by your memories.
We're constantly manipulating ourselves into believing the thoughts these people put out there.
I mean you can see them, but the ideologie yo build up in yourself keeps you from realizing it's true.
It's chaos. Entropy. Humans do some work upon the systems of the world, but we don't control anything. We don't even control the systems we've created for ourselves. There are emergent properties in these systems and super-systems that we don't understand, and will never understand. We know nothing. We control nothing. We just are. And then we die.
Probably the median person, after all is said and done. The people politicians tailor their platforms to appeal to. The people advertising departments create imagery for. The people who's fears direct the attention and tone of the national media.
> mfw the world is geared to cater to people who post illiterate garbage to social media.
the illerminati
they're gonna ascend humanity to the next plane of existence but their methods are brutal
The banks (jews) really have total control. From there on we don't know because it has been hidden for over a millennia.
I wonder who are they..
Too bad we will never know.
british crown
hidden in plain sight massive PR campaign has convinced people the queen doesn't actually do anything
she does lots of things
rothschilds and crew do some dirty money work and they're in the shadows, but the worst of the worst is bathed in light
The Jewluminati
I've never seen myself and the illuminati in the same room before...
It's us. But we don't accept it.
>Too bad the goyim will never know
ftfy Israeli friend
all of us
>I'm talking the guys that we don't see, the ones in the shadows.
So Soros and the Rothschilds then?
You do realize that 99.9% of the world don't know who they are right? And even among those who do know, only a tiny fraction actually cares about their agenda.
It's fun to think about some mystical shadow government comprised of aliens and ancient lizard people, but the reality is a lot less romantic and a lot more depressing.
>2 posts by this ID
What is the psychological purpose of authoritarian conspiracies anyway?
Is it a warped modern version of survival instinct?
Is it a construct that absolves us of responsibility?
What do you think anons?
I'm the OP, am I not allowed to post in my own thread
the women
behind every successful man there's a woman breaking his balls, or a passive homo
>mfw pol still believes Soros or Rotschilds rule the world
The real ((power)) doesnt have a single trace, all the rest are clowns and decoy.
Kek. Here's your (You).
an ai sent back in time from an alternate timeline named barron
since christians and muslims were not allowed to loan money, jews did. they became the banks and the wealth accumulated gives them power.
the federal reserve is the best example of this dickery today. this is a private bank.
A handful of corporations who basically own everything.
Sapeshifting reptilians
Soros. The Rothschilds, These jews and a few others
also this
There are 100 with fortunes of above 100b. Those controls the real change. Probably some aliens
no the women pulled a power play years ago then couldnt run anything so when they went crawling back to the men they had divorced they got laughed at
i think only 1 couple stayed together and every one hated them. at this point the men worked out a embezzling scheme in various governments while the women couldnt figure out what was happening
they stole more money than is counted as existing. now many nations are in trouble and if they refuse the men they will be outed for destroying the global currency markets with worthless money in western nations
check mate. no more twilight driven student exchange programs. no more crying about fake injustices. no more demands from women that are on the rag
He is called Kek, our god and waifu
I do. AMA
What would happen if all money disappeared tomorrow?
Would the NWO be exposed?
The NWO is planned to be without money
The man is telling it straight, what will happened!
>Who really controls the world Sup Forums?
not who but what
when there's more to lose than there is to gain by getting uppity and making change (violent) happen, status quo will always prevail
gone are the times of effective propaganda even though media would like for you to think otherwise
the future is libertarian, that is unless we all perish in nuclear hellfire; this will be achieved through steady advances in many technological fields including but not limited to distributed power generation, innovative material manipulation and everything nanotech, or so I wish
give this Kraut a medal
i'm not sure who it used to be but its us now
Wrong my Russian brother.
Tell me why you can build rocket and you can't build a quality cars any more.
Why you build a world class fighter jets and can;t build one refrigerator.
and inside i mean government
look again BGbro
I'm saying when the individual gets to be equipped with such capabilities thus divorcing himself from dependency on state or enterprise players, everything you've mentioned won't matter
>not going for Jewminati
>Russian ups i meant Slovenian
Cheers btw.
When you put it that way yes.
But those capabilities will be wonderful but iverything we use and cat comes from the world economy,
I am talking of goods and resources.
Getting them without buing them from somewhere makes them very very hard to get.
So we are very dependent.
I wish we could get those capabilities one day.
Cheeres brother :)
It is the Rothschilds though. They're the ones who own the Federal reserve, and banks all over Europe. Doris is a low level pawn(Think about that, a billionaire is a low level pawn to them). The Rockefellers are the other top enemies. The Li family in China is growing as well. They're already close friends with the Rothschild's
dolphins are playful and sensual creatures, don't even try to act like these dolphin sluts don't know exactly what they're doing