Brits, why is your gov so fucking clueless?

Cameron - says he will hand in the Article 50 notice on June 24

Come June 24, he steps down, FUCKING LIED to you

May "elected" by default, as others just withdraw, says she will hand in Article 50 "at some points"

Come October, courts say "you fucking cannot hand in Article 50" without parliament

Come November, memo leaks that the British government has fucking no clue whatsoever what it is doing.

How does it feel, Brits, to be ruled by idiots?

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DIY brexit boys. They aren't going to do it for you

the biggest idiot was cameron and his personal gambling.

we're working it out, that 'memo' probably isn't even real though.

i'm so glad we left, the EU is fucking disgraceful and should be destroyed... not long now :) France next. FUCK THE GLOBALISTS!


>Postpone until major European elections
>sit back and watch the fireworks as our negotiations and shitflinging run during the elections of every major European country
There is no better way than this

UKIP will rise, that is for certain. No pressure, Ms May.

>tfw chaos is the plan
Feels amazing


They were so sure it wouldn't pass. They literally had no plan B. I think this is a clear sign that the conservatives are so out of touch with the people that they may as well be on another planet. UKIP had no exit plan either, neither does Teresa May and Labour is still trying to commit sudoku to keep "radicals" like Corbyn out of their perfect party.

We're fucked, the entire Western world is fucked and I haven't even got to the Republicans/Democrats or France.

It's because Brexit isn't going happen.

Trump is going to wreck the world's economy with his trade wars and May will say "We are putting Brexit on a a temporary hold until the economy improves" and then she'll lose the next election to a Lib-Lab pact promising to Make Britain Great Again.

It's pretty funny really.

>that 'memo' probably isn't even real though.

"The document, compiled by consultancy firm Deloitte and obtained by the Times newspaper, says Whitehall is working on 500 Brexit-related projects and could need 30,000 extra staff."

Sorry, but Deloitte isn't the sort of firm which just makes up memos. They could lose their worldwide business doing this kind of shit.

The government are to blame because they arrogantly assumed the people would vote to remain and didn't bother looking in to the issue

UKIP and Labour didn't need a plan. They aren't in power. The blame lies solely on the Tories

well no shit, it was obvious brexit wasn't happening once your pigfucker PM pretty much told everyone to fuck themselves have fun trying to brexit without me.

>Labour is still trying to commit sudoku
sudoku is a bord game

outside of Sup Forums what kind of sentiment there is on brexit currently in britain?

are there any data or do you have ideas?

>Being this new

You got me. I was only pretending to be retarded.


>outside of Sup Forums what kind of sentiment there is on brexit currently in britain?

Everyone loves Brexit.

>Brits, why is your gov so fucking clueless?
Because British "people" are literally cattle.
They will accept anything their masters tell them to, without question.
They flee with their tails between their legs at the slightest fright.
They will gladly be herded to anywhere their master tells them.
They will gladly be led to the slaughter by the Muslims.

You don't know what 5D shitposting is, do ya guys? Jebus!

People love the idea of Brexit. Just wait untill it passes, then they'll LOVE it.

Why did this sharia loving, rotting corpse have to become PM?

Out of all the power hungry psychopaths we get this twitchy faced twat. I can't even look at her on TV without wanting to put my first through the fucking screen. Fuck her and her snoopers bullshit.

>How does it feel, Brits, to be ruled by idiots?

same as always really

>He only shit posts in 5D

Try (-1)^1/2 D shit posting

....nothin personal kid


Wishful thinking. You aren't out yet.

403, does not compute

U dirty eurocucks are in denial, there is no stopping this train.

Soros has already made sure it won't happen.

Just as he is trying to do with Trump right now.

They were not commissioned by the government to compile it.
They just pulled it out of their ass.
By "30,000 extra staff", they mean "30,000 extra Deloitte staff".

This site's fucking hilarious

This shit and Trump's transition is making me feel like we're going to end up fighting even after we "won".

If we end up in ww3 I'm still fucking this country over for it.

>By "30,000 extra staff", they mean "30,000 extra Deloitte staff".

Are you saying they lied about 500 Brexit related projects? Are you saying that such a project will not require several team members?

When are you guys conquering Argentina? I want us to be neighbours already.

Would you say now is a good or bad time to get into the Civil Service?


my fucking sides
I completely lost all trust in the democratic process.

>He thought the war was over
Senpai, it's only just begun

Oh well if DELOITTE say so

Yup, storm parliament, lynch every MP and staple article 50 to Cameron's head.

They're not idiots, this is deliberate
They just don't have the balls to tell the public they're ignoring you

I am saying that the report they compiled, since they were not commissioned to compile it, is merely a marketing tool for their own services, and can therefore be discarded.

Surely they still have the timeline for when they were implementing the EU. Why don't they just use that to go off of and reverse the process?

First we are not even sure if trump's serious about everything he said
Also, he's friends with goldman sachs jews and neo cons.

Yes. If Deloitte says so you can trust it to be right.

Big surprise. The elite clearly don't want it to hapen, so why would they put any effort in it.

No, no. That is bushido. Sudoku is when you kill yourself while bushido is the numbers game game. You have just misnamed your file.

How naive you are cheeseworm

>How does it feel, Brits, to be ruled by idiots?

This, coming from a German whos government let in over a million unvetted third world migrants.

Pol Prophecy

First three branches will become one

Next will be the island leaving.

It wasn't meant to happen before the Republicans took over Congress, Senate, and the President (Elect).

A bit more time and Brexit will happen.

They were confident they were going to stay. They never had a plan to leave, and I doubt they'll ever do it out of stubbornness. Most probably don't want to go down in history as the one to fuck Britain up, so it'll be up to you guys to get someone in there that has the balls to go through with it.

Think about it.
>Brexit set the UK to be fucked economically,

>Obongo say we are 'at the back of the queue' for trade deal with all signs pointing to Hillary victory.

>All of a sudden. Trump out of Fucking nowhere. Wants to be BFFs again

>Scrap shitty EU common market plan and make new one after Trump victory

All EU countries are dependent on each other. Making a Trade union removing immigration forced policies and a restrictive EU travel pass where declaring reasoning and economic feasability for staying in a country would make for a stabilizing trade union.

>the butthurt ITT
Britain will be fine

If Le Pen gets in next year then there might not even be an EU left to leave within a few years.

>britain becomes a monarchy again
are you ready to accept your queen merkel peacefully?

>No, no. That is bushido. Sudoku is when you kill yourself while bushido is the numbers game game. You have just misnamed your file.
You probably mean oishii, bushido is when you grab a telephone to call your aunt.

He's right.

I honestly don't see what the problem is.

Ignoring the question of the memo's legitimacy, I don't see why they should have a solid plan for a process that will take years, that hasn't even started yet and was only voted on by the public recently.

It's a good thing they are taking time to consider all the options in an unprecedented and unexpected situation, instead of committing to one plan immediately. The time since the referendum has been an opportunity to gauge reactions from other EU countries and how realistic it may be to stay in the single market. Making a plan before gaining this information would be useless.

>the petitions won't work
>the protests won't work
>the court decision won't do anything

face it it's over

next up say hello to "President Hillary"

I guess there was no next step to your master plan.

Just winging it ya kraut cunt.

We've not won the war, we've just chosen our general

Not to mention how the growing right wing across Europe and upcoming elections could drastically impact bargaining power and even the long-term survival of the EU.

>The time since the referendum has been an opportunity to gauge reactions

Which has obviously been exactly what they've been doing. The forthcoming elections next year are going to have a major effect on it too.

Nobody ever said this would be easy, but trust me when I say the hard part is over with:

Getting a popular majority vote from the people to LEAVE the EU is an undeniable mandate for the government to get us out. Sooner or later

Except you didn't leave, you didn't even trigger Article 50 yet.

of course you're a fucking kraut

Except it has emerged Deloitte authored this "memo" and not the government. Keep up you stupid fucking kraut.

U guys didnt leave yet idiot

She should have triggered Article 50 by Royal prerogative. They're right not to plan anything just yet because there are elections going on in Europe next year, but still Theresa May doesn't strike me as someone who wants to be PM.

that sounds painful

You won't escape the EU unless you fight for your freedom.

Listen, you little shit-eating goblin, Deloitte is a wretched company. They're so pathetic they bought out a unit at my university to beg students to come work for them. In what universe are they trustworthy?

When tough. Baguette the fuck out already cucks

Welcome to adulthood, kiddo.

Never hope. Hope is a lie.


So you're not even going to start the proceedings until 2018? You'll be in the EU for 5 more years at that rate

You're right. It is bollocks.

It's going to take longer than just a few years to unravel all that bollocks.

Not having a plan is part of the strategy for preventing us from leaving the single market. If the government actually wanted to leave the european union they would have a plan. At the moment its stalling and planning to keep us in.

>we left
not anytime soon, good lad.

There is no fucking way (((they))) are going to let Britain leave the EU, just like there is no way (((they))) are not going to crash the U.S. economy with no survivors because we elected Trump.

*jokes on you i pretend to be retard* meme

How would a Frexit effect us do you think?

When will people learn to never trust the jewish media?

David Cameron instructed the civil service to not bother planning for a 'Leave' vote. Then stood down and fucked off when he lost. We had no government for a while and May's government have had to plan everything from scratch. We'll leave eventually, it's just a case of doing it from scratch.

Basically David Cameron is a giant mong.

Implying there will be an EU left to leave

more complaining, no one would do anything because we're cucked as a people

>(((leaked memo)))


Supporting they trigger it in March


Have you learned nothing?

I see many Germans here defending or joking about the EU. Looks like you have loat all sense of nation and patriotism. It's quite sad to watch...

It's not Britain.

It's the EU who plans to utterly screw Britain over during the negotiations to scare other members into remaining in the EU.

Britain is wise to prepare itself before invoking article 50.

Look, there's only one way out of this for the brits.

First, you hold a vote to decide whether or not you want to keep the previous brexit result or if you want to revote on it.

If they vote to revote, and it passes again, then that's it. If they vote to forget it, then we forget it.

The world is going to point and laugh no matter what, but this is the only way you can reasonable finish this debacle while making it look like the peoples' opinion matters.

>Believing big corps
Top kek. It was proven fake too.

The kikes at it again, alas they can never wrong the Bong. We are eternal!

>We'll leave eventually, it's just a case of doing it from scratch.
IT is a fucking one page letter.

Neck yourself